Reviews from

in the past

I like it better than DXHR but the fact that the game is so short in comparison just ruined it's chance for a higher score from me
We need DXMD part 2.

The main hub city in the game maybe the best mechanically put together explorable area in all of videogames, or at least the ones I know of

Como posso dizer? Cada estrela subtraída é um GRANDE pecado. O mundo aberto e gameplay ideais para a franquia estão aí, só que a história segue e termina de um jeito que parece um grande "episódio 1" não finalizado e a trama quanto a questão dos humanos modificados não lida tão bem com as analogias a racismo e religião quanto no jogo anterior. Sinto que precisava de mais tempo de desenvolvimento e algumas revisadas de roteiro para se igualar ao anterior. Mas assim, as side quests são ótimas e o jogo no geral é muito divertido. Recomendaria mesmo sabendo que é possível que a franquia não retorne pra terminar a história.

This game pains me in so many ways. I love the Deus Ex series. I first experienced the series with Invisible War on the original X-Box, and while I did enjoy it and found it intriguing, the game glitched out on me at a specific spot and I couldn't complete the game. Later on I stumbled upon Human Revolution which quickly became my favorite game of all time as I played it at a very specific time in my life and simply fell in love with everything it had to offer. When Mankind Divided released and I discovered it took place in the city I grew up in, I ran out to obtain a copy.

This game does so much so well, it hurts. It hurts because it was meant to be so much more. Due to meddling from Square Enix wanting to nickel and dime this game as much as possible, we were deprived of a much bigger and richer experience and that is something that is so upsetting to me.
If you strictly follow the main story, you'll find the game to be short and ridiculously abrupt. If you take your time, explore, try to find and complete side quests and soak in the atmosphere, the game really shines and will double your play time. Eidos really did a great job at getting closer to bringing that Deus Ex experience found in the original with all of your options in customizing your abilities, exploring and finding alternate paths. The in-game graphics are quite impressive, especially considering when it released (the cut-scenes still look a
Voice acting is top notch, but I must say the use of the Czech language and their accents are laughable and at times just plain silly, but have their own charm. The stealth is nicely handled but combat is still bombastic and badass as can be.

My main gripe for Mankind Divided mostly stems from Square Enix's handling of game and the totally unnecessary Breach mode which should be avoided. This game could have been so much more, but I am still happy it exists. I can only hope that Eidos will continue with this series and complete Adam Jensen's story.

Zerado pela quinta vez. Não é melhor que Human Revolution (esse no caso, um dos meus jogos favoritos) mas ainda sim é um excelente immersive sim. Entrega muita liberdade ao jogador, tem uma gameplay muito bem construída com adoráveis mecânicas stealth, discute temáticas importantes e mostra muito bem duas realidades diferentes do seu universo dividido, a fase do Golem tem um dos melhores level design da oitava geração. A incrível trilha sonora consegue captar muito bem o cenário e atmosfera cyberpunk. Uma pena a historia ser curta, quando a historia começa a engatar de verdade e te deixar extremamente interessado no que está acontecendo o jogo termina, provavelmente deixaram a melhor parte pra um terceiro jogo que corre o risco de não ter...

I think people overstate how "unfinished" the game is. Don't get me wrong, you get the feeling that there are some loose threads and that a portion of the game got cut in the making but what's there is 100% polished and well worth playing though. Prague is beautiful, climatic, dense, with some side stories to uncover and many apartments to break into. The story is nothing to write home about, but it's fun to go through the city uncovering conspiracies, exploring abandoned buildings, knocking out cops, messing around with the environmental interactibles, and finding your way around locked doors and security devices.

That being said there's less variety in locations than in Human Revolution, while the gameplay is dumbed down comparatively at the same time. Yes, you have more augs and many more weapons to choose from, but HR's more open approach to quest and level designs took 2 steps back, which is a trend since HR already took 3 steps back in that regard from the original Deus Ex.

Despite this, this is clearly a game made by people with passion who deserved better, but sadly they got Square Enix'd.

Имерсив сим. Один из лучших в жанре. Игра показалась чересчур сложной даже на низкой сложности. Не получается играть так, как хотелось бы

Unfinished mess, but Prague is 10.

