1477 Reviews liked by tasukete

You'd have to be a masochist to try and complete this to 106%. It's an excellent platformer regardless; the challenge is tough but never feels cheap, it controls perfectly, cutscenes are very charming, and there's a heaping amount of content. Toys For Bob really outdid themselves with this one.

It's like they looked at the best parts of the previous game and decided to do the opposite while doubling down on the worst?

The fantastic level design/exploration loop is thrown out the window for a linear funneling through the butchered locales. The recycling of areas from the previous game while the clock tower, park, and other areas were missing was especially disappointing.

The horror/action balance is thrown off with a heavy focus on action without many gameplay shifts to account for it. The dodge mechanic was a start but it feels half baked and clearly isn't enough to carry things on its own.

Meanwhile they gave us more scripted chase sequences because everybody's favorite part of REmake 2 was totally the crocodile sewer bit. Nemesis roams around/messes with you in a non-scripted way for all but 10 minutes and he's less of a threat than the zombie mobs that are all over the place. What happened?

It isn't all bad, still. The character designs (Jill looks great and Carlos is really hot lmao), the characters themselves, and the soundtrack were all nice. Those can only go so far when the rest of the game was so rancid.

Generally the mangling of the source content you're remaking would go over better if the new content you have to show for it was worth a shit. I would've been totally here for a nice reimagined REmake 3 but this isn't great as a fresh or nostalgic experience.

I feel like this is the breaking point of my heavy investment in the series. It feels really bad tbh.

Cashing in on the PT hype, Capcom teased a massive change in Resident Evil's gameplay and aesthetic with the demo 'Beginning Hour' and soon enough Resident Evil 7 was released and praised as a return to its horror roots.
Much like PT, Capcom's equivalent takes full advantage of the wide first-person perspective to push the gamer directly into the detailed horror environment. Much like with the early fixed camera-angle games, the player anticipates a nasty threat around every corner. In fact, the game does remarkably well to reference puzzles and locations from the very first Resident Evil title.
Despite all its polish, the seventh title continues the trademark lack of subtlety with the big scary monsters and craaazy redneck family.
Whilst I'd take this over most other standard zombie horror games, it remains far from the subtle psychological horror I enjoy in the likes of Silent Hill.

Undertale é uma daquelas jóias modernas que possuem forte liberdade criativa em cima de um conceito explorado livremente pelo autor.

Tobyfox e Temmie se unem pra criar uma experiência ao mesmo tempo divertida, reflexiva e emocionalmente impactante com um conto que apela para sentimentos plausíveis ou contraditórios, de acordo com a rota escolhida pelo jogador.

Além da criatividade e do uso de reviravoltas que explodem a mente, o cast de personagens carismáticos convida a explorar alternativas que as mecânicas centrais do jogo oferecem.

Na real é difícil definir Undertale em poucas palavras. O jogo se destaca absurdamente pela metalinguagem e pela subversão de tropes, o que confere a ele muita personalidade e um caráter único.

Um pouco lento e dependente de novos corres pra mostrar sua beleza maior e mais importantes facetas, o que não é mto do meu agrado, apesar de fazer sentido e não se tornar desagradável por conta do conteúdo diferente, ainda que haja a necessidade de repetir diálogos e outros elementos da rota anterior.

Undertale é sem dúvida alguma um dos jogos mais peculiares, únicos e geniais já concebidos.

As mecânicas que quebram paradigmas do gênero, o roteiro absurdamente despretensioso que surpreende o tempo inteiro com diálogos cativantes, aconchegantes, divertidos e que não temem em adentrar em temas mais pesados capazes de despertar sentimentos múltiplos no jogador.

Destaque ainda para a belíssima trilha sonora que ultrapassa e muito o conceito de mero acompanhamento, criando momentos especiais, tanto de introspecção e melancolia, como também tranquilidade, motivação e embalo de momentos tanto épicos como tocantes. Uma trilha facilmente figurável no panteão de melhores da mídia dos videogames.

Surpreendente em diversos sentidos, o jogo não tem medo de dialogar com o jogador fazendo extenso uso de metalinguagem e firulas de apresentação para criar momentos extremamente envolventes e marcantes.

Tudo isso com um elenco de personagens cativante não só com personalidades, mas também trejeitos e desenvolvimento encantadores, engenhosamente apresentados com muito humor e extravagância.

