Reviews from

in the past

É literalmente mais do mesmo, mas sem um pingo de carisma e personalidade, cheguei a pedir reembolso lá na Steam de tão tedioso que era esse jogo.

Besides being the Ubisoft standart of boring and repetitive side quests in a unnecessarily big (and yet pretty) map, it does end with a very good impression.

The ending saved the boring aspect i was feeling from the main story, but some things in the way are too much for a game i thought was suppose to be realistic. In the end just remember to not do drugs kids.

All the good things aside, i still dont get why Ubisoft still does the same formula for every single game, i even think they use the same engine because the npcs are so dumb and so little responsive inputs. A useful yet hard to complete skill tree, in game real money market, boring as hell side quests, vehicle physics? what vehicle physics?. And of course A LOT OF BUGS. Well, we call them Bugsoft for a reason. I Lost a save, I failed missions, npcs flying around after dying, some disappearing like ghosts (not the really ghostly ones from some drug crazy quests).

Come on boomer, let's kill some peggies!

underrated masterpiece about my own personal crisis in meaning. this game is about me

As someone heavily critical on everything Ubisoft does, this is actually kinda fun

This was my first Far Cry game and maybe it will be my last.
The antagonists of the game were so annoying that I mostly skipped the cutscenes. And the NPC characters had more life in them than the main character I played.
I also just felt empty at the end. The ending felt like I did everything in this game world for nothing.
There is still the sequel New Dawn, but I don't think I will play it.

Easily the best ending(s) and villain in any Far Cry game, but I still find it a bit repetitive and most of the missions feel the same. Hopefully New Dawn has a proper closure to the story.

By the numbers Ubisoft game wherein Jared Leto tries to convince everyone the apocalypse is coming to no avail. Also, there's shooting and hunting.

mediocre but it has a fishing minigame so

Lackluster in any way possible, a fine example of a contemporary soulless AAA experience that blows all of its budget on visual flair, but completely forgets about engaging... anything, really.
But what bothers me the most is the fact that almost all the aspects of cooperative and multiplayer modes are so damn half-baked and buggy.

there is a very small, yet fiercely active, community on the internet of people who want the guy who looks like the nostalgia critic here to be on them like a wild dog. that’s not the thing that drove me away from this one, idk what did truly, but if i gotta know then so do u

This game actually sucks in any aspect that isn't gameplay, but the gameplay is really addictive, so it's fine

Far Cry 5 Villain is great and equally menacing. but that is no exception for a mute and boring protagonist we play as.

This franchise seems to have run out of ideas since Far Cry 3 and keep releasing essentially the same game only with a worse antagonist. This one is better than 4, but not substantially. Like most things Ubisoft releases, mediocre and forgettable seems to be their target.

Iffy game, but a blast with friends.

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this game is trying to do a bunch of fun stuff but it drops the ball on almost all of it. also its too big, frankly?? theres nothing here?? like every other far cry game, the weirder and more surreal it gets, the better it is. just make me a dumb wolf guy again, or whatever was happening in far cry one.

A princípio, possui uma estória intrigante e que poderia acatar discussões e temas relevantes; porém a obra se afunda em mediocridade em partes extramemente repetitivas e monótonas; apesar disso ainda consegue trazer certo proveito, nada excepcional ou com muita originalidade, mas tem seus momentos. Aliás a dirigibilidade desse jogo, é uma das piores que eu já tive que controlar.

cautiously optimistic for this, still let down

one of the best settings for a game ever

Ubisoft is great at creating really addictive gameplay loops, but their storytelling has been lacking as of late.
A bunch of inconsequential side characters litter this story, with little interaction with any of them, so any deaths and twists in the story do not hit at all. The automatic story missions are also a pain in the ass, especially because it locks you out of acquiring some of the story missions in the game. This is really annoying from someone who is a hardcore side quest completionist, making it so that my playstyle of clearing out the entire map was actually detrimental to my experience with the story.
Overall although - story issues aside - this is still a fun game to just play and get lost in. It's beautiful, it's fun to play and it's packed with things to do and discover.

eu não sou de achar jogo ruim, não sou fresca, geralmente jogo games bons ou no mínimo aceitáveis
personagem noia mudo do caralho, vilão ok, mapa lixo, stealth desanimador.
As armas são boas

Game is fun as fuck. Moment to moment gameplay is more or less what one expects from Far Cry since 3, except it's extremely chaotic. Enemies, both human and animal, frequently try to get up your ass, or even up each other's asses, which makes the game a constant stream of very entertaining chaos. Even fishing is dangerous, as I was constantly assaulted by the wild life and cultists as I tried to peace out, peaking when a bear straight up came out of the lake I was fishing and mauled my ass (or tried to, anyway).

