Yeah seriously this is one of the worst games ever. Haven’t played it since it first became Overwatch 2. I just thought of this piece of shit and how much I hate it and had to put it into words. Spur of the moment kind of thing

Not only one of the best shooters ever, but one of the best platformers ever

Another one of those games that’s fun when you don’t have a bitch in your ear

New Horizons if it wasn’t fucking around

I’m gonna put a stocking on my head just try and stop me

You might say it’s the second worst thing to happen on 9/11

This review was written before the game released

This is coming out on Xbox 360 right

The drum shotgun was here so that makes the season terrible by default

That promise to remove the relic from my head got me like good morning USA

Yes this game is really good but the latest patch being 30gb and requiring 130gb of free space to install is inexcusable. There has to be a secret society where western devs scheme ways to make their games as bloated and unoptimized as possible

Can you backloggd devs let me rate this game 6 stars please

How it feels to be a Chinese industrial worker

The best advertisement for Cyberpunk 2077 yet

Like this review if you’re not afraid to eat the Resident Evil 2 Remake burger