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Ends on a cliffhanger without a satisfying narrative conclusion.
Everything else about the game is fantastic and sometimes I wonder if it's better than the original game even.
Daresay, the Palisade Bank level is even better than VersaLife.
Unskippable tutorial in dubai sucks tho ngl

Finished my replay of deus ex mankind divided, and ohh boi it was fun as hell at least until I reach the final mission, this game had one of the best immersive sim gameplay ever the stealth the combat(although I didn't do any of it apart from last mission) everything is perfect, the abilities are fantastic, and the level design is great with lots of small vents and other ways to get through areas, and the story, although it didn't live up to Human revolution, it was good in its own right, you control outcomes at certain important points of story, have these iconic deus ex 1 to 1 conversation where you can convince others to agree with you, now time for the biggest issue of all the last mission, that shit was so horrible to play, basically the game forces you to use weapons while i played the whole game without firing a single shot or even interacting with enemies i have to shoot and interact here and don't get me started on last boss fight there was no non-lethal option(well technically there is but u can't do that without a guide) and no 1 to 1 conversation, i had amazing time with the game about 95% of the time solid 8/10. wished story would've been a bit better cuz that gameplay and level design is just 10/10

I haven't played the Human Revolution game, so it could have impacted on my experience. Kinda mid for me, didn't catch me

I like the gameplay
I should make a list of sequels that shit the bed in the story but still have good or better gameplay

Purely from a gameplay standpoint, Mankind Divided makes the necessary strides from Human Revolution in terms of building upon its established stealth mechanics and presenting more options to the player in how to tackle objectives. I like that, and this is a great game to play. It terms of its story however, it's disarmingly small in scale. I miss the grandeur of Human Revolution's narrative. That game felt like it took you on an odyssey through a dark, dystopian world. Mankind Divided by comparison feels like an ambitious DLC expansion.

Better than the first game but way less of it. My casual run of HR took twice as long as my all-sidequests run of this game.

Definitely the better Deus Ex game.
Compared to Human Revolution, it's definitely possible to finish the main story in under 20 hours, which might disappoint some players. However, there are plenty of side missions and hidden areas to explore, which can extend your playtime significantly.

Combat is fun and challenging, with a lot of options for different play styles. You can go in guns blazing or take a more stealthy approach. You can also choose which augmentations to invest in, which can affect your combat and non-combat abilities. Honestly in my opinion, It's better to just rock the skin augmentations like the TITAN which damn that animation looks sick as hell basically just covering Adam's body in armor and the Smart Vision to see whats in the surroundings and go on from there but that's just me.

The story is also cool and I kind of feel like they've improved with the writing for Adam here and that's not saying that Adam in HR was badly written or something.

This game made me understand that I do NOT like first person games at all.

disappointing, deus ex was about going to and exploring new areas, and all i did was just roam around prague and do side missions. human revolution was better in every right but this was rushed, and also just one boss fight in this game just sucks

Mankind Divided is a better shooter than it is a stealth game. The issue is that the devs are stuck on using stealth mechanics from the 2000's. They also refuse to implement modern mechanics stating they want the game to feel like DE did in the 2000's. Unfortunately this creates a mediocre stealth experience when compared to other modern stealth games. Everything else about the game is solid, though nothing amazing. The new cover system is also great. If you like shooters it's alright.

Waaaaaaaaaaaay better than HR. Still not close to the original but hey, at least i actually had fun playing this one.

I didn't give a fuck about the characters or plot in HR, and that didn't change here. In fact the plot felt even dumber than before. Me not caring about the plot is probably the reason why the game didn't feel unfinished to me, i focused on the content and the game has a lot of it and it's very polished.

Prague was an amazing, i spent MANY hours exploring it and doing every side quest i could find before i even started the main missions. I still miss the area variety from the og but i don't dislike the quality over quantity approach they used, i had more fun fucking around in the Bank than i did in the entirety of HR.

As for augs and builds, it's pretty much the same complaints i had with HR, i just didn't care that much because i was having fun with the main game.

