Reviews from

in the past

One of the best games of all time. Super easy to just jump in and have fun with the various worlds, from Bomb-Omb Battlefield to Snowman's Land to even just the starting front area of Peach's Castle. It's crazy how the developers at the time were able to perfect the movement to be so fluid that it ends up being one of the most popular games to speedrun to this day. So much so that people find so many new things about the game years after it's release from carpetless to parallel universes, to even outside of speedrunning like the unused Luigi model.

Perhaps the only negatives about this game are the camera controls in tight areas but I didn't find a issue with this all that much and it still holds up to this day regardless. Just like how the original Super Mario Bros. set the standard for video games after, this game set the 3D standard for video games.

Mario 64 is one of the most famous and influential games of all time. It is a pivotal game in the Mario series since it's the first 3D entry. At the time the gameplay and graphics were revolutionary but nowadays they are antiquated. I really wanted to like this game, I liked Ocarina of Time, but unfortunately, this game was frustrating. The camera is difficult to control and being the first 3D Mario game means the controls aren't as fluid as later games. Both of these aspects combine to create a game that is difficult for all the wrong reasons. The final boss, in particular, was annoying because I was terrible at timing the throws. Despite all that I still had some fun playing the game but in terms of frustration, it ranks up there with God of War (2005) and sadly I can't commend this game as much as others in the franchise.

It's short and sweet once you know what you're doing, and it's fun to speed through the game. I think Mario looks very silly in it.

- Teto

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this that good shit oooh yeah this that classic good shit with a cherry on top. i tried to speedrun it and was ASS. had to build speed for 12 hours ... 1 star

I feel like I kinda had to be there. It's great, but I just have a hard time enjoying a lot from the N64 library.
Born in 2000, first home console was the Wii in 2010 if that means anything lol

The iconic 3D platformer - what else is there to say?

if gaming was a drug super mario 64 would be the shit gamers would inject into their bloodstream like black tar heroin

The classic 3D platform basics, and mushroom shaped goombas

i prefer sunshine by a smidge but come on. if you don't like this game you will die in the streets. probably the game ive played from start to finish the most amount of times (barring arcade titles of course). it will never get old.

One of the coziest games ever made. Every star is memorable, every level is charming. They really got it right the first time.

Nunca pense encariñarme tanto con este juego, pero si lo hizo. SIempre pense que este juego era nostalgico por lo tanto que lo recuerda la gente y los sigue jugando hoy en dia.
Recolectar las 120 estrellas es todo un delirio pero algo en este juego toco mi alma que me hizo hacerlo.

Revolutionary for it's time period. Played and completed when I was a kid and still remember absolutely everything about this game, it will always be held close to my heart.

Fun game, but awful controls. The Wing Cap red coins stars was one of the worst things I've had to do this year.

I feel as if this game is a tad bit overrated these days, to be honest. Yeah, it's amazing, but is it the best Mario game? I don't think so, man.
It's an amazing game that set the bar for 3D games but it ain't the best.

I wish I had something more profound to say about one of the most important video games ever made. But, I don't. :)

It's a good game, great even. But if I hear Slider one more time, I might go insane.

Super Mario 64 foi o jogo que fez eu me apaixonar por videogames. Antes dele, eu gostava do passatempo, mas depois dele, eu simplesmente entendi o que essa mídia era capaz de entregar. Seu gameplay segue sendo refinado, com controles simples, porém que permitem muitas possibilidades; seu level design é perfeito, com uma variedade impressionante de ambientações e criatividade ímpar; sua trilha sonora é marcante e bela; e seus gráficos são lindos, mantendo uma beleza nostálgica e uma direção de arte impecável. A verdade é que Super Mario 64 é uma obra inestimável para história dos jogos, que uma vez testado pelo tempo, se mantém relevante. Talvez o único ponto negativo aqui seja sua câmera; mas honestamente, me parece anacronismo punir um jogo de 1996 por não ter a melhor câmera do mundo, quando tantos anos depois, a indústria ainda comete essa gafe de entregar câmeras porcarias. No fim do dia, este jogo segue entre os melhores dos melhores.

The first 3D Mario game and it shows. There’s a lot good in here, it’s very fun to control, nostalgic ost, first half is really fun and speedy, and it laid down a lot for the other games to do better. But man the parts that didn’t age well really haven’t aged well. Camera sucks dick, very janky controls, and the final stretch to get 70 stars is the most miserable thing ever. Still a good game tho, 6/10.

my second least favorite mario 3d platformer. its still amazing though and its hard to deny how influential this game was to basically everything.

if you dont like this game ill track you down and shoot you

Obviously and incredible and influential game, but the archaic camera controls combined with a lot of tough platforming in the second half were incredibly frustrating and annoying. I still get why this game is a 10/10 for so many people and I think it deserves the praise but personally I just don't think its aged as well as people make it out to be.

Ahhhh que nostalgia y emoción siento al pensar en esta joyaza.

O jogo que ensinou o conceito de jogos 3D, usando apenas 8MB.

Super Mario 64 não é nem de longe o primeiro jogo 3D, outras empresas já estavam trabalhando com ele há 5 anos, pelo menos. Mario apenas foi um dos primeiros a ditar os fundamentos que tornam um jogo 3D verdadeiramente jogável.

Atrasado para a festa, Nintendo precisou inovar para chamar alguma atenção, e é exatamente o que fizeram com esse jogo.

A primeira inovação foi a simplificação da câmera, dando a entender que era um Lakitu te seguindo, e que você podia controlar ele usando os botões da câmera, em contraste ao uso de câmera fixa que todos usavam.

A segunda inovação foi a total aversão ao "tank controls" que insistiam em colocar nos personagens. Tinha-se a ideia de que apenas com o personagem olhando na direção da câmera era possível um bom controle, e em raros casos de jogos de tiro, era bem-vindo, mas em jogos de plataforma, esse controle não fazia o menor sentido, dando início ao uso do controle livre, em que cada direção é simplesmente a direção em que o personagem irá andar em relação a câmera, podendo fazer curvas fechadas e imediatas, sem a necessidade de virar a câmera. O puro 360°. E junto dele, mais de 10 tipos de pulos com controle tão fluido que você consegue subir escadas de bunda, se quiser.

Enfim, controle reformado, mundo aberto, qual a grande aventura deste jogo??

... salvar a princesa de um Godzilla com nanismo

Mano, que louco que tem uns roteiro de jogo que a gente simplesmente aceita e fim