The forgotten gem of 3D Mario games. Unlike other 3D entries there really isn’t anything crazy unique about this one. However, it does have excellent level design and fits perfectly on the 3DS. Also one of the only games on the handheld that makes good use of 3D making it more than just a gimmick. A must play and doesn’t deserve to be forgotten.

Extremly stylish arcade like puzzle game where you ARE the bullet. Does what it aims to do and does it well but could have done with a bit more content. If you want a satisfying 'bullet time' game that you can finish in one or two sittings then worth picking up.

Whilst I do think some parts of this game were a bit slow, the combat, overall story and characters more than makes up for that. Gets 5 stars just for Cait Sith.

Alan Wake II has a ridiculously good, mind-bending and genre-mixing meta narrative that is brought to life by its fitting character casting, acting, score and graphical fidelity. AW2 might be the perfect example of how to handle a dual protagonist narrative not only through the distinct shift in tone of each storyline but with how you can mechanically swap characters whenever you please. AW2's only downfall is its combat, whilst unique and fun to begin with, it becomes a chore in the later stages of the game with encounters either being too large or too small. However, the combat is by no means bad and is easily balanced by the entertaining and unique narrative contained in this game.

Dragon's Dogma is a weird and wonderful RPG. It takes the best parts of other games in the action RPG genre and makes them its own. The pawn system is amazing, and whilst sometimes can feel a bit clunky and outdated it still holds up considering this was released in 2012. Combat is fun but enemies' variety fails to change consistently enough to take full advantage of all the systems at play.

There's so much more to say about this game but to summarise; whilst Dragon's Dogma excels in many of its core features it is sometimes held back by not having enough situations to utilise it all but with that being said it never fails to entertain and is a must play for RPG fans.

The original was ahead of its time and hopefully the upcoming sequel can refine what made this game great to create an unmissable RPG experience that once again paves the way for future RPGs.

2 playthroughs and 175 hours later I finally reached the end credits and I've still not seen it all. One of the greatest games ever created.

A charming and funny RPG. The first Mario RPG that I've actually played from beginning to end. If you love turn-based RPGs this is a must play.

Whilst it has a few bugs they aren't bad enough to retract from the fact that this is an imporvement on 2 already amazing games. If you loved Spider-Man and Miles Morales chances are you will love this one even more.

Post 2.0 & Phantom Liberty, Cyberpunk 2077 finally shines as the great immersive RPG that it always strived to be. Night City I will always love you.

"the game gets better after 8 or so hours"

It doesnt. Its boring. Don't bother.

When at its best this entry has some of the best combat, battles and set peices the franchise has every seen, but sadly their greatness is brought down by the slow paced story, unintruiging characters and outdated systems.

I play this game a lot, and playing with friends makes it such a fun experience. Its just a shame that the countless bad decisions made by its developers and the numerous bugs subtract from that fun more often than not. Could easily be rated higher in the future, Niantic just need to sort themselves out.

Smoothest controlling metroid game yet but please stop making me learn how to shinespark properly :(

Campaign Review - Whilst I like the story and characters the actual gameplay was mediocre at best.