some cool puzzles but some with stupidly obscure answers. also the dev sucks

it was fun for a year or two after its initial launch and then...


its a fine platformer, feels good enough. nothing particularly striking about it

a good vampire survivors clone with a little more engagement in the controls, it will only get better with more content

good puzzle game with a good aesthetic and art direction in general

peak puzzle game that i cant beat because i am bad

this was the first game i ever bought on steam

this used to be my favorite game of all time now i think it is pretty good

the controls in this game feel like you sank in a bog

i'm not even going to deduct any points for White Palace thats how good this game is


when i fight enemies in the later levels adrenaline kicks in and i stop thinking about what i am doing so i start button-mashing whilst praying that i do not die. i would try and improve at the combat, but i feel that praying for victory is more thematically appropriate