It's okay. It was cool at first but got immensely tiring fast.
It doesn't help that it's far from a good party game considering that, if you queue with friends and, for example, one of them gets knocked out Round 1, they have to wait the ENTIRE game to play again. That's barely a party multiplayer experience imho.

The game has some neat ideas though.

I played this on DS as a kid and never finished it
I wonder why.

Literally the most boring Danganronpa game by a long shot
This game has 2 good trials and those are 1 and 5
The rest is hot garbage

About as good as Yakuza 3.
That is to say, it's a pretty decent game but woefully subpar in comparison with the rest of the modern Yakuza franchise.

It's alright but the gameplay was really grating on me even compared to the likes of Persona 3, I like a decent portion of the cast though

I kinda prefer this over Dark Souls 1 just because of all of the additions to the combat, and because the experience is more consistent on the whole (has a lot less of the low-lows that Dark Souls 1 has, but its highs don't hit NEARLY as hard)

This and Dark Souls/Dark Souls: Remastered are ABSOLUTE must plays. We don't talk about DS2.

Incredibly atmospheric and probably the best use of difficulty in a game to-date. Has incredibly high highs but I'll be honest in that the lows are.... not great (see Lost Izalith and Blighttown)

An absolutely wild ride, paced much better than the first VN

Great characters, art, and music, but it's a bit heavy on the exposition.
Seems to be setting the scene for a long running series, but since we haven't got milestone two side:below yet we can't know for certain lol

Really fun JRPG that doesn't treat you like an idiot (it will punish you if you decide to not play with at least 3 brain cells), but there are a few fights I don't like (looking at you, Noah).

Anyway, don't buy the remaster unless you strictly don't want to emulate. Remaster is not worth its price (£45 for an 18 year old game? Fucking really???), the original game (ideally the maniax chronicles version, because Raidou has Pierce which is important for a certain fight, and this version has an ENG patch).

the boss fights are on par with sex


See this game's alright until you play it for 6 years
Then it becomes shit
Fuck you Epic