this game is super fun, but the most fun - in my opinion - comes from trying to speedrun this, learn new trickjumps or even mods!

while this isn't the prettiest looking pokemon game, it's still a decent amount of fun. sure, it could've been a bit more open, connecting the areas how scarlet/violet did, but it was a decent first attempt to be open world. the music is enjoyable but nothing crazy and it's rather easy to come across shinys in this game, which is neat

while it's rather short and a bit overprized for that length, it's a fun side story. yuri, balthus, constance and hapi are all fun characters, even if i'm not the biggest fan of hapi myself. the soundtrack is nice, if a bit short. the maps can be a bit too hard for my taste, but are still doable. i also enjoyed learning more about byleths family, which seemed like it should've been part of the mainstory tho

this is a very average game, but not a bad one. the story isn't anything crazy, but i've had my fun with it. it's simple "turn off your brain and kill enemies" sorta fun, so don't expect too much from it.

i believe this game sadly has too many fates characters in it and not enough characters from other FE games. i would've loved to get characters from different games in the main story, not just as dlc content. the three original characters are pretty decent. the twins are cute but not very deep characters. darios was sorta fun, but it's a shame he wasn't playable.

the soundtrack was very average as well, no song really standing out to me.

as much as i love fire emblem, this game is sadly the worst i have played so far. i wanted to like it, but it just didn't work for me. the castle build "mini-game" isn't any fun, the story is bad and the only thing that made me give the game the rating it received is the cast. characters like laslow, odin and selena were pretty great. but they alone can't save this game.
i love seeing every support in fire emblem games, but since this game doesn't have any side content (while birthright at least had that), i couldn't farm supports and i wasn't willing to buy the dlc to get some extra content to replay

it's a nice little extra game. the soundtrack is really good, if a bit short. the party should've included at least one more person - if you know, you know, but kino and nene are cute additions to the cast. i'm not the biggest fan of kino myself, but he's cute anyways. seeing the shoulder and getting to explore it in this game was really fun!

i keep thinking about this game and i can not get enough of it. the soundtrack, while rather short, is absolutely amazing. there are only around 10 new songs, but they are all breathtaking and so calming!
the story is a nice addition to xenoblade 2s main story, but can also be viewed as its own thing if wanted. not everyone likes the sidequests of this game, but i wholeheartedly believe that the game wouldn't have been as good without getting to know every character the game has to offer through their side quests. i still remember some of the npc by name to this day and their stories still move me.

this game is really great! i adore the cast of characters so much. most of the music is so good, with a few exceptions that aren't my personal taste. the story is heartbreaking and i've never cried this hard at a videogame in my entire life.
i do feel like my opinion on this game might change a bit once the dlc story gets added, but hopefully for the better!

this game changed my life. just looking at the beautiful title screen was worth the full prize for it. the story is amazing, the characters are amazing, the areas are amazing, the soundtrack is amazing. there is nothing bad about this game, it's just an absolute masterpiece!

this game is a flawed masterpiece!
it has its fair share of problems that tend to scare off players early on. but those who push through and finish this game will be rewarded with the masterpiece that is xenoblade chronicles 2. while i don't believe it to be the best game in the series, it is still absolutely amazing and a game i regularly replay for it's amazing story and loveable characters!

this collection is a great way to play three older mario titles. i always wanted to try sunshine and galaxy, so this game gave me the chance. i'm greatful for that! :)

i had my fun with this game, but compared to other mario party titles, it just doesn't hold up

i played birthright before i played conquest and i have to say, if i just consider this game as it's seperate thing, it's pretty decent. the characters or story aren't anything special, but it's an average game that you can have fun with.

however, after playing conquest, i am really not a fan of the fates games anymore. i don't intend to touch those games again for a few years and maybe i'm willing to give them another try in the future. perhaps there will be a remake one day, that could attempt to fix the problems of this game

never in my life have i simped this quickly for a character, but chrom just hits different.

it's the perfect game to get into the fire emblem series. it's simple enough and yet intriguing. the characters are great and everyone will find at least a handful of characters they love. the marriage mechanic is amazing and i love my two videogame children very much. other fire emblems might have better mechanics than this game or a grander story, but this game is just so special to me.

what could anyone say about breath of the wild that hasn't been said before?