Reviews from

in the past

Game was a free giveaway. Why the hell did I install it?

(Played before 2023)
How generic and short do you want a game to be?

The worst singleplayer shooter campaign i have ever played

"Another MW2 Wannabe"
Story: Let me try to comprehend the 4hr story that took place. It starts with you thrown in mid-occupation of North Korea invading the U.S.A. You are an unvoiced character apart of a freedom fighter group. That is trying to take back America. You journey throughout the country dismantling the opposing force one mission at a time. As you go through it you see how torturous the North Koreans were to the American civilians who didn’t fall in line. As you go through the story, you think to yourself how is all of this death and destruction benefiting the people you are trying to save. And then after a grand finale the story ends on a cliffhanger.
Gameplay: If you played any early Call of Duty, then you’ve played this game. And controls like it too. Run, shoot, run with the occasional vehicle controlled segments as you progress through a mission based FPS campaign. You’re provided the traditional set of military weapons to take out endless of the same enemies and vehicles. Some missions have a few mini items of no combat. In order to give you a break of the same thing and to throw some story beats in.
Online: First off, the game severs are basically dead. Surprised me that they are even online to begin with. Once in a while you’ll see a single populated server. But that’s it. Playing online on the Steam Deck is difficult because you can’t really compete against the few players left who are assumed to have a ton of hours with mouse and keyboard. To sum up the experience of online. It is basically a mash up of COD and Battlefield. With American based maps.
Graphics: The draw graphically in this game is the backdrop of fighting in the U.S.A. And at some points there are highlights of decent texture work for a game coming out in 2011. Besides that there is nothing graphically to write home about. An overall generic visual presentation.
Audio: The audio similar to the graphics is for the most part generic. With decent voice acting. But at the same time not COD level with the sound affects and voice acting. Average overall.
Performance/Bugs: Experienced many stutters through the same on the Steam Deck. But that was most likely due to different parts of the level loading and it being and old game. I was able to get a constant 60FPS experience throughout the game besides that. There was also a lot of texture clipping throughout the game. And animation bugs. The thing that annoyed me the most is that when using a game pad was enabled in settings. Control prompts on screen didn’t correlate with buttons on the controller.

big budget big stinker of a "of the time shooter"

White phosphorus is so cool

Rating: 5/10 - Bad

This is, at least so far, the worst fps I've played. The weapons don't feel good and have horrible sound design, the maps are uninteresting and most of the gameplay segments are boring, with only one of two being memorable.

The story is the part of this game with the most amount of substance. After the unification of North and South Korea, the country manages to turn into a superpower and decides to invade the US. It is an incredibly far fetched premise that has the potential to be fun and even insightful, as the United States and North Korea do have diametrically opposed politics... But nothing is done with it.

There are bits that attempt to appeal to emotion and show the horrors of being invaded and oppressed by a foreign country but there is no reflection or something meaningful said by anyone, leaving said moments hollow and artificial.

the only reason why I don't give this game a lower score comes mostly from the fact that it could be worse. The game botched a ton of opportunities to do something interesting, but it still could be worse... and that's mostly a statement on how bad things can get when it comes to video games.

The game is very good for its time. Since I played a little late, some things caught my eye a lot, but it's normal for its time. The story is not bad and it managed to pull me in. I love rebellion and resistance themed games. As for the difficulty of the game, I played on Guerrilla difficulty, but it was not very difficult.

Run of the mill military FPS, from a time when military FPS games were a dime a dozen. And it's not even an enjoyable one at that.

Apesar da história de Homefront ser convincente e até um pouco profética com o medo que rolou em 2018 de uma Terceira Guerra Mundial surgir entre os Estados Unidos e a Córeia do Norte, em gameplay esse jogo deixa muito a desejar, que além da jogabilidade totalmente genérica/bugada e tenebrosa eu não entendi também qual foi a pira dos desenvolvedores de colocar um sistema de legendas que é quase impossível de se acompanhar ficando num canto da tela totalmente sem sentido de visão, e isso é apenas a ponta do iceberg da lista de problemas que esse game tem com um único ponto positivo que é sua história que mesmo sendo boa e imersiva foi ofuscada pelo terror da sua gameplay que hoje em dia acho que não vale a pena de ser enfrentada, portanto, acredito eu que a melhor solução aqui seria um Remake bem feito seguindo as raízes da história original que ai sim daria para se recomendar mas infelizmente acho bem difícil disso acontecer...

Propaganda that doesn't even have the gaul to be fun

Tries very hard to just be Call of Duty but lost anything that made those games at the time any good.

É uma ótima desculpa pra usar drogas pesadas.

Mediocre piece of shit. Wasted time, I tell you. At least it works without much issue.

The story sucks, but it's not awful! It works! That's about it!

