So tempted to give this a 10/10 but it’s just held back by the usual Pokémon shenanigans like version exclusives and event Pokémon.

The more I reflect on it, the more i feel like there are moments in this game that are just straight up torture porn. Again though, the gameplay is really fun

You know, the Luma in the Mario movie talking about the inevitability of death was actually pretty in-character

A lot of action games like to make most spectacle fights QTE fests or just painfully easy, most of the time that’s not a bad thing, because it’s at the end of the fight and the player has earned it. Armored Core VI, however, makes sure every boss fight is a spectacle throughout the whole thing, while still giving as much control to the player as possible. And it pulls this off beautifully.

Epic please never ever do a Jungle/Primal-esque theme ever again

Unstoppable force (Rex) vs immovable object (field skill check that you can’t pass unless you get lucky with blade bonding)

I’m so glad this series got another chance and that it’s payed off so well.

Writing so good, so real, you forget your hands are holding a controller. Time to mix drinks and change lives.

I’m right at the end of the game like if I take just 30 minutes out of my day I could finish it, but the presentation is just so horrible. I can’t do it. It’s so painful to watch.

Being the first mainline FF game to be rated M, This game waves it’s rating around like a kid who just got unrestricted access to the internet


A nice blueberry flavor with a much more yogurt-y texture compared to other shakes I’ve had. It’s very sweet but not horrifically sweet. It also doesn’t have an aftertaste which is a good thing imo

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Same problems with the pikmin 1 port, but the upscaled videos actually look really nice! And also there’s the QoL improvements and better AI of the original Pikmin 2, but in the end it’s still Pikmin 2, awful dungeons and all.

I AM JUDGING THIS AS THE “REMASTER” THIS SITE CLAIMS IT TO BE. Please just legally acquire the Wii version and play it on Dolphin with HD scaling and pointer controls via mouse and keyboard. This version has motion controls yes, but they only activate when you hold A or B for some insane reason. This version doesn’t even increase frame rate or fix the stupid AI