Fun shooter but honestly pretty visually boring
Looking forward to see if this one can maintain a good competitive scene though
(written 31/08/2021, in case this game goes to shit in the future)

I decided to 100% the game, and here are my final thoughts:
Pretty good roguelite, although it does really urk me that some bosses are just kinda ass, and the game is VERY secretive about stat details and such which I found to be super unnecessary and more of an annoyance than anything

Also Frifle? Fuck you.

Really good platformer but holy fuck I will NEVER beat a run in this game
(will update if i somehow manage it)

Some levels in this game can drag super hard
Titanic Monarch fucking sucks

if Rean was the key to all my possible futures I'd fucking kill myself!!!!

Great game. Doesn't try and do anything super unique but it competently executes what it is trying to imitate/take heavy inspiration from. Areas don't overstay their welcome and the combat is satisfying. Just wish the game had a map.

I also don't really like the life seed/pots they're kinda annoying

Honestly by far my favourite Yakuza title. The turn-based combat isn't fantastic (step above Dragon Quest though, but DQ fucking blows) but man does it have my favourite cast in any Yakuza, my favourite story in any Yakuza and some of my favourite side-content to boot

god i fucking love ichiban

MAN this game never fucking ends
much better than y3 and 4 though

Doesn't really click for me tbh
May finish it off later

I'm sorry, I'm just not into Halo
(Finished Reach and CE, played half of 2)

I actively refuse to rate this game

Great game if you:
1) Install the OST mod, the base OST for this game is largely atrocious (thanks Mitsuo Singa). RIP PS4/5 and Switch players in this regard.

2) Don't go for the achievements. Falcom missable content is pure AIDS and you will regret it. It's also just far grindier than it needs to be.

it's okay
inoffensively "meh"

Honestly the sense of progression this one is unrivalled, excellent game on all fronts

Fun game, but I feel that a lot of the dungeons are overdesigned (a lot of frustrating hazards to the point of absurdity, especially in the new extra dungeon which I ended up skipping in the end).

Also the neutral final boss is a HUGE difficulty spike to the point that I'd recommend swapping to casual difficulty for it unless you like grinding.