Really great game but no multiplayer freaking sucks.


Amazing game, but dang parry mechanic was too hard for me to grasp.

And I don't understand why I'm not bad at DMC royal guard as Dante and parrying in souls games SO WHY CANT I UNDERSTAND I WANNA BE GOOD....

But I just don't have time to master it rn will definitely come back to it later.


Awesome from what I played, will come back to it eventually rougelikes are my worst enemy I suck.

Amazing amazing game.

The sound design, haptic feedback, probably the best in any PS5 game.

The story is so freaking cool, trapped in a death loop, dying over and over, it's like a Nolan movie.

Awesome lore, gameplay is amazing and super addictive, enemy design is creepy and the atmosphere makes it feel like a horror game at times.

Loved the weapon variety, and can't wait to get back to it one of the best PS5 games.

Alrighty, after completing this game, I don't know if I can say it is better than heat. But I can say it just manages to be on par.

This game has one of the SLOWEST openings I've ever seen. It took more than an hour for things to finally open up and get into things. I felt like freaking dropping it.

But then once things open up, it is a freaking great game.

The gameplay, is what carries this game so hard. It's so fun. It's addicting, and you just can't stop playing. The new visual effects are so unique and enhance your cars and make them feel so powerful and fast and look so cool. And the gameplay, it feels so so good. Just like the old need for speeds. It gave me nostalgia of carbon, especially since they brought back light trails. I was hooked. Much better here than heat, a huge step up and feels like a throwback to the old nfs racers we loved, not to say heats is bad but this is a clear improvement and what makes the game worth it, as it should.

The graphics, performance, car models, are all better than heat here as it should be.

Car customization, and audio design is on par, if not better, it was already so good in heat and it's all here as well.

The soundtrack is amazing, just as good as heats and better. So many good tracks, a few bad ones it is a modern ea game, but overall very nice.

The story, it's a step up from heat I feel, but that's a low bar. It's cringe and bad but it's more fun here than heat. I liked the characters, not at the beginning they're terrible but as the story goes on u kinda like Tess, Rydell, and even Yaz near the end. Still overall as a whole it's pretty poor and kinda just gets the job done and gives u some enjoyment. However, the plot itself is more nfs than ever, your cars get robbed, you gotta rank up get cars and win your cars back. You become a legend. And man some of the missions are very very fun. Like the ones where you steal cars and one of the missions you get to drive the freaking iconic M3!!! So yeah, on the right track hopefully the next one is actually good and not just meh okay good. I also liked how npc racers were given more personality but not that much better here hopefully they can find a way to improve that.

The grind and pacing of the game, excluding the first 2 hours is very good. Earning cars, doing pink slips, and just racing feels fun and fair. You win so many cars and get to try out a different variety of them and it encourages you to. Some of the cars are a bit pricey, but it's still fair for the most part.

The night and day system are very much here, and they are just like heat. Super fun, and night starts off not being that exhilarating, but ends up being as good as heat if not better. I will say I had more fun in some of the chases in nfs heat, but I also had so much fun here. It's great, the cops still rubber and and have crazy catch up but it's not that bad here. Honestly I kind of miss the nfs heat cops lol.

The world is also great, pretty much as good as palm city, but it's better, filled with so much life. And overall just fun to drive in.

I wish they went more in with the effects, but the effects offered here are great and have a good variety.

Very good ui design and solid UI, looks very nice easy to get to where u need to go like heat. I like the aesthetics here more but heats was also great. I really enjoyed the colours and the way things look and transitions and etc here.

Now we get into the bad.

Multiplayer. Absolutely awful. Awful. Probably the worst multiplayer I've seen in the modern day a complete step back from heat.

Here's the problem with the game, story and multiplayer are SEPARATE modes and your progress is NOT synced. In nfs heat it was seamless. Invite your friend, boom done. Play missions change cars and you progress and are not penalized. And it's super fun, because you can do story missions whatever and you keep your cars and yeah, it's multiplayer.

Here, you start from 0 in multiplayer. None of your progress is synced, and the cars u have in story u don't have them in multiplayer. Why would I do the same thing twice. Also there's no story in the multiplayer LOL. It's a joke.

The crew system is completely scraped here as well. Why? Why is it gone? It was a perfectly good system and you could level up and look forward to rewards with friends and the community but it's just gone here. What a stupid decision.

And the garage system is also scraped. What a joke. It was nice displaying your cars and stuff and it's just gone here.

But overall here, there's lots of fun to be had here as a SINGLE player experience. Definitely would not recommend this if you wanna play this with your friends, just play heat. And honestly, because of that heat feels closer to full price than this game, but like heat unbound went on sale fairly quick. And no mtx, bs marketing, just a release date and they dropped the game so fair play. It's a great game, the core gameplay, customization, soundtrack, story, almost everything here is a step up. The gameplay is so addicting.

Another, good step forwardish? For the franchise, hopefully their next one they figure out all the issues and learn fully so we get a masterpiece.

One of the greatest games and platformers ever. Probably the hardest game EVER imo. Yes even harder than souls.

