I'm happy, so happy actually to say Sonic Frontiers is a good game, a great game at times a matter a fact.

SONIC IS BACK BABY! And I hope Sega keeps it up and I am excited for the release of Sonic Superstars, and hopefully Frontiers 2 assuming they are keeping and polishing this formula and gameplay further as it is very solid.

Frontiers has an epic soundtrack, one of the best in the franchise and gives you vibes of all the best games in this legendary, rocky series.

The art style was nice, felt modern and cartoony but not too cartoony like Forces. The character designs were really nice for everyone, Sonic looks amazing and I really liked Amy’s design as well.

The game has a solid opening, and a more mature tone which is such a nice change of pace. The game has serious moments, but knows how to implement Sonic and co’s humor and man it just felt so good.

Level design is a little weird but it’s fun and fast, it does feel unfinished (the game as a whole) at times but the way Sonic moves and plays is just so fun. Literally on flat surfaces just moving as Sonic is just so fun. Sonics ability’s are so freaking awesome as well, the combat is phenomenal, it gets repetitive but there’s cinematic moves and moves that just look so cool and you can do combos it’s so sick. Just fighting enemies is so solid they made a great combat system.

Boss fights were freaking awesome, they could’ve been more creative with them but they were generally fun even if a little mind numbing the music and playing as Super Sonic was so fun he really feels OP like he should. Final boss sucked tho, awesome cinematics though and wholesome.

Portal levels are dope. Very solid, I wish they were a little longer though.

Sandbox is awesome, Sonic 06 if it was good and its like a magical mystical run all over this historical island type place. But again, it feels unfinished and just seems like it needed more polish.

Great dialogue, story is weird though but gets better as you play. Amazing cutscenes too.

Kokos lol, cute but get annoying to collect.

Not Sonic Odyssey, but it is? Honestly the next one should be like Odyssey, it feels like that sometimes playing it but its not exactly the same.

Power boost is insane btw.

Father😭 Eggman making moves. Deep story at times too.

Knuckles characterization was dope, love the cute Koko soldiers and how he rememberer how he and Sonic met first and they're friends. Amy at the end of the story with Sonic was so cute too. Tails and Sonic are always bros.

Overall, Frontiers is an unexpected, but relieving return to form for one of my favourite franchises. It is almost the one we deserved, the game comes close to a 9/10 and 10/10 at times, and although I enjoyed the game I can not give it a higher than a 8/10. The game launched poorly, had tons of performance issues and bugs, and had patches for things that should have been in there in the first place. The additional dlc being free is very nice and gives incentive to return and shows they truly care which I appreciate.

I enjoyed this game, can’t wait to come back to it for the dlc, and platinum it, and lets hope Sonic keeps speeding ahead as he should.

Wowwwwww. There's no surprise playing this game and it being amazing. I can see why people hold it in such high regard and have great memories from the Dreamcast days from it, and it being one of the goat games on Dreamcast next to Sonic Adventure 2. 

The games art style and direction is perfection. Soundtrack? Come on, you probably have already heard about it, it's amazing.

Gameplay mechanics, tough but fair. Can’t wait to see the improvements and additions in JSRF but man is it solid.

Story is cool, turf war for graffiti funny cop guy and cops chase you and people join our squad and challenge you after doing missions, different factions are unique and interesting. 

Enemy variety is sick, SWAT team with gas, dogs that slowly pinch ur health and biker cops. Very creative. Whole game oozes with creativity and originality. 

All the stages are completely different and just fun and amazingly designed. Kogane stood out to me and it's track but the Love Handle ones I forgot what they were called that stage was awesome too hardest one for me and really made me learn the game and explore and use my style. It’s a tough game but so rewarding. Aged amazingly

Noise reduction hardest stage btw killed me.

Banger. One of the goats.

RE5 is a fun game but is a complete step down from the amazing and arguably greatest game of all time RE4. Although I enjoyed my time with the game, it’s plagued with issues that I couldn’t overlook and just goes backward from RE4.

The coop campaign is awesome, I hate how the screen is cut off though if on local. Honestly I would say don’t even bother playing this alone, the game is worse alone.

Great tone, setting, graphics and art direction is beautiful still holds up.

Great controls, they’re like RE4. Inventory is a huge downgrade, although a shared inventory is a great idea, design of the UI itself can be improved.

Too many enemies feels generic most of the gameplay, so much mindless action, RE is still in there but a lot of it is gone unfortunately.

Wesker carries the game hard, his boss encounters and dialogue and cutscenes are peak RE, even Chris at times. Sheva is cool she’s not Jill but she grows on you. Jill is so real btw, also her writing and role was kinda wasted in this game.

Feels like a RE4 but worse most of the time, virus is similar, enemies are similar, feels cheap.

Too many loading screens 
Unfair checkpoints at times
Bad puzzles
Terrible revive animations and crowd control sucks.
Not scary 
No atmosphere
Just not very RE and way too action focused.

