"Love on Top" Energy

You know how is a shiny, bright jam, that climaxes in a series of escalating key changes that amp the experience to unbelievable heights? It's like that.

Shout outs to bludgeoningangel for offering this comparison and thus inspiring the list.

What if Love on Top was ANGEY
Hottie with a nice butt and sick dance moves and then killing god
Whole game has the energy. Always high energy, always fun, always exciting, and the climaxes are fucking WILD. Key changes, shiny and cheery, always building, you're the one I need! Copy Kitty loves you back.
A little more somber, but still has that heightened excitement often, especially in boss fights.
Sunny and happy and then at the end you consume everything
Thanks, bludgeoningangel!
Shake shake, but on increasingly cool objects. Saturday morning anime and tokusatsu.
The ending? The way the story escalates? I dunno. I get the vibe.
An oppossum can like Beyonce too
A pop adventure!
"Though I Cry, I'm Happy Inside" could appear on the same album as "Love on Top", imho

Fun with friends!!!! :D
Very cheerful and satisfying, every level has its own key changes as it builds on ideas. And the final level is unbelievable.


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