In cuphead, you are always the underdog. No matter what style shooter or charm u have equipped you'll never be as strong as ur adversary. No glitches, no help, just you. Pure skill. Pure trial and error.

Be prepared to rage, to git gud, and potentially play couch co-op with a friend haha. I bought this game in 2019 for the switch, stopped playing in 2020. Came back now and finished everything. That's how hard it is, in a souls game I quit for like an hour and then tried and beat the boss (not to say those games are not hard).

The story is quite simple and cute! Not a bad thing! The soundtrack is amazing and the game looks like a cartoon from the 60s! It's beautiful! Everything! The soundtrack, the gameplay, the weapons, the charms, the level design. Down to every last atom.


The level of detail they put into this game is crazy too. It's unreal, truly passionate people worked on this game. Even the dlc they released (which I haven't played yet) they delayed and released it for not even full prive! Fairly priced and you can tell they worked so hard on it! They even made a physical release because we demanded it!

Cuphead is an amazing game, this game is the reason we all love gaming. We play games to escape, to feel a sense of satisfaction, to feel that sense of happiness after we win. Or just to have fun.

Studio MDHR is special, and this game will be timeless. Textbook definition of a great game and masterpiece.


I was super excited for this game, but unfortunately it did not meet expectations.

The game is a slog. It's story and writing is a mess. It is awful unfortunately. Which is a huge bummer since it is inspired by Bioshock one of my favorite games ever. It is terrible, unbearable. Bad.

The game doesn't know how to set the tone and atmosphere, and just ends up feeling hollow and empty. You never feel any tension, or anything. You don't care about what's going on.

The world however is beautiful, and definitely meets the bioshock feel similar to Rapture or Columbia. But unfortunately, it can't even be compared in my opinion. It feels lifeless, all it has is looks.

The soundtrack is amazing, Mick Gorden doesn't miss.

The gameplay, yikes. Not very good. Cookie cutter, all over the place, and not fun to play. The skill trees and upgrading station UI is also awful. Not fun. There are a lot of cool mechanics, like looting, and the minigames are interesting but yeah that's it.

Enemy designs and designs as a whole are meh. Love the concept though of the whole Soviet floating city x robots x advanced sci-fi tech, but that's it. It just looks good and feels like it sometimes, especially when u see the posters around the city and the tech, but that's all. Like it doesn't immerse you.

I dropped the game. I couldn't do it. I very rarely drop games and I was so excited but after a couple of hours I couldn't take it anymore. You can tell a lot of hard work went into this game, but maybe it went into the wrong places. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, just play Bioshock. Glad I didn't pay for this.


SA2 is a worthy successor, and is better in almost every single way than the first game.

Focusing on a linear story and more closed stages is a decision I thought I wouldn't like, and I still love Adventure 1 and appreciate the open world and exploration aspect, but every single stage here is designed amazingly and is super fun to play.

Instead of making everyone super similar like the first and having pretty much the same story and stages, each character is given a different mission style and abilities which makes every mission fun to play and you get to mix it up instead of just playing as Sonic.

The hero and dark story paths are so cool. You end up in the same place from different perspectives. And the final ending is freaking peak.

Shadow has to be one of the coolest characters introduced in gaming. He's so mysterious, him and Sonic have a rivalry like Goku and Vegeta and u want to know more about his backstory and what he's been through.

The story is kinda dark LOL Eggman actually kinda is way more ambitious here and the story has more stakes. Everyone working together as a team is awesome, it's kinda like DBZ.

The controls are good, I feel the first had better controls and this game has aged pretty much as badly as it. Imagine if these games got remade, but the charm and nostalgia is always gonna be there. Also the sound design is good but man some repetitive noises and missiles playing as Tails gives u a headache sometimes.

Soundtrack is amazing just as good if not better than the first.

The battle mode if u play the 2012 port is a good edition and the kart racing mini game and chao racing, lots of extra stuff to do.

Overall, an amazing game and a great second game for 3D Sonic, in fact for me personally I think I prefer Sonic, but him and Mario were going toe to toe with their first few entries. This game is super fun to play, has lots of replay value, and while not as exhilaratingly fast as Sonic Adventure 1, it makes up for it with it's great story, character interactions, and level design and abilities.

Only up from here right?

The (slight) decline of Sonic begins.

This game looks great and still holds up visually, has a good soundtrack, and even the story isn't bad, but is still a downgrade. And overall coming from Adventure 2 to this feels like a huge downgrade, and rightfully so. And also the bugs and camera here can feel super infuriating at times unlike the other games. It also feels alot easier.

The controls and physics feel awful at first, you get used to them but they feel stiffer and light dash isn't as satisfying.

The level design is good but everything feels so so linear even though it has depth its hard to explain. And enemies having multiple health so you just spam the jump button until they're dead? Like it just feels boring. It's not the WORST but it just feels average coming from Adventure 1 & 2. Its also still quite fun and they are designed well for sure, just have issues.

The boss fights are a joke, coming from the carefully crafted and infuriating at time bosses to these is a joke, just mash until they're dead.