Also you get exp for using passwords now, thank god. Still dislike the massives amounts of hacking and the game rewarding you with exp for every little thing you do, the og did that perfectly.

I still recommend playing the original instead, but if you want more Deus Ex this is the second best game.

I enjoyed playing it more than Human Revolution
Human Revolution had a better story and better characters while Mankind Divided has improved gameplay and better level design
The characters that I found interesting in Mankind Divided were underdeveloped and didn't have much screen time sadly

Great game definitely worth to play. Sadly unfinished.

even better than human revolution, much better graphics, world building, aesthetic, and overall gameplay. the story is great too

aside from the awful performance it's such a massive improvement over DXHR it's kinda mindblowing, the story is still kinda meh and the ending is nonexistant but the gameplay is a direct upgrade and you feel more in control of your actions and choices, fuck the microtransactions and bad DLC practice

A smaller scale follow up to Human Revolution that while not reaching the same heights in terms of story, the gameplay is a mark improvement. Mankind Divided fixes a lot of the problems I had with the previous game by allowing more ways to tackle mission objectives and also making a non-lethal playthrough viable and enjoyable.

I personally have no qualms with the story being a lot smaller and scale as I felt it was a logical follow up to the monumental ending of Human Revolution. What I will criticize is how short it is with there being only four levels outside of the hub with one of those being the tutorial. I'm all for shorter games but I felt here it does the story a disservice by not fleshing out certain plot points and characters as much as I wish they did. What makes up for this is the hub setting of Prague is a lot of fun to explore and the side quests are interesting and often pose interesting moral dilemmas.

I think what interests me the most about this game is how immersive sims have evolved since its release. The indie scene has evolved the genre to new heights so I think we are all due for a new entry in the series. The world is utterly fascinating and I really like Adam Jensen as a protagonist, now if only Square Enix would stop being so screwy with the franchise.

The mains story is less interesting than human revolution but everything else Is as massive improvement.

This game most definitely has issues, that’s just a fact with it. While some of it was out of their control, other parts were most definitely a case of ambitions not exactly working the way they wanted it to.

To put it plainly, the themes of the game are very heavy handed. While this wasn’t something that bothered me too much, it did make me realize how much intrigue there could’ve been if the game wasn’t focused on the tired question of “Is persecution of a specific group or race of people a bad thing?”

Other than that, what did annoy me was probably out of Eidos’ control. That being the marketing tactics Square Enix employed here come purely cause Human Revolution sold well. Forcing tons of apps and pre order BS, a multiplayer mode, and even micro transactions that were added so late into the game that they couldn’t even incentivize players to use them rather than playing normally (and thank god for that)

Let’s all be glad this company that chooses EnEfTees over this series no longer owns it.

Really, my only other big complaint is how rushed the ending feels. It’s all build up to a final chapter that you’d expect to play through, but you’re suddenly pulled away from the controller and told “Nope, you gotta wait for the third prequel game!”

But, other than that, I have to admit…this game is probably better in every way than Human Revolution! And I already really liked that game!

For one, the exploration was so much more rewarding! While you had options in HR, it often just consisted of hacking or finding very obvious vents to get to where you needed to go.

MD actually gives you way more options, and I had to legit think and experiment about how to go about certain objectives. Especially cause they don’t point directly towards where you need to go like HR did for its side quests.

They also improved the cover system a bit, allowing for more precise aiming out of cover and more ways to move from cover to cover and catch your enemies off guard.

While you’re doing this, you’ll probably also be taking in the sights cause my god this game looks so good! It holds up insanely well, and I just love the artstyle they went with here. Prague is just a beautiful backdrop and works well to contrast with the darker elements at play within that beauty.

And the side quests are actually excellent, and I went out of my way to do every single one I could find. That’s only something I’d do for games I just enjoy playing, like Future Redeemed just recently!

Overall though…despite the issues it has, this game was a blast for me and I am definitely returning to it to try different stuff. Still recommended by me for anyone interested in these games, along with all the others in the series (except Invisible War cause I haven’t played it yet)

It could've been even better than Human Revolution and the original, but it's too short.

I never asked for this: the sequel.