Mission design I find a lot better this time around. There's less repetitive missions, and you can basically tackle nearly all missions at your leisure after activating them instead of being locked into them like in past games. I felt this was a very good improvement.

Similarly, exploration was greatly improved by doing away with towers. Now you get most of your info about the world from signs, magazines, NPCs and the such, making it all feel more organic. There's also way less collectibles, and they're a tad less pointless since they're tied to missions, too. However, I did run into the issue of certain things being harder to find than I'd like (such as cult destructibles).

The story surprised me. I didn't expect to like it as much, but it was surprisingly solid and I felt the ending was genuinely good (and well foreshadowed). Mind you, I don't think it's anything deep, but the game definitely kept me entertained with its story and some very well realized cutscenes and set pieces. Also funny how a mute deputy is a better character than Ajay and Jason were!

Now what I think is the game's biggest flaw is another one of its not experiments: resistance points. On their own they're great, gating progress by making you progress missions and do live events as you explore. But they did this dumb thing where you get kidnapped and forced into story missions when you amass a certain amount of RP. This is extremely annoying, and frankly silly with how many times it happens. It does not matter what you're doing, you are FORCED to do a story mission. Thankfully, since I'm on PC I alleviated this by using the Resistance Mod, but I still call out the flawed design here.

Also the soundtrack was surprisingly solid too, I expected nothing on that front though because the past Far Crys didn't have particularly strong soundtracks.

All in all? I greatly enjoyed this game, and I liked seeing it try to experiment with shit even if it didn't all pan out. Story was a nice ride.

Very poor gameplay, but story is great in my opinion. Worth playing it, its my favorite farcry and it has my favorite villain in the series.

História legal na medida do possível, mas é extremamente arrastado, o jogo podia ter facilmente umas 8 horas de duração, mas estenderam ao extremo, terminei com pouco mais de 20 horas, devido às diversas missões inúteis que colocaram. A gameplay é simples, o gunplay é legal, mas isso é o mínimo que se espera de um FPS. Minha única felicidade foi não ter gasto 1 centavo pra jogar isso e ainda achei caro.

Far Cry 5 is Ubisoft’s continued AAA dominance. I don’t think there’s another AAA developer out there that continuously pushes out solid entries in all of their franchises as consistently as Ubisoft does. The Division, Siege, Far Cry, Ghost Recon…hell even Assassin’s Creed… all solid. For reference, I skipped Far Cry 4 and Primal, but after enjoying some of Ubisoft’s more recent tiles picked this up on launch. I’ll likely be going back and playing them after enjoying this game.

Running out of interesting sandbox locations to base a game in, Far Cry 5 takes place in the wilderness of Montana, where a local cult has grown to the size of a small governing state, wreaking havoc for local civilians. You play, as a silent protagonist, a U.S. Marshall, who is flown in to arrest the leader of the cult. Naturally, things go wrong, and you find yourself escaping the crazy cult members, needing help from locals and resources to rescue your colleagues and put an end to the cult for good.

FC5 borrows a little bit of the mechanics from Wildlands where the game doesn’t put you up against one big baddie from the start, you need to conquer the three lieutenants before taking on the head honcho. You do this by liberating the three providences under the regime, by liberating towns, taking out convoy trucks, saving civilians upgrading your weapons and moving on to the next area.

The game goes out of it’s way to make sure you realize there is precisely ONE tower to climb and unlock. And that’s really only for you to learn about the zipline tutorial. Thank you, Ubisoft. I was getting tired of climbing towers in every one of your other installments. Climbing 17 towers in FC3 was getting much too repetitive and boring.
I thought the Division and Wildlands looked good but game looks gorgeous. They really have opened up the world for you to dive into; so big they allow the use of helicopters and planes. Beautiful color pallet has made the environment much more stunning and immersive.

The best newest idea in the Far Cry franchise is allowing players to add in an NPC that will fight along your side. Each NPC has a different strength, whether it be sniping, stealth, flam thrower and even a guy that flies in a plane above you and drops bombs on targets. You even get a dog and/or bear sidekick who will seek out enemies and revive you if you’re wounded. The side missions are fun and relatively original so you do not have to worry about doing the same mission over and over again. In fact, there is one side mission involving UFOs that was practically joyous.

Overall, I’d say this is the best entry in the series thus far. I honestly wouldn’t expect anything less from Ubisoft at this point. The deathmatch multiplayer modes are quite fun as well.

You can also have fun with some hilarious co-op

I like the open world being set in America, but the enemies are beyond brain dead and the cast of villains are simply forgettable. It's worth noting the soundtrack is amazing, it has no right to be as good as it is.

I really enjoyed Far Cry 5. I loved the themes and music and world. I thought Joseph Seed was a great villain. The capture system was really bad and some parts of the game feels under-cooked and padded.

least eventful day in montana