1477 Reviews liked by tasukete

I remember when this game first released and I played it for the first time I was very mad that they hand waved the end of umbrella and the lingering classic plot lines with a really weird version of Leon. Even when I had issues with that I still recognized RE4 as a superb action game. Funny I things change as time goes on. I look back fonder on it than I initially did but honestly would put it in the back half of RE games ranking for me personally. Regardless no one can deny what an incredible game it is. The action is top notch. The environments are well developed and while the game is not "scary" it does have an underlayer of suspense to it. The game is pretty long but at the same time doesn't feel bloated. The core gameplay mechanics are very well done. Being able to shoot an enemy, watching them react and then go in for the melee kill never gets old. This game is very influential that games are still today look at it for inspiration. It changed the third person action genre forever. The hype was crazy when the game released. The game feels like a side thing in the overall RE world but it's a welcome vacation.

Truly a timeless classic. If Super Mario RPG and Paper showed people that Mario games can have gripping stories and emotion, Thousand-Year Door outdoes both of those games by miles and gives us one of the weirdest, most unique, and most heartfelt Mario game yet. Everything from the improved battle system to the fun characters and villains to the creative locations is just dripping with charm and there's really no other game quite like it. I legit got invested to the point where this game felt like a really good anime. It's awesome.

I wasn't really fond of the transition to 3D / pseudo-3D that games were taking on because I was a stubborn dork back in the day. That being said, I did enjoy Lament of Innocence, even if it felt a little dull and plodding at times. I was quite fine with the camera style and combat -- though samey -- was engaging enough to not become downright boring.

It's a Resident Evil off the rail and I don't mean in a good way. The game is way too corny and cringe in a bad way. Characters are all over the place and they look and feel like C rated stand ins for the regular cast. Gameplay is different. It's a third person / light gun hybrid. It plays as clunky as it sounds. Everything about the game is forgettable. The games tone is all over the place and feels cheap.

I'm going to echo what everyone is saying, it's a master piece. The gold standard of a remake. It also doesn't even invalidate the original IMO too. I play them for different reasons.

REmake takes the original and amplifies the atmosphere by 100. The spencer mansion has never looked better. The prerendered graphics look amazing in their detail even 20 years later. Seriously I've always been a fan of prerendered backgrounds. The detail in every background is just oozing with life. It really looks lived in. Subtle animations like wind blowing, clock ticking, rain and lightning, curtains waving coupled with the amazingly well done remastered soundtrack really set the tone. Character models looks so good with all the extra processing power being put into them.

The game is a remake in all aspects except and that's the core gameplay. With all the changes the game received I'm super glad that the basics are the same. Limited ammo, lots of items with minimal inventory and the pacing of gameplay is even the same. The cinematic camera angles and tank controls still work like a charm. The new modern controls added in the remaster version totally break the game, but if that brings new players while keeping the core controls intact so be it.

So many new things where added to the game but at the same don't feel like bloat. They feel like they were always there. Like the grave yard, the Lisa Trevor parts and the added rooms inside the mansion. The game even tricks players that are too familiar with the original game by changing up some of the puzzles and playing with expectations on where your supposed to go. You still take the same basic path in the right order but how you get there and with what maybe different.

If I had to list one negative thing that I don't really like in this perfect recreation is the new voice work. Look I get the original voice overs where over the top and cheesy and that is never going work in a serious remake. The problem is I find the new work to be so dull and lifeless. There's no emotion in anything and everything sounds flat. It feels like they were afraid to have any range outside basic line reads. I think REmake 2 and REmake 3 do much better in that regard. At the end though it's nitpicking and doesn't hurt the experience at all, just thought I throw it out there.

In summary it's a perfect remake, that honors the original while improving upon it without changing it's identity.

The greatest video game of all time, and perhaps the greatest work of art, period.
Not only a milestone in the 'cinematic game' but one which pulls you into its inescapable (foggy) atmosphere and makes you complicit in the mystery of Mary Sunderland.
Every detail about this game unnerves on a profound level, from the illogical level design and subtle ambient hums to the distinctly Lynchian dialogue and even lines of description: 'The door that wakes in darkness, opening into nightmares.'
On top of that, the soundtrack to this one is not only Akira Yamaoka's best work but just one of the all time greats.
There is, quite simply, no other work of horror so concise and masterful.

My favorite Zelda game of all time. Something about the flow of this game is perfect to me. As someone who prefers out of dungeon experiences this game is tailor made for me. I love the whole style of it too. The graphics have also a get a lot better than OOT. Phenomenal game!

This is the game that defined most of my gaming life. It was the one that sold me on the Zelda franchise like no other. The dark, deep moments it presents are all I have ever wanted in a game. There are certainly complaints about it that are probably justified but I am biased as all hell and with zero remorse. I cannot get over how much this game means to me and I wouldn't want it any other way.