É difícil apontar pontos negativos, mas senti que o ritmo do jogo enfrenta alguns momentos mais sonolentos e enfadonhos, além de um sistema de finais que por conta das mecânicas e a metalinguagem pode exigir a odiosa repetição da jornada caso o jogador não se toque, ou não saiba interpretar o direcionamento do jogo (é bastante provável, inclusive) .

Uma obra-prima (pós-)moderna.

The gameplay is pretty good but the goobley gook of a story and terrible direction leave are really bad taste in your mouth. Keifer was horrible and the new characters not much better. Left unfinished but even if it was it would not have saved it. Some of the dumbest plot lines I've ever experianced it. It was really bad. What happened Kojima? The gameplay is the only saving grace.

Depois do banho de água fria que foi Invisible War, Human Revolution é um digno retorno à forma. Apesar de alguns deslizes pontuais, consegue com sucesso trazer a fórmula e profundidade do Deus Ex original para padrões modernos. Não só isso, também faz algumas adições bem interessantes à série, como o sistema de persuasão usado em alguns chefões.

It's mostly fine but I'm not sure Bioshock is a game that can carry itself well with such an iterative sequel for me personally. A decent chunk of this feels worse than it did in the previous game (the hacking, dealing with Little Sisters, and the research camera) and there isn't a lot to make up for it. Even still it isn't bad and it was solid for one playthrough either way.

I'm hoping for a more enjoyable time with Minerva's Den.

Only played a bit of it as a rental. It's an okay DMC or God of War clone in gameplay. Took a lot of different liberties from Dante's Inferno from what I recall. The most memorable thing to me was the Trails of St. Lucia or something. I remember watching video's about it, as it sounded really cool. It was sort of a customizable create a challenge trials mode where you could change what enemies spawned and mess with their health and other variables. I remember wishing Devil May Cry had something like this. A bloody palace editor mode.

This is a bit better than I had given credit for in the past. I'm not sure how since the combat, fetch quest mission design, aesthetics, and map layout all leave a lot to be desired (that's pretty much a solid 80% of the game). Regardless there's a solid gameplay loop to be found in exploring the wasteland, doing quests, and becoming progressively more overpowered due to the perks, skills, and equipment you come across or receive. Miracles do happen, I guess.

I played this on game pass so I could snatch achievements for Microsoft Rewards so i didn't have access to any of the DLC. I'm looking forward to eventually giving this a third playthrough on PC with mods and all the DLC for the first time.

Definitely better with co-op, as Sheeva can be a mixed bag at times as an AI partner. Boulder-punching memes aside, the game's pretty alright and at times, even somewhat fun. It's not going to win any awards by me, but I definitely enjoyed it enough to pick it up on discount for the PS4 years later.

This game is bad. I can imagine playing co-op should be fun but the single-player experience is appalling. The AI companion is unbearable and completely ruined it for me. Not that the game was great apart from that, everything is so uninspired and dull. The worst RE so far. Chris punched a boulder lol

Best Mega Man game. Everything was on point. The stages, bosses and music were all great. All the weapon powers were super useful which is really hit or miss for classic Mega Man. The right balance of difficulty and length as well. Mr. Perfect challenge will haunt me forever though.



I adore this game. It reminds me of gaming when I was younger. However, this game does definitely have its dated moments. Playing it with nostalgia for an era when Rockstar was still creating new IPs, it was what I had hoped would usher a new era of Rockstar. It was a fun, gta inspired game that showed R* was having a great time making new games. Playing it now, however, it definitely shows its age.

A game changer, not only for Resident Evil and Capcom but for games in general, it really changed games. The fixed camera over the shoulder, which gives the sense of tackling monsters head-on without losing the third-person experience, was adopted by most games of the action/adventure/horror genres: Dead Space, The Evil Within, the Batman: Arkham games, The Evil Within, The Last of Us and so on.
And the gameplay - combat, movement and item managed - has thus never been more deeply satisfying. It also allows for moments such as a bag-headed villager running at you with a chainsaw to be pants-shittingly scary.
The schlock of the previous games - hokey plot and silly voice acting - is made a virtue of here, with self-aware delivery and humorous characters (can we ever take Salazar seriously?). It's B-movie tongue-in-cheekness married with top-tier gameplay.
However, the best bits truly are in the 'European' village in the first half of the game; as much as I love the big silly castle and creepy monks, the second half doesn't have that atmosphere. Perhaps it's harsh to compare it to something like Silent Hill, as it Resident Evil has never been the place for subtlety.