Reviews from

in the past

people always wonder "what can doom be played on" and never "what can be played on doom"

fun but someone asked me to kiss them or something

Aside from a shit weapon selection, legitimatey the best kart racer out there.

A modding scene so powerful it could only be down to the sonic community is a lot of that - turns out blasting past your friends as Mido from zeroranger, blasting the "o-ok lets go" sample from Third Strike on a fucking Collums 3 inspired map is way more fun than anything mariokart has ever been able to manage.

But maybe the key to SRB2K is how just smooth it all is. A lot of games who's power relies on Mods are such an absolute pain in the arse. In SRB2k you just put the files anywhere in the folder, and if you dont have them it will download them like a TF2 map when entering a room. And those multiplayer rooms are so malleble and allow options like just straight up pausing the whole thing.

When i first heard about SRB2K i thought "damn this is going to be frustrating", but the user experience is just wonderful, really. And thats such a great thing for any "mod platform" game to have.

The only really contentious thing i'd say is the handling, which I like as it leans way more towards super mario kart than mario kart wii onwards, and makes it easier to appreciate the more technical track designs as even basic tracks are quite hard to drive. Compared to modern mario kart which is so easy to drive its a joy, and its nice to actually have to think whether to drift or not in a kart racer again.

Very, very few complaints. Remarkable fan project and probably the best sonic game.

I think the mod community should just reclaim Kodachrome Void and fill it with footage of old men kissing.

only fitting that the kart-racing spinoff to one of the best fangames of all time is also the best kart racer of all time.

this game is completely bonkers, with ridiculous collision bumping, fuckless-given amounts of projectiles onscreen, ridiculously tight and frantic track design, srb2kart has a fun level no other kart racer matches.

i've gotten 1st place twice since this game came out and it's still my favorite kart racer. i can consistently come in last place and keep playing. you can go from last to first and back again twice over in a single lap. this game gives no fucks about balance or restrictions, it goes completely all-out.

not to mention the additional addon support which can add plenty of other mechanics like drift meters, a-la mario kart ramp tricks, slipstreaming, tethering (like knuckles chaotix), horns with hundreds of custom sounds to choose from, endless amounts of custom characters, and my personal favorite addon: the team gameplay from team sonic racing.

i have no clue if the devs initially realized the true gold they have created when they first released the game but i have been consistently coming back to this game. there just isn't another kart racer out there like it.

bitches be like "oh this is what mario kart shouldve been" my sister/brother/whatever in christ, this game is just super mario kart with mini turbos

This beats playing Mario Kart in my book. It does take some time to get use to the controls. But when you get the hang of it it's great. And the game has a never ending modding scene, so you will always find ways to expand the game with characters ,tracks and gamemodes.

Possibly the best kart racer I've ever played. Really all it's missing is a good single player and I would give it five stars, but obviously that's hard for a small team of developers on a fan game. Still, has the most fun controls in any kart racer, the sense of speed you get and the way you learn how to maneuver through each course through time trials, as well as the variety in online play, not to mention the incredible character roster that anyone can add to, it's insanely fun and a must play for any kart racer fan.

You can play as Teddie racing yung venuz and jevil what more do you need?

People who play this game are gay as fuck.
(they're pretty cool though)

If anyone talks shit about the Sonic fanbase again they're getting these hands and a one-way trip to Suplex City. No exceptions.

Love is in the air?

the best free kart racing game out there and i can play as ralsei in a mercedes-benz

Quite possibly one of the greatest Kart racers I've ever played lol.

I've always been the type of freak that enjoys the feel of a Crash Team Racing over that of Mario Kart (especially Mario Kart 8), and this game happens to tickle those sensibilities for me just enough that it's become the racing game of choice in our friend group.

The fact that it's incredibly light on resources, is infinitely moddable, and has an actually good netcode also helps. It's just always a great time with friends.

