Reviews from

in the past

I'm aware now that its one of the lesser titles. However, my kid brain didn't care back then. It was a blast.

best in the series, love to go back to this one. will typical play with project m just for tighter gameplay but everything else about brawl (aside from tripping) is just a cut above the rest

Yes tripping sucks but that doesn't matter because Solid Snake is in this game

Hard to review game. It was my childhood, but looking back it isn't that good on the gameplay front. It does has a lot of content though, a ton-ton.

Tripping, floaty combat, awful online, stupid balancing, and some more killed this game. Altrough some characters like Sonic and Snake were hype worthy at the time.

Subspace is great. No Smash game comes close to a story mode like it. Maybe Melee, but that's it.

It's a fine game otherwise.

- Choose your character -
Se que no es el mejor Smash pero le tengo mucha estima por tener un modo historia muy entretenido y que se siente hecho con alma :'D

Pretty tough to go back to nowadays (it's a LOT slower than I remember) but will always hold a special place in my heart. All of the extra love/detail put into this beyond the core gameplay is incredible. As a kid I spent hours reading trophy bios, listening to music, and learning about the history of Nintendo through this game and I love that I could do that. Not to mention The Subspace Emissary has some of the best cutscenes of all time. There's also some banger mods that make it fun to this day.

Que jogo bommmmm, Audi famammmmmm... Iiiiiiiillius

Subspace emissary alone makes this game worth playing

It's funny how fast this game went from being underrated, because so many preferred Melee, to overrated, because so many preferred this to Smash 4 or Smash U.

To everyone apart from the weird smelly people that this series is infamous for, it's just Smash on Wii, no more or less. Comparing it to the others is pointless, and leads to you desperately trying to find a CRT television to play what the internet claims is 'the best' version of Smash instead of just using the new console that you already have set-up and waiting to go.

Anyway it gets 3 stars mostly because the story-mode is fun, but beyond that there's just no reason to play it over later versions, that are simply better in all the other ways.

Loved this game. One of my first games. The characterroaster is great and the griddy look, looked really good at that time. This grey artstyle is something different and something unique. The storymode is the best thing in this game by far. I had so much fun playing it and the cutscenes look gorgeous. Soundtrack is a vibe, it gives the player the feeling of wanting to fight. The slow paced gameplay didn't age well and the random tripping mechanic is really nothing good and killed this game competitively. Still such a fun game.

This was my first Smash game and I used to be obsessed. I never figured out if there was a real ending to the story mode. I was very confused

Subspace carries this one like CRAAZZZYY but I actually love this game lowkey
(also my first smash game)

Yea I hated it when it came out and would be an insufferable prick about it but this has aged remarkably well all things considered. I'd go back to this before Melee and especially before Smash 4.

King Dedede & Meta Knight! yay more Kirby reps!!! x3

as far as I know, all the R.O.B.'s that detonated subspace bombs are canonically dead and there's nothing you can do to save them

as a young lad, I played this on a bootleg disc whose art had link and zero suit samus holding each other as if they were lovers

this games great, screw the haters. I was super into the hype cycle of this game as it was coming out and I stalked that smash bros dojo pretty much daily to find the news as it came out. Finding out that sonic was going to be in smash was world-shattering at the time (even if he did just kinda suck in the actual game). The subspace story mode was also hella cool even if I still don't really know what was happening the whole time. The trophies, stickers, masterpieces, and game chronology carried on where melee left off at introducing me to the vast history of games and helped make me the weird gaming enthusiast I am today. For me to forsake all of those things and say this game sucks because meta knight is broken or because there's too much tripping would be entirely missing the point of this series and what ACTUALLY makes it special tbh.

Smash Brawl’s Subspace Emissary is a mode that I’m torn on but still turned out pretty fun. The collection of all the characters mixed with reveals that despite knowing who all was in the game, still had me excited when some characters showed up.

The general idea of subspace is done somewhat well, if a bit too lengthy. Generally, you’re a character or small group of characters and you have to complete a platforming segment with those characters. You get a few lives, and you either make it to the end and finish or fight a boss. It’s fine but for someone who isn’t entirely obsessed with fighting games it doesn’t appeal to me as much as something like a potential Mario Kart with a story mode might. It isn’t helped by Smash Brawl’s generally slow speed, making some areas feel too slow to control.

