Reviews from

in the past

I hear this thing is actually doki doki panic in japan

This game confirmed what we already knew but couldn't prove: All women can float in midair, they simply choose not to

fun to play but its nothing crazy

A fun romp to go through, sets a lot of the essential characteristics of each of the four main characters, and is pleasantly designed. Very fun maps to go through that contain many secrets and fun little challenges. Also is one of the few NES games that didn't give me a migraine.

Mario needs to wake up his dream kind of stinks.

Pretty nice classic. It kinda makes wanna try the original deal, but I know this is a better version for sound and no seizures at all.

Un buen juego de plataformas, si, todos sabemos la historia, pero en general esta bien.


Super Mario Bros 2 is the black sheep to the NES trilogy. It's an experimental game with a bit of a weird history, as it didn't start as a Mario game and was originally a different game called "Doki-Doki Panic" with much to appreciate about it. Although the style is very fun and we get the introduction of Shy Guy and the theme about dreams, the game has a lot of flaws that stem from it not being a Mario game.

What I like: Super Mario Bros 2 pioneers Toad and Peach as playable characters, and also Luigi as a primary character you could play as. The movement of the characters varying depending on your play-style is a nice part of the game; if you take it more slow then there's Toadstool, if you like speed there's Toad, etc. The game is also fantastic stylistically, which feels wrong to say considering this is more of an official Mario romhack.

What I don't like: The enemies can be frustrating, it's hard to determine the timings in order to beat them. I really missed the traditional Mario power-ups like the fire flower and the ability to just jump on enemies. Birdo was also a frustrating boss to fight because of how quick her eggs are shot at the player, and also the occasional fireball.

Other: Unlike SMB1 and SMB2: TLL, I never had a connection to this game when I was a kid. It's forgotten about and it's just kinda there. I was able to beat all the Mario games so far in one day, but this was just really frustrating as it removed the features that made the games iconic and enjoyable. Maybe I just don't understand it and would need to come back, as that happens with a lot of art I enjoy. I don't feel a need to replay this, but I'm willing to come back to it at a later point that isn't a Mariothon.

surprisingly fun. not perfect but like it's a guilty pleasure


Cool ideas and actually pretty fun for the first few worlds but then gets awfully frustrating, repetitive and annoying

This game is just bad.
The main mechanic is weird and not that fun.

Eh, it's too slow for my liking and the graphics aren't my favorite. Still, I'll play it if it's in front of me.

mario 2 is so cool. i love the vibe of this game

Yeah this is much better than Lost Levels. Also warrants credit for introducing a lot of the more interesting Mario enemies - sure Wart sucks and should never come back but Shy Guys, Pokeys, Birdo etc are all great

So like are turnips like a thing? I have never seen a turnip in real life.


Até compreendo os motivos da Nintendo ter feito esse mod, mas por não ter a essência da franquia, como um suposto jogo do Mario, é uma experiência tediosa.

Fica claro pra qualquer um que olha meu perfil que tô zerando várias franquias em ordem paralelamente, e quem me conhece sabe que tô numa longa jornada de tirar o atraso de uma vida inteira de acesso limitado a videogames. A franquia Mario é uma das principais, mas quando reparei que zerei Super Mario Bros. 1 em OUTUBRO DE 2022 percebi o quanto me enrolo nisso tudo. Ano passado só não ficou sem Mario por causa do Wonder, e esses jogos são tão curtos, porque que eu tenho que ser assim? AFF

Esquisitice é uma característica marcante desse jogo. Todo mundo sabe a história do Doki Doki Panic e tal, e muitos não o consideram como um verdadeiro Mario, o que ao meu ver, é burrice.
Esse é um bom jogo que não se encaixa muito bem entre seu antecessor e sucessor, trazendo ideias bem diferentes, mas não necessariamente ruins. A verticalidade é muito bem explorada e há níveis bem criativos, que tem um salto visual impressionante, mas acabam sendo repetitivos. A mecânica principal de segurar e arremessar objetos acaba deixando a desejar, pois nunca é satisfatório e raramente exige alguma solução criativa. Os objetos são pouco variados em efeito, e os inimigos, apesar de visualmente variados, não tem habilidades muito marcantes.

Apesar de não se encaixar dentre os primeiros, vemos seu enorme legado espalhado pelo resto da franquia, com inimigos, músicas, as habilidades dos personagens, os temas dos mundos, e por aí vai.
Essa é uma peça estranha da jornada do encanador, mas indispensável pra sua história.

E sobre o original, "Lost Levels", eu acho aquilo ali um kaizo mario oficial de mal gosto e não pretendo rejogar.

Not my favorite Mario game by a long shot, but overall I think it's alright. Pretty much everyone knows by now that this is a reskin of another game (Doki Doki Panic), so I won't really go into that. It definitely makes for a different experience though.

I don't usually mind when a game tries something new, but Mario 2 is so wildly different from its predecessor that it's hard to judge them in the same light. It's really a Mario game in name only. On one hand I feel like people would probably like it more if it was just its own thing, but also if that was the case then nobody would've played it lol

Trying to look at it objectively though, I do think it's decent. It's kinda jarring to jump on an enemy and just end up standing on it, but I don't think it's bad. Music is generally good, and the platforming is fun enough. I think it's pretty cool that some levels actually have multiple paths you can take. Having four characters with different attributes is also not something you see in many games from this era, so I'm a fan of that even if (in my opinion) there's almost no reason to ever pick Mario or Peach.

The worst parts of the game are probably that you have to fight Birdo a thousand times, and the lack of 1-ups. There are only a few scattered throughout levels, so the main way to get them is through the slot machine which pays out like 10% of the time if you're lucky. And of course it's an 80s NES title, so if you game over then your ass is replaying the whole thing.

Reasonably good game at the end of the day, but you're not missing too much if you skip it. Mario 3 and World absolutely blow it out of the water anyway.

A game very obviously designed to be a quick and easy seller, since it was another game (Doki Doki panic) with Mario & co. Plastered onto it. The gameplay seen here is unlike any other Mario game and was never seen again after the games release. Instead of stomping enemies, you could pick them up and throw them, as well as use various items and weapons such as turnips to defeat them. The level design is actually pretty good and the bosses are also decent but a lot of the merit for this game falls apart when you consider that it was never actually a Mario game to begin with.

This is the direction Mario games should've kept going in IMO and, I'm glad to see Wonder taking a decent amount of inspiration from this one!

I don't own a switch so I can't play wonder but this is very good all the same!

SMB2 is quite the most unique 2D Mario game (because it is literally a reskin of a different game), but still a good game nonetheless. The game kinda feel like a fever dream in the Mario universe, which makes sense as the story is branded as Mario's dream. The biggest difference about this Mario game compared to the others is the ability to pick up objects and enemies and throw them. While I really like this mechanic and wish it was in other Mario games, it is something to this game's detriment. One of the most satisfying things about playing a Mario game is stomping on enemies head's as you platform. You can no longer kill enemies by stomping on their heads due to the fact that the designers want you to pick them up and throw them. Again, while I do like this mechanic, it does bring the whole game down by 1 point for the fact that it won't also let me stomp on enemies. Nonetheless, if you can adjust your expectations of how Mario works for this one game, it is still enjoyable.