Reviews from

in the past

Love this game! Very mechanically deep and fun to learn and the high energy music, sound effects, visual flare and dialogue all kept my adhd riddled brain glued to my screen, the Humour is also definitely solid but sometimes the reliance on internet references can get just liiiiiiittle grating and the final boss was kinda miserable for me, but over all a great game!

Esperava mais desse mas como é meu Herói favorito eu me diverti muito jogando e vendo a história se desenrolar.

it's a cool idea but i feel the controls are weirdly unintuitive considering the fact this is designed for young children (and moronic adults) to learn

Jeu de farming en TPS. À faire en coop de préférence pour ne pas s'ennuyer.

Un bon remake avec de nouvelles zones inédites rapidement explorés. Le Monde Distorsion aurait été nécessaire. Le design chibi laisse a désirer.

Bem legal o jogo apesar de eu não ter ficado com medo em momento algum

Nunca pensei que o ecossistema de um jogo me deixaria apaixonado. Ir descobrindo os padrões dos bichos e sobreviver nesse mundo é gostoso demais por mais estressante que seja as vezes.

Les meilleurs bosses de Bloodborne se trouvent ici et l'ambiance est toujours folle.

Des heures à passer sur le mode multi-joueur et le monde zombie mais la campagne est un peu faignante et manque de bonnes idées.

A neat little ~10 minute story about remembering the good and the sad past, with a really good soundtrack that ties it together.

Le concept lié aux conséquences que nos actes ont sur l'histoire est intéressant et l'ambiance horrifique est très réussie.

Cute and relaxing!! And very strange. It has the most melancholic main menu music I've ever heard in a game. It's so cute and I love making a little world for dinosaurs and other animals to live in. And then you just watch millions years pass by while extremely melancholic music plays, with some of them facing extinction and some new creatures popping up with a colourful "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" message. Haha. It's such a weird mix of tone, I like it. And then you play the four main scenarios and all of them have endings that results in what is essentially an existential crisis? This game has been played by like 5 people in the world so I haven't even been able to find out if there are "good" endings to these scenarios, maybe I'll never know. But it's fun!
I do wish the main scenarios followed one continuous storyline, and maybe had other end goals other than "create humans" because that meant that most of these scenarios played the same in the 2nd half. But the mini challenges have different goals and restrictions which is nice!

Anyway I think more people should play this game because 1) it's fun 2) we have to figure out if the main character can have a happy ending or is doomed to live as a stranger in a strange land for the rest of their life

La direction artistique est magnifique, les détails sont extrêmement bien soignés. L'aspect aventure du jeu est très réussie grâce à de nombreuses bonnes idées de gamedesign liés aux deux mondes parallèlement visitables.
Cependant certaines animations en combat sont malheureusement peu lisibles. La densité et la faible variété des mobs apporte une certaine lassitude sur la durée.

Minha experiência sempre foi jogando com os amigos e tendo uma conversa bem descontraída, então sempre tenho boas memórias quando penso em Terraria.

Fazer uns combos fodas e ouvir uma música foda é tudo de melhor que uma pessoa pode ter, jogo muito bom.

Beaucoup de personnages sont disponible, les niveaux sont très amusants et variés. La caméra est parfois capricieuse sur Nintendo GC. La BO du jeu est parfaite.

Has great moments, but unafortunely it's inferior to the original Q game in everything but battle mechanics and OST.
Removed hangouts, mazes have no puzzles (you will solve 90% of FOE "puzzles" without even thinking for a second), conversations revolve around the P5 cast most of the time and despite the game having a movie theme where the devs could've gone wild making up stories without having to worry whenever it made sense, they instead decided to write the same story 5 times with different characters.
The game's OCs aren't as fun and the final boss was very predictable as well. A shame considering how solid PQ was in the story and gameplay department despite being a silly spin-off.

imma be real with u chief i just dont like mario's cement factory that much

it's kinda just the same deal as the rest of the dk jr game and watch games just with a new layout. don't really like how these make you run through the level back and forth like 8 times to finish it

This being a 30 hour game is actually insane

just don't really care for how waity some of these game and watch games can be honestly, but i am a big fan of the theming in this one.

La présence des deux premières régions jouables (donc 16 badges et 2 ligues) ainsi que des starters parmis les plus charismatique de la licence pokemon en font le jeu Pokemon ultime.

There's no way that they can make something better than this

THANK YOU EDMUND MCMILLAN FOR CREATING MEAT without it...and I'll be frank from this moment on during this review... My Burger Resturaunt aptly titled "Bob's Burgers" would instead sound a little something like "Bob's Buns" and I don't know how I would feel about that if it were a reality. Sounds ferociously homosexual

Les starters sont assez décevants ainsi qui le monde ouvert malgré l'effort de renouvellement de la licence.