The team concept is cool but it doesn't work that much. It doesn't feel the smoothest and there's no reward or motivation to use it other than hey switch to power hey switch to speed hey switch to flying it just feels like a concept that was rushed and wasn't given much thought other than to meet the check mark of giving you something to do. But some of the new attacks and stuff are cool.

The gimmicks are pretty meh too, the rail missions feel like knockoffs of the Ratchet and Clank games and the infuriating controls and physics makes the missions unbearable cus u keep falling and also you just bug out so many times.

Metal Sonic goes so hard.

The exact same stages for everyone sucks too, and also the perspective playing as other teams just isn't as good as adventure 2. It has replay value so I appreciate the effort.

So yeah, is it a fun game and enjoyable? Definitely. But, coming from 10/10s to a 7, just feels jarring. None of the stages are that memorable too.

And also at the time people were starting to feel the decline of Sonic, or just getting tired of him, so this game didn't do a lot to help reignite the Sonic flame, still a good game and fun, but you can see this is where things started to go wrong for Sonic Team due to their ambition, and unrealistic timeline to make these games.

My first fire emblem and I'm happy to say I throughly enjoyed it.

This game is pretty good! I loved the gameplay, I liked the lore, character designs, voice acting was top notch, and the interactions between characters, however there is one huge drawback that kind of ruined the experience.

The story. It sucks. Its awful. It's bad. I liked some elements of it but overall it's cringe, messy, and just bad. Feels like a anime that went straight dvd and they stole the story off it. I feel if the story was stronger and the narrative this could be one of the best JRPGS ever. The gameplay is already so solid, so addictive and fun, so having that story merge in would be so nice. Sometimes the characters interact on the battlefield which is really cool. And some of the fights are so awesome. It actually feels like a war.

I liked how the characters from the old games came back, and they are kinda treated as legends so that was really cool, and the interactions with our modern characters were nice.

I loved how classes have different looks and you can build your characters the way you want, although it sucks you can't actually choose what they wear. I also think the weapon system and upgrade was good, however it felt a little limited and the weapons felt generic.

The graphics and performance are very good, one of the best looking switch games.

It was also disappointing how dragons are basically non-existent, you don't even use one or turn into one, the final boss is kinda a dragon so that was cool.

I really liked the social aspects, I wish they went more into them because you never really connect with any character, and this leads back to the story being weak of course.

The side quests or aka paralouges were alright, nothing special but adds more things to do and people to fight.

The arena mode was sick LOL. Seeing characters 1v1 and some close fights that are intense was awesome. They should make a fighting game. The somniel is not a bad addition, it could have felt more homie though.

But overall a fun experience, I wouldn't buy it at full price because the story is super bad or recommend it at full price but if you're looking to get into the series I feel this was a good introduction. Definitely a sale game.

Just here to pay my respects.

LOL what the fudge did I play, like what is this it's so weird, it feels like a dream you would have but Sonic Team made a game about it, it's so bizarre, who let Sonic Team cook!??

This game feels like a true sequel to Sonic Adventure 2 at times, the controls feel smooth like it too, you can go super fast at times, and ring dash is as satisfying as Sonic Adventure 2, and even the style and vibe reminds you of it, in a way Sonic Heroes didn't, especially in terms of gameplay.

The story, what the fudge..... Like it's so freaking weird, even the plot, and just everything. A Shadow the hedgehog game sounds so freaking awesome, but who expected him to use guns and this.. it's so odd.. like I like the concept and it's interesting in a way as it should be but it just feels a rushed mess of different ideas that just didn't stick, that needed more time.

The entire story and characters arcs are a mess I can't keep reiterating it, Shadows character development goes backward for some reason and the different branching paths and different choices to shape your story is cool but it doesn't work. It's too complicated, missions require too many enemies killed or healed or whatever and it just feels boring and like a slog. And the fact you have to play it 10 times to get the true ending is lol.

The level design is also not the greatest, due to the introduction of guns and cars and whatever other complicated gimmick mechanics Sonic team implemented. Again, I respect the effort but there's too much going on in this game and in the levels, that it ends up overcomplicating things and things get rough. I think these levels could've been even better if they had a coherent vision, and implemented the new mechanics and gimmicks better, like the bosses and fighting enemies gets a little boring too because all you're doing is spamming the same thing over and over. But I still enjoyed it.

Can't lie, one or the hardest game openings of all time, so edgy, and the soundtrack is good, I don't think any Sonic game I've played so far has had a bad one. It's fun.

I also just enjoyed the game, it's funny, it's not what you expect, the story's a mess, the writings a mess, but it's like a bad funny/enjoyable type mess, and not a bad bad mess.

Sonic Team, again, had great ideas, but terrible execution, there's so many great ideas here and it's not even the worst game or anything it's fun, but coming from Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 and all the other amazing Sonic games this feels not very good. We as Sonic fans have been served 5 star meals, and going to a 3 star or even a 2.5 its not right, it's jarring. And not to mention the fact this game came out in 2005, and almost everything was a downgrade from Heroes to most people, or people had higher standards since this game looks and feels dated even for when it released.

On to Sonic 2006, I'm scared.


Banger. Shredders revenge instantly reminded me of this game.

Please let ArcSys make a Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece game PLEASEEE.