Reviews from

in the past

Everything I have said about Fall of Cybertron holds true for this one. It's a surprisingly fun 3rd person action adventure romp. It has 3rd person shooting sections and some driving too. Even as a non-transformers fan, I was drawn into this one and feel that with all the characters and story cutscenes, it would be even more appealing to fans of the series. It's difficult to separate the two games in terms of how enjoyable they are. They both have nice short and simple levels with some great action sequences which add a bit of variety to the gameplay. The voice acting and story is great and you can tell a lot of effort has been put into both games. I'd put this one slightly behind Fall of Cybertron as, while it is a very similar game, I found the environment in this game slightly blander and more gray. That being said, it's a great game in its own right and well worth picking up.

One of the best games you can no longer buy. Transformers War For Cybertron is one of the big reasons game preservation is so important, as new Transformers fans today would be missing out on of the greatest video game adaptations of this franchise, and just an amazing video game in general.

Coming into this game, knowing High Mood studios developed this, my only exposure to one of their titles was that pretty mediocre Deadpool game, so I didn't really have high expectations for this one. But man, was I wrong - all the fans raving about this game back in the day were right and it's a damn shame most people cannot play this gem of a game today.

Transformers WfC is pretty much an origin story of the conflict that leads to the fall of Cybertron that we never really got to explore in such detail. Every autobot and deception has their time to shine and introduces you them very well, even if you're not a Transformers fan, you will get to be familiar with all of them. Because of this, if you ever really wanted to get into the Transformers as a franchise, this game is an excellent place to start.

WfC is pretty much a coop third person shooter that we got in abundance during the PS3/360 era, however unlike those other games, this is less of a typical cover based TPS and more of a platformer TPS, something akin to Ratchet and Clank. Of course, with this game being a Transformers game, a big mechanic of the gameplay is the fact that you can transform into a vehicle, whether it is a car, truck, plane or tank, they're all here for each unique character. Flipping between robot and vehicle mode is so smooth, with the press of the L2 button you will instantly transform. A skilled player would be zooming around the map transforming in and out while blasting enemies into pieces. It's so fun and never gets boring.

There are 5 levels for Decepticons and 5 levels for Autobots. With each level you get the choice to play 1 of 3 characters, which ups the replayability for the campaign. I love this aspect as Transformers main strength are it's characters, so I'm glad the devs give you a choice to pick from a selected few in each level.

Another big aspect of this game which we can't play anymore due to the servers being down (again, why game preservation is important) is the multiplater/escalation modes. I never got to play this game's multiplayer, but from footage is it basically just a team based deathmatch - the type of multiplayer we also got in abundance during this era. Although the biggest shame is that we can't play Escalation mode. This is basically WfC's version of Firefight/Zombies where you fight endless waves of enemies with friends. Why did this have to be locked behind online servers??? Who knows. This mode would have been amazing to play solo, given that if you just wanna drive or fly around as your favorite transformer while blowing up your foes without playing the campaign. Unfortunetly, the campaign is the only way we can experience the amazing gameplay today.

Transformers WfC is one of the best transformers games I've played, and apart from a few issues like being locked to 30fps and content locked behind decommissioned servers, this is one of the best action third person shooters I've also played.

another certified hood classic

A very dull and lifeless third person shooter, with fun gimmicks that sadly feel superfluous to the otherwise bog-standard gameplay.

As nice as it is to wander war-torn Cybertron from a fans' perspective, it's represented mostly in dull greys and browns of over-greebled machinery, making for a surprisingly dull environment that a poor PS3 port does no favours.

Speaking of poor porting, the PS3 framerate is abysmal, tanking at every turn and even prone to crashing the whole console if enough explosions happen. Audio can glitch and loading screens can break up the middle of gameplay as it hastily loads the rest of the level.

I can't begin to imagine how the story must've felt to non-fans, which is easy to follow but very hard to care about, thanks to a near total absence of personality to the writing. The voice talent is very good, particularly Fred Tatasciore as Megatron, but they get precious little to work with.

All in all, it's an ok game, but only if you're a big Transformers fan.

this was surprisingly a lot of fun and loaded with personality. kick ass multiplayer

This is probably the darkest part of the Transformers series. Its main advantage, as for me, is the choice of a game character, which for some reason they decided not to do in the following parts. I also note that the control in the form of a car feels much more pleasant here.