One of the most unique and memorable Zelda games out there. It may use the same engine as Ocarina of Time but everything from the constant time limit to the mask transformations and subsequent mask quests makes this game function unlike anything seen in the series.

Resident Evil: REused assets that somehow look worse Edition - Now with worse voice acting than RE1!

It's a light gun game that Capcom took out the light gun support option. Who wants to play it on a d-pad? Umbrella Chronicles this is not. Visually it looks worse than RE2 and even at times RE1 and it came out AFTER them. Games worth a so bad it's good playthrough as it's short and easy and at times hilarious but that doesn't make it not trash.

Silent Hill is a fantastic horror game on the PS1. I think a lot of it's limitations actually help it rather than hinder it. The fog sets the atmosphere really well and the designs of the monsters with their "PS1" style visuals make them look more demented than they really are. The town is well envisioned and it's fun exploring it. Open world horror at this time was unheard of. I'm more of a residnet evil guy but man I love me some SH1.

As its original press advertised, so much more than a Resident Evil clone.
Whilst Resident Evil was a milestone in survival horror, Silent Hill opened a whole new rusty window of opportunities for scary games.
Perhaps there's a little nostalgia for the nuanced PS1 graphics but the look of the game is incredibly distinct, setting the standard for its many sequels. Unlike in Silent Hill 2's many sad, empty spaces, the original game always feels moments away from danger and never feels safe.
The snowy town of thick fog and the pitch black voids with rustic grate flooring, alongside Akira Yamaoka's iconic sound design are key to one of the most oppressive atmospheres in any game ever.
Whilst the monsters are interesting in design, it does feel like they improve in the next few sequels, but I'd choose fighting fleshy pterodactyls over zombies any day.
Silent Hill is one of the most iconic horror franchises in popular gaming culture, although sadly due more to the likes of Pyramid Head and major aspects of the sequels. For this reason, it should be reiterated that the original holds up and is still one of the best games not only in its franchise but of all time.

God I love these games. They ooze with character, the art style is very much on brand for N64 Rare games and that is phenomenal. This collectathon never felt over the top with what it asked. The characters are so well done, the music, God the music, it is easily one of the reasons to play this game. The audio design is great and I cannot wait to replay this game when it releases on NSO, barring it being a mess of an emulation.

Masterful game. RE2 I would say is one of those rare perfect games that did everything right. It was one of my favorite games of the time and I still play it every year to this day.

I can remember the hype leading up to this game. The magazine coverage, the commercials and the trailers that would play in the game stores. I was crazy hyped to play this and I had only just finished playing RE1 just before this game was released. At the time I didn't have the money to buy it but my friend had it and everyday for like a month we would play it after school. We so so bad at it too. I remember we could only play for an hour a two a day and we would forget what we did and what we were supposed to do and get lost and die repeatedly. When we finished we had a C rank the first time. We didn't even unlock scenario B. I can't even fathom being so bad at it now. I literally have the game mapped into my brain and can beat it so fast now I just can't comprehend it. We didn't care it was just so fun and atmospheric. I didn't actually own the game myself until the dual shock version dropped later in the year. I remember going into the gamestop to buy it and it was priced at 49.99 and the clerk there said "hey, i have this version here sure but I also have the original version here on sale for 20 bucks. It's a lot cheaper and it's literally the same thing with out rumble." I appreciate the offer but I informed him that the dual shock version had the extra battle mode and me being the such a big fan that I was I would easily get 100 hours on that alone. Worth every penny. I must have beaten this game about 100 times. I just love everything about it.

As for the game itself what can I say that people don't already know. It was bigger better and just as iconic as RE1. The scope and gameplay was just so much better. Game was gorgeous and was a perfect horror game. The story, cutscense and characters were all great and the game had such a grand epic feel to it. So much replay value to be had too. The multiple scenarios depending on which character you chose first and how it affects the different one, gave you FOUR campaigns to play and then had two unlockable bonus modes with Hunk and Tofu. Then there was the three stage EX battle game that spanned the entire game that was different everytime and with 3 separate difficulties just for that mode. And hard mode on that was a real challenge.

RE2 is a game that gave me a sequel to a game I already loved and turned my love of the franchise into a full on obsession. Every version of this game is great. The N64 version is pretty crazy that it could be made at all. I've also want to try the dream cast version as that has an unlockable hard difficulty in the base game exclusive to it. The gamecube version is good too but having the PS1 Classic version on my vita I have played that a ton. Got it with me and an hour to kill. Just beat RE2 again. Even with the full on REmake 2 I still prefer this version. They play differently and shockingly enough I actually think the story is told better in the PS1 version. That and the scenario system is better in this version too.

This game is awesome. It's amazing how well animated this is. At times I forget it's even a PS1 game. This was a great transition to 3D for the blue bomber. So many cool and interesting characters and a fun little town to explore and mess around in. Lots of customizations and dungeons to conquer. It's a great romp.