Mediocrity like this are the reason why many gamers label the 7th generation of gaming the worst in terms of variety.
I like my fair share of FPS/TPS games, but the 7th generation is plagued with too many mediocre and Homerfront is one of the worst of it's kind.

4 hours long.
Subpar visuals
Uninspired lazily written story
Borderline nothing character.
Squeal bait ending that barely meant anything in a long run.

Just avoid this game at all cost, unless you want to experience how bad and lazy 7th gen shooters can be.

I recently played Homefront, a first-person shooter game, and while it had some positives, I have to admit that it left me feeling underwhelmed.

One of the biggest drawbacks of the game is that I was forced to walk a lot, which became frustrating and time-consuming. The dialogue also felt overly long and dull, making it challenging to stay engaged with the story. Speaking of the story, it was pretty average and fell into the "murica!" game trope that we've seen countless times before.

Another negative of the game was the complete lack of directional help. I often found myself lost and left to figure out where to go on my own, which was annoying. The checkpoints in the game were also terrible, setting me back too far and making the game feel longer than it needed to be. The gameplay itself felt clunky, and the gun sounds were repetitive and unimpressive.

On the positive side, the physical setting of the game was decent. I also appreciated that the game chose North Korea as the enemy, as it was a refreshing change from the typical enemies seen in other games. The people hung on towers and buildings throughout the game really helped set the mood, and I particularly enjoyed the helicopter gameplay, even though it was unrealistic and strange.

Overall, while Homefront had some positive elements, the negatives outweighed them, leaving me feeling disappointed in the end.

I think I spent more time waiting for my A.I. teammates to catch up than I did shooting bad guys.

Well trodden storyline, super paint by numbers, and way too short.

A boring linear 7th gen shooter that somehow elevates itself from being completely forgettable to being completely abhorrent by virtue of the writing. The North Koreans are presented as near-literal inhuman monsters and somehow the resistance is still more unlikable. The number of times your squad mates pull an "oopsie" to lose the hearts-and-minds war like telling starving beggar children to fuck off or dropping white phosphorous on their own guys almost makes me think someone on the writing team was deliberately sabotaging this game's America-First message. It's kind of incredible.

The most fascist game I've ever played, and not at all in the way the writers wanted it to be. Our brave heroes of the resistance shove starving beggar children to the ground, throw their own to the wolves for the unforgivable crime of being visibly Asian in a sea of gruffly-voiced white people, and drop white phosphorous bombs on their own men by complete accident. Oops. These are our protagonists and ostensible heroes of this plot. No wonder America lost the war in this universe; I'd have defected to the North Koreans too if joining up with these guys was the alternative.

The only positive thing I have to say about this game is that it had an interesting premise, if nothing else. However, the execution of the story, the gameplay and literally everything else is just dull, uninspired and generic.
To summarize - the game is a product of its time - being released in 2011, it was chasing the military shooter trend. Limited weapons, linear corridor level design, and reliance on bombastic and cinematic set-pieces to immerse the player. And it failed in almost all of these endeavors. The guns are not fun to use, the movement feels clunky, and the set-pieces are meh. It's not the worst game in the world, but it is one of the most boring ones, which IMO is worse, because bad games are at least remembered for their notoriety, this one is

Homefront is a shooter with a pretty bad, predictable plot and gameplay that can only be described as generic. Although at the very least the main campaign has some variety for its short length.
That being said, I did have some fun playing the multiplayer, but I think it's probably almost impossible to find a game right now so it doesn't really matter.

As much as I wanted to like Homefront, I can’t help but lament its inability to overcome its shortcomings. On the whole, Homefront struggles to differentiate itself from the generic shooter template enough to make a lasting impression.

The red dawn-like setup is a neat idea that’s not been done a lot and it’s regretfully squandered here on an execution too safe and boring for its own good. I can commend the radio transmissions between missions for adding context, and the small peaks into the direness of occupied America can be moving, but it’s all undercut by a cliche cast of characters and a protagonist that may as well be a cardboard cutout. Where Homefront shines is in isolated scenes, both grand and grisly, but those moments are too sparse to keep the player engaged. Not to mention the story ends far too abruptly and with absolutely no punch.

As for the gameplay, Homefront never rises above basic competency. Most of the guns are forgettable, with the exceptions of the special guns like the launchers and snipers. The vehicle control sections are fine, even if they feel more like a met quota than a fun purposeful choice. Beyond some rudimentary grenades and rarely C4, that about does it for your arsenal. Again, while the groundwork exists for something experimental here, Homefront disappointingly insists on offering nothing new, even as a gimmick.

Very little worth playing here. Maybe the multiplayer was fine, but the singleplayer is duller than some of the most dull Call of Duty's and completely lacks the set pieces that make those kind of games memorable. Not even worth a playthrough.

Probably the best COD-esque game I've played