Reviews from

in the past

This is 3 tricks pony: a buggy “endless runner, a glitchy puzzle game and a meta adventure. More than just a 'meta' commentary on what a video game is, I feel like the game pays homage to the flash games of the early 2000s. It plays quickly, and even though some phases may feel a bit redundant (the puzzle part, in my opinion), the game doesn't lack charm or ideas.

No one is on the level of devil. A really unique experience with some shocking and perplexing moments that are mired by gameplay that ends up being repetitive and unfun puzzles that might not be your thing.

Regardless, worth experiencing at least once.

Feels like a beta for Inscryption, but in a great way that still works as its own game.

The ponies were very cute. Would sell my soul again

i 100 percented this game and remember very little about it

not the most exciting "game" in terms of gameplay but the concept keeps you in it and it has a cool ending.

not bad of a game,gameplay and content are very interesting

Great use of pushing the 4th wall here.

Ehhhh, aside from its premise there really isn't much here. The gameplay is never engaging (which is fine if the game had something else going for it) but there's very little that held my interest past the first 20 minutes or so.

Its only a bit over 2 hours so at least it doesn't overstay its welcome. But without any real positives to speak of, its still longer than what feels worth playing.

"is this ludonarrative sonnance or what?" I say as my 3 neurons cheer me on

Where the fuck is pinkie pie

This game breaks the fourth wall in a way that I've never seen before. Yes: I panicked.

I got annoyed with it during a certain section, but I like what it's going for. Someday I'll get around to finishing it.

Played the first act and that was pretty fun but then I closed the game and when I restarted it, my enter key, escape key, and backspace key weren't working anymore so I couldn't play

Pony Island is pretty interesting. I don't really know what else to say about it.

The gameplay of the actual "Pony Island" part of the experience is not really all that fun. It's tedious, repetitive, and a bit boring at times, but it's necessary for the game to progress.
The puzzle solving aspect is a lot better, and the twists the game introduces on top of that system are really good.
Finally, everything else the game throws at you is phenomenal. There's not a lot I can say about this part of the game without spoiling it, but suffice it to say that this is the part of the game I stayed for. I especially one part of the game at the very end, where it uses clever tricks to confuse you.

All in all, Pony Island is a pretty good game, but is dragged down by its insistence on making you play the actual game.

Pretty cool game tbh. Disregarding my rating of this for a hot second, I would actually say that I liked its game play, narrative and aesthetic well enough. I just didn't find it very engaging or really latch on to it's game play loop, mostly because I'm just not a fan of arcade style games.

Fun cute game about cute ponies. Nothing spooky here.

The first big game from Daniel Mullins (the guy that made Inscryption), so people kinda always hyped it a little bit for me. But for most of it, I went in pretty “blind”, the only thing I knew is that the game is for sure not what it sounds like.

And even then, almost everything about it surprised me, the story, the numerous endings and how different they are from each other, the visuals, the characters, the music, and the list goes on. I think mostly the only 2 things that kinda bummed me out were the fact that at the end of the game, the mechanics get a little too repetitive (and if you add extra runs for platinum, oh boy…) and how shallow said mechanics are.

Overall, a really good game, and, considering how cheap it gets on sale, I’d recommend it. But keep in mind that it is not for everyone and it can be “meh” if you’re not the type. For me, even not liking the style that much, was worth it, so I went for platinum (and got it)!

Out of the gate with his first full game, Mullins nailed the themes he has since become known for. The gameplay of this debut however is very simple and repetitive, something he has improved upon in the intervening years. Worth pushing through and experiencing the story, especially for fans of Inscryption and Mullins' style.

who knew satan loved ponies so much

Very interesting and fun game. The extrapolation of two simple mechanics were amazing and the intertwining of an "innocent" game and its satanic tendencies was well done. Would recommend but its quite short.

4th wall breaks and unique mechanics make this game from the dev of The Hex and Inscryption a must play as well.

Pony İsland:
İnscryption'ı çok beğendikten sonra firmanın diğer oyunlarını da almak istedim.
Çok kısa bir deneyim.
Daha bu oyundan firmanın nası kafada olduğu belli.
Keyifli, ucuz, kısa tavsiye ederim.

After playing Inscryption a couple years ago, and now this, I am very excited for how Pony Island 2 will turn out.

I'll probably enjoy this game even more after some time, just like Inscryption.

Daniel Mullins is a very smart game developer and writer and this is one of his first exploits as a designer. You can definitely see the wear and tear of his initial attempt at this kind of game, it doesn't show the polish in gameplay and narrative that The Hex and Inscryption show, but it's definitely a fun and short little experience that I could see myself returning to again in the future.

Decent, but probably would of been better to play before I played Inscryption. Inscryption honestly improves on everything Pony Island sets out to achieve.

A fun experience that subverts expectations and messes with the player in some fun and unique ways. If you want to experience everything you'll really have to go out of your way to do so, and how to do so is not very obvious at times. Cool art, okay gameplay that serves its purpose well enough, and a pretty nice soundtrack.

one little thing i liked about t he game is that it plays the old computer sounds like the fan or the cd spinning i really like these sounds

Daniel Mullins's meta-game may not extend itself into the masterpiece that its biggest champions praise it as, but Pony Island remains an undeniable success for its genuine blend of gaming mythology (through the likes of Polybius), repetitive gameplay one cannot put down, and the addicting allure of completionism through achievement/collectible hunting. The satire finds hilarious ground despite a sometimes infuriating search for a way forward or a difficult level that takes more time than it should. If Mullins had not made The Hex or Inscryption, I might consider this an unusual debut; but given the developer's awareness of gaming trends and history, Pony Island showcases a growing innovator in what the fuck is wrong with gaming today and how it can move forward despite its egregious flaws.