Reviews from

in the past

Fun indie game, way longer than it has any right to be, I ended up skipping a lot of the plot since it's very predictable and Cartoon Networky, and it still took 10 hours, and by that point, the gameplay hasn't evolved enough to warrant that lenght.

HOLY SHIT PEAAAAAAAAK. Bro this was free on Ps+ and I could tell I would enjoy it by seeing the cover art but it surpassed my expectations on top of that 😭. I’m not gonna go too in depth bc it’s a short and sweet experience but definitely try this one, very slept on.

Jogo bem engraçado, com um combate legal, mas acho que se perdeu um pouco em se definir como gênero. Vale bastante a pena.

Um jogo brasileiro feito para brasileiros.

É sempre muito gratificante ver como a indústria brasileira evolui cada vez mais a cada jogo lançado, e Dodgeball Academia é um marco muito positivo.

Não apenas como um simples e agradável jogo de queimada, mas como um amontoado de referências e diálogos muito bem escritos que remetem principalmente a nossa cultura.

Seja na presença do pão de queijo como ítem consumível ou na imponente presença da Tia da Cantina, é impossível não se sentir abraçado sendo um brasileiro. É notável o carinho dos desenvolvedores nesse quesito.

A grande maioria dos personagens são incríveis, cada um do seu jeito, e ajudam a contar uma história que, apesar de muito arrastada, é divertida, com foco no companheirismo, trabalho em equipe e descoberta sobre si mesmo e seus próprios sonhos.

Pode ser algo da minha cabeça, mas também notei referências sutis a coisas que causam nostalgia a muitos e muitos brasileiros, como Pokémon e Dragon Ball, com um protagonista muito parecido com o Ash em muitos aspectos, e esse mesmo protagonista tem um fucking Kamehameha como golpe especial, com pose e tudo, maravilhoso.

Esse jogo apareceu na Plus e eu acabei baixando por ter achado o art design dele maravilhoso e agora tô completamente apaixonado. Que jogo maravilhoso, amigos.

É divertido, criativo, a história é engraçada, o diálogo é cheio de tiradas e gírias brasileiras que tornam tudo ainda mais cômico. Os personagens são carismáticos pra caramba (Bexigo e Shoy eu amo vocês) e tu acaba te afeiçoando a eles assim que começa a jogar.

A gameplay é simples, fluida e a progressão de personagem é muito satisfatória. Fico feliz demais de saber que uma pérola dessa saiu daqui do Brasilzão. Tomara que tenha uma sequência, com certeza vou querer jogar!

Ótimo indie brasileiro. Só achei que ficou repetitivo na reta final,mas curti bastante.

Dodgeball Academia é um excelente jogo no geral, possui uma gameplay divertida e um bom sistema de evoluir os personagens.

This game has one of the sweetest easter eggs ever 😍 I checked out the manual and just ended up crying 🐶💖
This game has so much charm, heart, and most importantly... it's fun!

Fun, short game about the competition of a tournament. Action RPG where the combat is dodgeball with a surprising amount of depth, including different elemental attacks, charge throws, counters and catches, special moves, and a varied cast of enemies. Each chapter is a day in the life of a high school student as they deal with classes, social interactions with other students and competing in a school wide tournament. The art style is cute with 2D characters in a 3D world, reminiscent of Amazing World of Gumball, and the UI complements it very well. The soundtrack is fine and while there aren't any tracks I particularly loved, there weren't any that were annoying. This game has fun combat, good pacing, and the writing holds up as well, fleshing out each party member very well for a game so short.

While the rolling mechanic allows you to traverse quickly and add character to Otto, the bumping is a little annoying and I wish there was a way to stop rolling without jumping. You would still be able to occasionally bump into other students which would be fine. The doors not opening in time for you to enter them is a minor pet peeve, wish they worked like they did in Animal Crossing. I also hate the name Otto for some reason, but that's also a minor complaint. If there was a little more to this game besides the combat and the story, or if the music was better I would give it a 5.

Solid game but not something I'd revisit. Fun art style, interesting concept and a decent story, but just not something that personally grabbed me.

um dia eu termino, ai eu colo nota máxima

Dodgeball Academia fits nicely into the tradition of Nintendo's various sports-oriented roleplaying games, and wears its influences openly and with a lot of heart. The real issue that keeps me from getting into it is the combat.

