Reviews from

in the past

Jurors: No, we simply can't countenance such an inconsistent story!

Murder Dog: Narrative Cohesion Is Just One Of Many Things I Desire to Annihilate.

let he who is without sin cast the first stone, as who among us has not thirsted for bloodshed

with MURDER DOG IV, thecatamites, creator of beloved SPACE FUNERAL as well as a bunch of other shit ive never played, creates a gripping and intense legal thriller, with court battles to rival the best of the Ace Attorney franchise, and brutally condemns our liberal democracy at hand. yet another piece of essential art canon inspired by faux-iconoclastic cartoon icon "Dilbert"

Wouldn't it be messed up if a dog murdered a guy and they went "I did not have homicidal relations with that man" and the court and jury were like "oh okay"?

Funny, short and surprisingly pointed. A good time.

eu não estou brincando quando digo que esse é um dos jogos mais engraçados que eu já joguei

Injeção direta na veia de todos os tipos e artifícios de comédia que me pegam de jeito, e sobre um assunto que vivo na pele constantemente.

Precisa nem do play: o título e sua implicação da existência de outras três desventuras do cãozinho mais inocente do mundo (ou, de que vem da realeza) já é o suficiente para me esboçar um sorriso honesto. Que outro jogo tem esse cacife comedianico?

Eu morrerei feliz se um dia produzir algo tão DURO quanto.

Can't tell if this is supposed to be a satire or a satire of a satire or just plain dumb on purpose and I think there's something beautiful about that.


A nuanced exercise of meaninglessness. Murder dog can win by losing or lose by winning. The losing end isn't as good as it forces a subjective standard of futility compared to the grand act of defiance by the bloodthirsty pup.

One thing that stands uncontested is that his appetite for carnage is indeed voluminous.

eğlenceli, kendine has bi mizahi var ama fazla kısa

I hope they crank up the visuals in Murder Dog V

I admit not all the humor in Space Funeral hit me as hard as its contemporaries, but oh my god Murder Dog IV bridges the gap. I was simply not prepared for the masterful wordsmithing Thecatamites employs here, opening on "My Thirst For Blood Remains Voluminous" sets a high bar for dialogue that stays its ground for however many iterations of the trial you decide to play.

crazy that they got the rights to the dog from those yolo swag studios comics


My Only Crime Is My Love For Absolute Chaos

Ace Defective: Attorney at Paw

I Am In Contempt Of Every Living Organism On This Planet.

This game murdered my expectations. It's free, real short, and funny. You should play it.

For 20 minutes, it got pretty consistent laughter out of me. Big Axe Cop energy. Imagine a world where political cartoons like this were embedded in the New York Times' website instead of boomer "I sure do hate my wife!" panels.

Ace Attorney gli fa una pippa. Gioco che davvero ti mette nei panni di un avvocato, che ti fa sentire il peso delle tue scelte e capacità eloquenti, che ti fa vivere il contrasto tra giustizia ed etica, che mette alla luce le problematiche del sistema giudiziario...

this game rules, it's the funniest dang game around, it's had so much influence on me. incredible shit.

this trial SHOULD have been an in-and-out case. the accused had NO way to dodge the textbook legal work of his prosecutor... when all of a sudden...