how come can a healer deal much more damage than a class named fucking "dps" ???

Worse than you may think.

Nero has only 1 blade and weapon which makes him really boring to play. He also has a demonic arm called "Devil Bringer" but still sucks.

Then you get to play as Dante. The enemies were clearly designed for Nero, so It is a pain in the ass while trying to kill those, such as the flying ghosts, and the bosses are really easy to kill with Dante.It still is a DMC, so better than most of the games.

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This is the best game in the series.

I had 0 experience with Visual Novels when I first started Danganronpa Series. After I finished the first danganronpa, I continued the series naturally. And as I said, this is the best among the series. Here is why:

1. Characters are more appealing and interesting to hear their current stattuses, their opinnions on the casses or just hanging out with them.

2. Story really evolves great and tells the story of Remnants of Despair and what happened to them and what they did.

3. Casses are not obvius as the first game (other than the 2nd oof) and not boring. Even the first case (last games first case sux) is great. My second favourite case is in this game, 5th one. (Favourite is the 3rd games 5th one)

4. Plot Twists are really good. Even though you know what will happen at first, game hits you with really good stuff. In literally every chapter of this game there is a plot twist (I wouldn't count the second chapters since it was obvious af) and they are all great ones.

Definietly worth the price 9,5/10 (fuck you Peko)


the first walkthrough really is fun to play. Exploring the ancient sites, the huge-ass castles and some little wooden sheds with npcs in it really makes you feel special and most of the times you may find something that your friend havent yet. Especially this feeling was so great when the game first came out.

I'd definietly recommend it but i suggest you to only have one save and change it whenever you want since starting again is cancerous af.

still not better than LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game

only the first 5 hours are worth to play, rest of the game ,since you are too OP and not scared of nights and volatiles anymore, starts to become a childsplay

funny bugs and some fuckedup bugs


only played Leon part since man = based and women = biased (belongs to kitcThen) :vomit:

You get to play as:
1. the classic cunt
2. emo boy with anger issues
3. VA that doesnt fit
4. has some opinions he is too scared to share
really good deal tbh


doesnt make me feel like a cat

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fucking sucks a huge donkey cock