It is actually moreso of a fighting game with RPG elements, where your granular reflex and timing are the most important aspects of the game. The RPG elements are "lighter" in comparison, tho they are definitely there, and team composition is very important. I just don't really like the game on a mechanical level.

You're often playing against a team of different enemies, all with differing abilities and projectiles. There can be up to like 8 balls active on the field at a given. This starts to pose an issue when you're controlling 3 units at the same time, who move in sync and cover a lot of space within your side of the court.

The game has serious readability issues because of the exaggerated size of your characters coupled with obnoxious on-hit effects and damage indicators. When theres like 6 different types of dodgeballs flying around, all producing different gameplay and visual effects, it becomes way too chaotic.

I really like some of the gameplay concepts and the different flavor of the party members, but I don't feel like I can really appreciate a lot of the combat due to the chaos and pacing of the battles. So ultimately its not really my thing.

Great concept. Support Brazilian devs!

Parto dal presupposto che non è vero che in questo gioco non ci sia sfida, è vero che non è di certo complicato e il gameplay si fa conquistare in poco tempo però è anche vero che qualche secondaria può generare qualche difficoltà. In sostanza non siamo ad un livello pokemon, ma quasi. Detto questo: stile magnifico soprattutto se apprezzi roba alla gumball ecc, ottima longevità, divertente sia in singolo che soprattutto in compagnia.


Posso falar com tranquilidade que esse é o MELHOR INDIE BRASILEIRO Q EU JÁ JOGUEI (e o fato deu ter jogado apenas 2 n conta), os caras conseguiram fazer um jogo que envolve queimada ser divertido, os personagens são carismáticos e únicos, a gameplay é simples, os diálogos divertidos. A única coisa q eu tenho a reclamar é que os confrontos contra chefes poderiam ser mais desafiadores. De resto o jogo está de parabéns.

O melhor Anime de Queimado que existe.

Honestamente um dos jogos brasileiros mais polidos que eu já joguei. Escrita muito foda, engraçada e brasileiríssima, arte muito foda, música absurda, gameplay e variedade de poderzinhos e designs dos personagens legalzíssimos. Destaque especial pro ABSOLUTAMENTE MELHOR loopzinho de animação de personagem feito até agora em um videogame: o Diretor da escola puxando aquela lambida que termina num estalo com a mão ûᴗû) husuhgdf muito foda.

Se tem um jogo que é Obrigatório jogar, é esse daqui. Jogue.

Dodgeball Academia is what you get if you mix any sports anime with Pokémon like battle encounters.

Though it's a little flawed in places it's overall a charming unique little game. with a lot to like. You play the role of Otto, a new student at Dodgeball Academia, a rather prestigious school but one that underneath is struggling. They have placed all their bets on this years inner school tournament to save the school allowing them to keep the legendary dodgeball and Otto and his band of odd team mates will be a big part of that. Along the way he will play against all sorts of weird characters and situations in which Dodgeball will inevitably save the day! It's a fairly straightforward game in it's 10 hour run but must of the cast are extremely likeable, unique and the dialog is often surprisingly funny.

Each of the games played is set up like an RPG battle encounter as mentioned above. Walking through the campus in the line of sight of a student they will challenge you to a game like Pokémon trainers do. Each character in the match has HP, a super, a charge throw and certain character locked skills. Some catch the ball, others counter etc. It's all pretty basic but the game does throw some things in to mix it up with elemental balls and knocked out characters being able to throw balls in from the sideline to keep an eye out for. Even with mixing things up as much as they can the matches themselves get old kind of fast. Your team mates merely copy your movement ad actions in random to you rather than act on their own. This leaves it all feels a little too basic in some ways yet that shouldn't be mistaken for easy. Far from it, certain battles will have abrupt difficulty spikes where I found myself pounded by balls.

The visual design is a treat, it really reminded me of Saturday morning cartoons in some ways. The characters are all pretty unique but cohesively fit with each other but the game jokes about it in several instances like how npcs look the same or the marvelous chin of George the giant pickle headed receptionist and it all works absolutely to the game's credit and the small Brazilian team behind it. The soundtrack is also a surprising stand out with this peppy upbeat music that match the content and art style perfectly.

This was one of the games on my Sport RPGS list and I'm really glad I gave it a go. The battle system could do with refining and I would have liked more locations than just the Dodgeball Academia Campus (like a nearby town) would have really improved it but even so it's fun, has great visual and music design and is full of wistful charm in a lot of ways.