In Bullet part its pain ngl, But this good game after 14 years
And that game got bangers
For Example:
Tyler Bates Defend Iacon and Til All Are One Stan Bush

wanted a meathead shooter and this seemed to fit the bill. when the rock music drops it all comes together. also want to try fall since that seems more my tone. misc thoughts:

1. not sure if the 80's style credits theme fits with the rest of the game
2. they referenced the universal greeting from the movie in this??

Though not the most amazing game ever, the number of characters available throughout single player, the enjoyable combat, and just the cool setting make this game worth a play and one that holds up today.

quieren conocer el concepto de "mal diseño de niveles" les presento el juego perfecto para ello.
La verdad es que no espere nada del titulo pero me termine topando con un Third Person Shooter extramadamente repetitivo, con una paleta de colores horrible y con el peor diseño de niveles que vi en mucho tiempo, o son pasillos con robots o son modos hordas super desproporcionado de enemigos, en el cual debes cuidar todo la party porque si muere 1 , es game over. No es particularmente dificil y por suerte es corto, pero dios mio , hace rato no jugaba algo tan malo y generico, ni el hecho de que haya salido en 2010 lo salva, mismo año que salio Mass effect 2 y incluso sin ser un shooter como tal, tiene mejores mecanicas que esta cosa. Lo recomiendo solo si uno es muy fan de transformers por la historia, es ochentera a mas no poder

By far the best Transformers story I experienced, the gameplay is fun but can get a little repetitive but the art and sound designs are fantastic. I don't know how many times I have replayed this, I do it yearly now, such a shame its not easily accessible anymore

A totally competent game but it also just leaves me wishing for an incredible Transformers game. The potential is huge.

This was certainly above average if you want to deem it as "just" a licensed game.

trans formers genders in disguise

There's lots of good things about this game. I think the story and presentation are pretty cool, the atmosphere of war-torn Cybertron is overwhelming (in a good way, helps with immersion), the vocal performances are strong, music's pretty cool, and you can play as Starscream. But the gameplay itself is surprisingly dull, with levels that feel like they go on forever and bizarre difficulty spikes that do not feel balanced in the slightest. Especially you, Trypticon.
I hear Fall of Cybertron is much better, I look forward to that. Grimlock is in that one, so I'm sure I will like it.

I don't think there's a shooter in existence with more heart and genuine love for the craft than there is this one, other than maybe Fall of Cybertron.

What's here is the most perfect encapsulation of the transformers space war cacophony energy. Through the whole ride you hear all the sounds and technological noise of the mechanical universe, watching as every enemy and friend alike have constantly moving shifting parts to bring home the alive machinery they are. Guns each match the aesthetic beautifully, making the widest and loudest firefights all the more real. The adventure itself, while stumbling over itself in some repetition, manages to craft stunning vistas and warzones to see from start to end.

And on top of all that, it's a solid third person shooter in its own right. Enemy design is quite differentiated and constantly dodging your shots and repositioning. Nothing particularly exemplary in AI or particular designs but not frustratingly stupid either. Arenas themselves encourage you to be form changing and keeping your movement alive, with the flying segments especially allowing you to gun it to the other side of the fight before form changing back to shotgun an enemy close up. Really the only startling problem with War for Cybertron's levels is that you'll have seen everything about 'twice' in terms of encounter design because they didn't reallyyy have enough to last 8 non-boss missions as much as they had 4-5. The boss designs themselves are rather tedious but do deserve a star for at least forcing you to be moving nonstop. Final boss of the autobot campaign especially was so starkingly punishing if you weren't getting your shit together.

A heavy shoutout to the multiplayer too. All of the systems here have more than enough justification to be a fucking amazing arena combat pvp, but unfortunately what's left after the servers being shot down are the mod community's defiance custom games. I haven't been able to experience that part myself yet, but from the videos I've poured through it's definitely a time I wish I could be having right now.

While I wouldn't say it's one of the greatest ventures, the first two hours of me going apeshit at how realized the world was when doing the first two missions is something that I do want everyone to experience. And the potential here is certainly something that, I imagine, Fall of Cybertron lands better.

None of these 360-era 3rd-person action games are hitting!

I thought I’d have a good dumb time with this one, but it’s just the most blatant and shallow Gears-ification of a licensed property you could imagine, and it loses an extra star for taking the irritatingly dark-and-gritty aesthetic of the Bay movies to a new low.

The shooting and level layouts are, just, bad.

