Reviews from

in the past

Tifa could tell me to clean the entirety of Midgard and I'd do it

The fact that this is canon to Final Fantasy 7 Remake is absolutely hysterical. I love that this DLC gave me my absolute favorite variety of FF7 lore: Shinra office politics. Screw battle royales and gatcha games, Reeve suffering as Hojo and Heidegger have a pissing contest in the background is absolutely where it’s at. I would play a full length game of this.

For some reason this felt shorter than the Tomb Raider pack even though it technically wasn’t. It’s less Big and more that the things you have to wash are a lot more complex, and they even move a little while you’re washing them! Honestly it’s kind makes me kinda sad that the Guard Scorpion and Airbuster’s fates are to get trashed by the heroes instead of getting hijacked by some kind of hacker character… oh well. If they had indeed gone with Mad Lad Nomura’s idea to wash the whole Shinra building I would have enjoyed it but I likely would have gone mad. I did want a little more though… oh well!

I do hope to see more fun crossover DLC packs like this and the Tomb Raider one in the future! It would be fun to have something for 14’s anniversary where you wash the Ultima Weapon and the Quicksand…

I can't believe that Power Wash Simulator is canon to Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Thank Christ that they didn't listen to Nomura and make the full Shinra Tower a stage.

Really liked most of the levels, but that last one that was all nooks and crannies and details on one robot that was very hard to traverse was annoying.

More powerwash levels, still great, although maybe a tad short and cleaning the robots was kinda annoying, I definitely like levels that consist of big open spaces more than individual objects. All the text messages that you get throughout jobs consisting of FF7 exposition is really funny though


A fun pack of levels, though only one is a large space, which I usually find more enjoyable to clean. I appreciated that the messages you receive actually take place during a set time period of FF7R too.

Not as good as the Tomb Raider pack, but still good. Wish we had gotten another core AVALANCHE cleaning project, rather than just one with them and four with Shinra. The last two jobs are particularly aggravating, with a ton of easy to miss nooks and crannies, as well as very precise cleaning needed. Still, not a bad pack for the low cost of free!

There's a lot of nooks and crannies that can be annoying to wash but I love this damn pack

I dunno they were just more levels ¯\(ツ)

nothing too special

Cleaning has never been more fun but it's still just cleaning so kinda boring after a bit.

I feel physically distressed after playing this. What other players describe as a relaxing turned into hell for me, when I was looking for the last tiny rest of dirt on certain parts that were really hard to reach. My perfectionism didn't like this at all and I feel like I have to mentally and physically recover from completing 2 and starting one mission.

It's not for me and that's fine.
Super uncanny that this is real though

So I'm confused... in a year with both God of War and Elden Ring, is this actually my GOTY?

There are so many annoying little spots you need to get that made a lot of projects tedious, but overall it's quite nice. I'm not a Final Fantasy fan so I don't have attachment to the property itself, but I could still appreciate the massive attention to detail. I also like how the Buster Sword was just... sitting around.

For some reason, the sped-up replays after each job wouldn't show up, and I don't know why.

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass. Assim como Tomb Raider, eu nunca joguei FF7 e não tenho nenhuma nostalgia envolvida. Dito isso, as fases eram tão escuras e cheias de detalhes que foram, facilmente, algumas das mais frustrantes do jogo. O bar da Tifa e a maquete foi BEM legal, entretanto, e carregou o DLC pra mim.

Leider hat mir in diesem kostenlosen DLC nur ein Level gut gefallen, der Rest ist okay bis meh. Wenn man das Franchise kennt, kann man vermutlich mehr damit anfangen.

Trotzdem gerne mehr PowerWash Content, auch gegen Bezahlung.

clean cloud strife with your mouth

cool asf i love these dlc's i want more of them

Not as fun as the base game or Tomb Raider DLC. Some levels are fine, while others can be extremely tedious. Some took me multiple sessions to fully clean because it was taking too long.

I've never played, watched, engaged with FFVII so this pack's whole draw of "look FFVII references!" didn't click with me on as much as a level as it should have. Whereas other crossover packs have generally made up for it with interesting setpieces (the obstacle course in the Tomb Raider pack was a lot of fun for example), this pack was a little bit routine and/or drab in places as someone who has no prior connection to the games. I can get how amazing this would be to someone who has, but as I haven't this is just how I interacted with it personally.

(I only played this dlc and not the main game lol)
I can see the appeal of it and it's kind of fun sometimes but I just become so braindead playing it.

The true Final Fantasy 7 Remake

C'est sympa pck fanboy ff7 mais en vrai la qualité du dlc est pas si ouf