Worst Game of the Years

(1999) This game is like the legendary Pokémon of bad video games. Everyone who gets really into gaming will eventually find out that Superman for the N64 is a really shit game.
(2000) If you have the confidence to go around proudly telling everyone that you’re gonna make them your bitch, you’d better fucking deliver.
(2002) Everyone saying Simpsons Skateboarding or Enter the Dragonfly is the worse game of 2002 don’t know the shit I’m on. Look this up, it’s a real game that was really released in 2002, not 1996.
(2003) I can’t think of another game that was so bad, its own director made its sequel one of the greatest games of all time as an apology.
(2004) The concept of Silent Hill 4 is one of the best in horror, but some fuckhead executive at Konami remembered people liked ICO and made half the game an escort mission, killing the potential with it.
(2005) I feel bad for the sorry team at EA that had to make this, because it's clear they started to burn out after making 3 movie tie-in games in 3 years, with at least 4 more afterwards on the horizon.
(2006) I don’t know if the Smarties exec’s were desperate, delusional, or a sad mixture of both when they greenlit this game, but I definitely know what they were afterwards; fired.
(2007) I wish the people who had to make this game a better chance at their dreams in the next life.
(2008) Back in 2008, Fallout 3 was this fresh new RPG that redefined my entire taste pallet. 15 years and many better games later, it’s abhorrently clear to me that I’d just never played an RPG before.
(2010) This game is the personification of a chromatically distorting migraine induced from a fractured eye socket.
(2011) Congratulations on getting out of development hell Duke Nukem: Forever, but you know what they say; “out of the frying pan into the fire”.
(2012) Good job Warfighter. Not only did you kill the franchise, but Warfighter isn't even a real word.
(2013) Aliens: Colonial Marines was so pivotal in my early gaming experience that I instantly developed a "radar" to bad games that's only been wrong three times in the 10 years since.
(2014) This game felt like going to see a Nirvana tribute band, only to find Kurt Cobain's mutilated corpse strung up by the overhead railing like a marionette, Fender Mustang bolted to the rotten meat that long ago were once his hands.
(2015) The desire to create a cinematic gaming experience was so strong with the developers of 1886 that they decided to make a 5 hour film instead.
(2016) It's interesting seeing the burgeoning sub-genre of "Games made by industry icons who try and recreate their signature game, only to make a game so bad it retroactively destroys their legacy".
(2017) The developers at Red Barrels saw 1984's "Children of the Corn" playing through a shop window on their bus commute once and thought "Yeah, I think we can do that better".
(2018) Konami is the mentally unwell helicopter parent to the bright and innocent Metal Gear Solid, who threw them out at 16 because getting high marks at school is so clearly a dig at their intelligence.
(2020) Nearly 20 years ago we were up in arms about Bethesda charging $2.50 for horse armour, and now look at us. What happened to the people we promised ourselves we would become?
(2021) Balan Wonderworld actually makes me excited, because it categorically fails on so many levels, that it acts as a contrast for which other games can be judged against to determine if they're good.
(2022) If you showed a 2015 Jeff Kaplan what became of Overwatch, do you think his first reaction would be that of pride?


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