The fact that you switch characters constantly is super exciting because generally when I play Smash Bros, I stick to one or a few characters and call it a day. Here, you’re forced to use different characters and you have to be creative when you can choose who you take, which I enjoyed a lot. I felt some characters didn’t get the full utilization, however, since they were introduced too late for me to ever get to try them out.

The story is something that was cool to see, but it was a part of that “we can be dark too!” vibe that I felt Nintendo did in the Wii era. It reminded me of Super Paper Mario in that way. Not bad, just feels a bit off.

Overall, despite some issues, Subspace Emissary was still an incredibly fun mode with some pretty well done CG for the time. It’s fun and I think I would suggest it to those who enjoy Smash Bros. I don’t know how well the difficulty scales, but try it out and see how you like it!

(Copied from GG)

the physics are just so weird, but the new items were fun. tripping is hilarious. i miss this game's story mode. it's so ridiculously emphasized as "epic" that i can't help but love the cheesy nature of it all.

Sonic reveal had me geeking like crazy

While controversial, SSBB is a damn respectable entry into the Super Smash Bros. franchise, adding a myriad of features for competitive and casual players alike. The Subspace Emissary is the main draw of this game; an extremely well-made campaign with numerous Nintendo characters interacting in its charming cutscenes. The other side modes (classic, all-star, boss battles, stadium) all add depth and replayability to the game as well. SSBB truly feels like a celebration of all things Nintendo (and video games in general) up to that point, with the numerous trophies, stickers, and the collection of game demos that can be unlocked. SSBB is definitely flawed in some places; the balancing of the game is objectively pretty bad, and the level design of the Subspace Emissary can be overly linear and frustrating at times (on top of the Great Maze being one of the worst video game experiences I've ever had). Smaller issues like random tripping and the slower pace of the game can definitely turn some people off, but SSBB is a wonderfully made and worthwhile experience.

Even though LittleBigPlanet was my definite childhood game, this game has always been a close second.

I never played Melee, so I'll never understand why people hated Brawl as a result. This was my first Super Smash Bros. game and I LOVED IT. Not only was Brawl my introduction to fighting games, but it was my introduction to the vast gaming franchises it included. (To be honest, I still haven't delved into all of them, but I'm getting there?)

I remember the days when I played this by myself against 3 CPUs without a care in the world, but when I was able to play with others, oh my goodness; the memories of playing this game and its PERFECT story mode, The Subspace Emissary, with my brother, family members during the holidays, and friends.
And for that, I'll always love this game even if it's not that well-regarded in the community.

subspace is a snoozefest and this is the genesis of the controls and physics feeling like sludge. looking beyond that this is the last smash that's an actual complete video game and not a limp-wristed "celebration of gaming" or whatever the fuck people say it is now.
also pretty cool that it has a giant security hole for launching homebrew that never got patched in any version.

subspace emissary is the single greatest thing to come out of smash

Is it the best competitive Smash? No, but this game was an absolute sensation. Smash online with friends? Checking the website for anything from "You Must Recover!" to "oh by the way SONIC THE HEDGEHOG IS IN THE GAME" Japan Time was a real treat. The Adventure Mode was full of many surprises and hilarious character interactions we haven't seen since. After that it opened the floodgates for the immeasurable mods (including the one I lead, Brawl Minus, go play it) and while Brawl is alright on its own, everything around it elevates it to the peak.

The theme still gets me sometimes, it's beautiful.

It's definetely not a BAD game, just a BAD entry on a SUPERB franchise. Though judging it to all other videogames, I still find it good.
My childhood was full of Brawl matches, and was my first fighting game. I'm actually not a fan of the fighting genre, but Smash's dynamic platforming and simplified mechanics were a good entry point.
But, it definetely has bad poitns, such as its slow feeling, lack of some fanfavorite characters, and the presence of other ''casual'' mechanics that are too much (tripping, anyone?). Anyhow, the OST is amazing and side content is plentyful.
Finally, hot take, but the Subspace Emissery was, IMO, a really good attempt at a story mode, and the best parts were the cinematics and interaction between characters. Though, it lacked an interesting premise and memorable stages.

The Subspace Emissary was a better crossover than Endgame

This game and it’s consequences have been a disaster for me

It's not a great game but it's so special to my heart that I can't put it lower. It was my bread and butter for probably half of 2009.