I've lost 90 percent of the races I have played

one of the twelve "Beast Mode" games

Sick game, actually as nice as Mario Kart. There's so much you can add to it and it's really cute overall in both how it looks and sounds, it's a free game too that you can play with friends with less efforts than hosting a minecraft server, tracks are sick, battle mode is sick, the rockets make me scream, i can definitely see myself spending a few nights or evening playing this while chatting with friends.

I ran over 3 people with the Daytona USA car. Can't recommend enough

Also it has Mog.

I can play this gamr forever

Mi fangame favorito. Es increíble lo que han conseguido crear a partir del motor de Doom. La conducción está muy bien conseguida y encima su mecánica de derrape tiene una profundidad tremenda, ya que podemos soltar el acelerador o pulsar el botón del freno mientras derrapamos para mejorar nuestros giros en las curvas y, por si fuera poco, también los muelles se pueden aprovechar para “derrapar en el aire” y así acumular más turbo. Se nota mucho la diferencia en cuanto a la maniobrabilidad de los personajes según su peso/velocidad/aceleración, y los items a usar durante las carreras están muy bien diseñados y equilibrados.

También, al ser un juego muy modeable, la comunidad ha aportado enormes cantidades de personajes, circuitos, mecánicas y modos de juego nuevos.

Algo malo sobre este juego es que no tiene modo offline con CPU, teniendo únicamente un modo contrarreloj y multijugador local hasta 4 jugadores, pero jugarlo online es muy divertido.

También son notorias algunas inconsistencias en sus físicas, pero esto es debido a que algunos desarrolladores de sus mapas (tanto de los que trae de base como algunos de los que están realizados por su comunidad) han optado por darles o no, de manera deliberada, propiedades físicas a algunas de las inclinaciones que forman parte de su arquitectura, de manera que uno se da cuenta de que hay rampas que ejercen resistencia sobre nuestro avatar o le hacen ganar más velocidad, y luego ver que hay cuestas más empinadas que esas y que, al subir o bajar por ellas, son como ir por una pista lisa. Tampoco me gusta que en ocasiones haya tramos con saltos y que estos tengan un script que nos empuja bruscamente hacia abajo para corregir la trayectoria de nuestro avatar y que así la navegación durante estos no pierda ritmo. Es una medida artificial e inconsistente con el resto de saltos más naturales, y creo que deberían haberlos diseñado teniendo en cuenta la longitud a la que pueden salir despedidos los personajes en lugar de recurrir a esas medidas tan arbitrarias. A pesar de estas irregularidades hay muchos mapas que, en cambio, sí están bien diseñados, incluso los hay que introducen mecánicas y conceptos novedosos y, sin duda, son con los que me quedo.

Great kart racer propped up by TF2 community levels of mod support wherein only joining the lobby is what's required to play 99% of them. Controls weird at first until it doesn't, slightly awkward default controls (why is braking and look-behind basically swapped? lol) and a bunch of little UI stuff that adds up and bugs me (no way to make characters always default to their original palette, mini-map barely legible imo, most courses convey themselves frankly kind of terribly tho a lot of that is just modders hoping people will replay their tracks at least 3 times; courses that come stock with the game tho have this issue as well). REALLY not a fan of how this does the modern Mario Kart thing of "you touched grass for 0.3 seconds, you lose 70% of your speed!" The weapon selection also kinda sucks, and the game for some reason tops out at 1920x1200p and has a list of random arbitrary resolutions rather than what your monitor or OS reports. MILES better than All-Stars Racing/Transformed, all said.

So yknow, instantly adding it to the rotation of games me n my friends are gonna be playing probably until something directly replaces this. God bless the fan game community and Sonic Robo Blast 2/Kart devs.

i honest to god love the slippery controls it's like a beast you must tame with patience and care. favorite racing game i've played so far i think ever. very moddable, active multiplayer, super fun to play solo or with friends, great graphics and sound. my only real complaint is that setting up local multiplayer controls can be a bit of a pain. everything aside from that is good