Cool death screens, super gorey.

RE4 references; Kennedy report, Las Plagas is awesome. Wish they tied it in more. 

Dogs are sick, they got chainsaw dude not man from RE4, Ogres are sick once again, I liked the enemies but too much like RE4.

Overall, I enjoyed the game but its a complete step down and only worth playing coop. Some cool stuff in here but this is where the decline of RE started. Hopefully the remake makes this much better as there was a lot of potential here.


Now this is an anniversary present, Sonic’s 20th anniversary is one of the best anniversaries for a video game franchise ever. What a treat for us, this game is amazing.

The game like any Sonic, has an amazing soundtrack, and also the art style is awesome, it continues off of unleashed basically, and the game in terms of day levels is unleashed upgraded in every way. This is what Sonic The Hedgehog 4, and Sonic 06 shouldve been.

The gameplay and animations are amazing, although the animations mainly for classic sonic feel off a little bit. Modern Sonic plays well, super fast and fun the GOOD parts of unleashed. Classic is what classic should be in modern day.

Cute and interesting story, kinda back to the roots, one of the best multiverse stories its so awesome. Beautiful cinematics as well. Love the classic and modern interactions between characters and the dialogue is really good.

Really simple ui no opening cutscene for the story, UI is good tho nice design but feels a little unfinished. Cute loading screens and extras little things like that add up. Omochao is annoying why is the hand-holding necessary. Please stop. Sick and tired of reusing zones although the gameplay makes them fun.

Similar to unleashed where ur locked off from progressing and u have to do challenges in the same stages, it's kinda fine here since the core gameplay is good but annoying.

Classic sonic got violated LOL he gained weight chubby like Knuckles said, Metal Sonic v classic sonic was awesome even modern vs shadow nice bosses although a little simple. Love all the stages as well and the callbacks.

Overall, Sonic Generations will always be remembered as a beacon of light during Sonic’s toughest period, its overall a great and fun game that needed a little more polish, a little more budget and a few dots to connect but its so solid. I loved the time I spent with the game and would come back to it regardless of its issues, that could be resolved fairly easily but unfortunately exist, because the game reaches perfection so many times. I also just wish it was longer and packed with a little more content.


If you're reading this it's too late


Genuinely one of the best endings I’ve seen in my life still can’t stop thinking about it months later.

Can’t wait to play the dlc and grab the platinum.

This game is amazing. The final product is truly one of the best cods. Tons of maps, weapons, content, and new features and qol stuff. Great camo grind and doesn’t waste your time. A worthy sequel to modern warfare 2019 despite its issues in gameplay due to infinity wards stubbornness. However the gameplay is still great.

The weapon system is probably the best in any of the cods, it incentives you to use a variety of weapons guns you would generally not use to use them. And to unlock other guns you have to meet those requirements of using different guns for a small amount of time. It’s awesome. And the newer guns you can unlock by playing DMZ if you want. And they brought back firing range. And gunsmith is amazing and even better. You can make guns and do crazy stuff.

Raids are fun and a great fresh concept to continue the story as well, coop was a huge improvement and is almost as good as the old modern warfares and the campaign was a solid reimagining of MW2. Tons of new modes and the new maps they made are very solid, even warzone and dmz (although I feel warzone really hit different because of covid so it’s harder to keep you hooked in this game). Gunfight is back too and it’s amazing sucks they took so long though. (Proximity chat and forced voice chat is goat)

The haptics on ps5 are underutilized still good but I feel like they could’ve done a lot more.

Graphics, gun animations, sounds, maps, are all freaking beautiful. This game will age so well.

However, since the game wasn’t like this at launch wasn’t like this for months actually, and the live service was basically the same as mw2019 and the launch was rockier- still solid, I will give 3 ratings.

Launch- 8/10

Post launch- 7/10 due to the slow rollout of content and fixes for modes

Final product; all maps, weapons and modes- 10/10

I hate this live service era of games and I honestly still don’t know how I feel about it. It’s a double edged sword. But I’m happy that I came back to the game and it’s met the expectations I originally had set for it post launch.

(Also the ui is horrible since they wanna do the one launcher thing, and the store sucks even in mw2019 it did hate the stupid goofy rappers and skins they added although some collabs are great like tomb raider and homelander again a double edged sword we even got some cool limited time game mode collab events. I wish they just gave us a toggle option to keep the gritty vibe so we don’t have to see these cartoony things in the war game LOL.)

Pretty good you can definitely tell this game built a foundation for all the future games and really helped shape how they play and basically what they’re like.

This review was written before the game released


It’s alright for a tech demo but if this is the future of silent hill we’re fudged😭

The story is abysmal hopefully they get better writers

But the graphics, tone, soundtrack, atmosphere, etc, it’s solid not bad definitely potential if they can actually make a good story these things can be repurposed for a good silent hill game.