Me going to the park and reminding geese that it is Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo players who are made in God’s image

I keep on having Gravity Rush dreams. Last night I dreamt that a pc port was released.

It really is a miracle that this managed to get a sequel

If I had a dollar for every time the gimmick melee weapon for a season was removed prematurely due to bugs I’d

Video games just rock this year oh my god

It really does just keep getting worse for you overwatch guys huh?

Played the demo and even for a demo it took me only like 8 minutes to finish. That’s like no time at all to actually hook someone in imo. Also yeah the horror is cliche as shit go figure

The more I think about and replay it, the more I realize this game was like, made for me. Seriously hats off to Tango for making such an absolute gem of a game

“White people have no culture” mfs when they play Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon

Wait this wasn’t even developed by Mojang? So literally all Mojang has been doing is making garbage updates for Minecraft? With their ≈600 employees? Across 2 studios? After being bought out by Microsoft for $2.5 billion?