Transformers is an alright third person shooter, and that's the biggest problem with it. The game doesn't try to do anything different, and when you're playing robots that can transform into something, there's a whole realm of gameplay possibilities. None of which are explored in this game. So, if you really like TPS games and Transformers but don't expect anything special from any other TPS game, you'll most likely enjoy your time. On the other hand, I was rather disappointed with this game.

Making you play as Megatron to slaughter Autobots for level 1 is one of the best narrative design choices ever made in video game history.

Story is alright but gameplay wise, its just peak third person shooter imo.
they should have added more incentive to the vehicle form in combat instead of just being able to move faster with it though.

A surprisingly earnest adaptation of the cartoons and toys that captures the feeling of childlike play as much as it does grandiose Shakesperean melodrama. These are the kinds of stories I'd imagine for my action figures as a kid - epic and ridiculous in equal measure, but self-serious all the same. Does it make sense that Transformers can transform on Cybertron? Only, really, if you consider it through the lens of play. It's the contradiction that's the fun of Transformers - iconic characterisation and sincere storytelling as applied to glorified advertisements for transforming robot toys. Some might balk at that the idea that therein lies the appeal, but I find it genuinely charming.

Honestly, the biggest problem with this game is that it's frequently dull to look at, with a muddy, washed-out glaze over much of its environments. I found it easy enough to adjust to, and the actual aesthetic design is pretty fun - only let down by the way it's rendered. So I don't think too much less of it for that. War for Cybertron is really delightful, and I'm glad it holds up after all this time.

This game definitely feels like a "war for Cybertron". Always working with a squad and seeing a lot of the "horrors" of war. Comes with incredible sound design too.

this game is a pretty generic third person shooter for the most part with a very generic art style but it has some genuinelly really good ideas buried inside.

the transforming mechanics are criminally underutilized but switching from the slow and lumbering mech form for offense to the quick cars or especially planes for defense was extremely engaging. some arenas felt amazing to run around in due to large scale and it felt very dynamic going from a shootout to jumping off an edge and turning into a plane to run away adn find health or reload.

not a great game, but one with a lot of potential that can sometimes reach a level above itself

It was okay in 2010, and it becomes worse and worse every year.

Solid third person shooter. Fantastic art direction

Wow. A must play game and a masterpiece. Literally my childhood. Replaying it now made me appreciate it so much more.

I find War for Cybertron really frustrating. On the one hand I think its visuals look really nice and stay pretty faithful to the G1 look while also still giving it their own unique spin on the characters on the other hand the typical 7th gen gray filter makes it hard to shoot enemies when they also blend into the background making the game more frustrating than challenging.
On one hand I think the run and gun play is fun and really refreshing when it came to other 7th gen cover based shooters that were never good like Uncharted 1 or GoW, on the other hand it still plays like a stiff 7th gen shooter and unlike other games it resembles like Vanquish it’s slow and sluggish with enemies that are just bullet spongy enough to feel annoying. Along with that the arena level layouts all just suck. They feel very much gated into one way of progression and with how easily you can die if you’re not always on your feet the gameplay gets boring really REALLY fast.
On one hand I think the story is really neat, being able to see the origins of character relationships and events unfolding that I’m assuming the G1 show had in it’s lore (I’ve never seen any piece of Transformers media I just think the robots look cool), on the other hand the game’s pacing is really shit and having the Decepticon campaign start off the game really didn’t help since the beginning of the game is really weak; it only started it get better with the Autobot campaign but by that point the game is almost over and idk if it’s just a me thing but I just wasn't grip by the story personally.

If you can’t tell, I'm not a Transformers fan and I don’t really have any attachment to these characters or the confusing world building. Maybe if I was I could look past a lot of stuff like I do with other games but oh well. If you like Transformers I bet this is like Willy Wonka's Robot Factory for you.

This is a perfect example of the elusive mid-budget double-A game done extremely well. It has it's faults--namely balancing issues, certain weapons being useless, and the servers forever gone in 2023--but this title and its team wears their passion on their sleeves.

Breezy and fun dual campaigns, incredible Transformers designs, delightful writing and voice performances, snappy shooting, and a short run time make this the perfect weekend game for any Transformers fan, regardless of your preferred era. I loved this game to bits back in 2010 and I still treasure it today.

Not only the best transformers game ive played thus far but a really solid third person shooter. I went in expecting a pretty generic third-person shooter but it pleasantly surprised me. The guns felt really good, the game had just the right amount of difficulty, and the story was really good. This is a must for any transformers fan. Excited to play Fall of cybertron.

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