+ Charming atmosphere.
+ Can be funny at times.
+ Great visual and music design.

- Battles get stale after a while.
- Some odd difficulty spikes.

Joguinho fantástico!!!
Super divertido, é basicamente um Pokemon de queimada.
A gameplay é bem divertida, é bem inspirado em pokemon, mas não é um jogo de turno - só joguei os antigos n sei como anda hoje em dia - o "combate" é uma partida de queimada, cada personagem muda bastante um pro outro, os inimigos são bem variados, é muito boa a gameplay.
A história é simples porém cativante.
Vale a compra, e o mais legal é um jogo feito por brasileiros, foi o que me fez comprar e não me arrependi nada, peguei em uma promo, mas vale o preço cheio.

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: 18 hours
Platinum N°: 154

We put ourselves in the shoes of Otto, a boy who enters the Dodgeball Academy and whose goal is to win the tournament that is about to take place. We will have to form a team for the tournament, go to some classes and face the different challenges that will be presented to us in this crazy academy, from ghosts, robots and rival teams.

The path to platinum is simple, complete all the side quests, get all the accessories, get a platinum medal in all the challenges, among others.

I was pleasantly surprised with this game, the story has a lot of humor, the characters are very charismatic and fun, their designs are very well done and the gameplay is entertaining and sometimes challenging.

Recommended 100% and I hope a sequel comes in the not too distant future.

É tão bom saber que a nossa indústria nacional pode produzir um jogo tão maravilhoso assim, eu nunca me interessaria por um RPG de turno, ou qualquer coisa com tanto diálogo até jogar esse jogo.
Tatuaria facilmente o Otto, Bexigo e todos os personagens e NPCs são geniais, li cada diálogo com uma alegria enorme pois tem uma ótima localização com gírias e piadas que quem é BR vai entender, fiz duas runs para platinar, depois fui saber que a segunda foi até que desnecessária, mas não me arrependi de cada segundo que passei nessa obra de arte

Dodgeball has never been so pain-less before.

Absolutely loved this game.

The art, music, gameplay are all top notch. Great sense of humour in the writing too.

Highly recommend for anyone who grew up playing Gameboy Advance games. Similar vibes to older Pokemon or turn-based games.

Very fun times, has a lot of areas where it could have expanded itself (more focus on the other party members being the big one that I felt was missing), but it keeps things fairly simple and what’s there is executed very well. It’s a pure hearted love letter to shonen tournament arcs with fantastic character designs and quirky special abilities for its cast, the dodgeball gameplay is fun as hell and it’s just so likable. Nice game :)

O jogo é bão, diferenciado e tals, mas eu meio que enjoei depois de um tempo

This game feels like a mix of Mario sport RPG and Pokémon. The Mario sport RPG part is in terms of structure. The main battles are through sport (dodgeball), some light RPG elements (levels, equipment) and a simple story to follow that is just an excuse to keep playing. The Pokémon elements are minor but they’re definitely present. Players stop you for a battle when you’re near them, there is a ‘pokecenter’ where you heal your party and both examples have catchy Pokémon like tunes. The battle system has more depth than expected. This game is very charming but it feels a bit repetitive because you keep fighting teams. Many fights feel like excuses just because a certain section needs a fight. That part is not a good story telling. Regardless though, this game is pretty polished. Especially for an indie.

A generally fun spin on dodgeball with an action rpg feel, set in a charming and colorful place thats more or less a parody of shounen tropes.

The gameplay in itself is pretty solid, with the varied cast of characters offering different abilities in how to approach the game + various items to specialize them further.
However there is unfortunately little variances in the matches themselves. While the game does toss in quite a few gimmicks they all in general feel pretty samey (and in many cases pretty chaotic), with a few notable exceptions.

Beyond that there not much else to it, though the writing does a nice job of keeping the flow going. Fleshing the characters out with usually funny dialogue and building up fun stakes for the actual tournament matches.

inazuma eleven pero de balon prisionero, muy guay 👍

A very fun little Brazilian Sport/Action/RPG with colorful visuals and a lot of charm. The battle system can be challenging at first but after some battles you start mastering and it is not so hard. You have 6 party members to play in which you play with 3 in battle, each with their own perks and playstyle.
The soundtrack is mostly very energetic and fast paced, it matches the game perfectly.
The plot can be a little cliché'd and weak overall but the cute characters and funny humor makes it much better