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DLC bugada demais com um chefe original que é uma bosta por que como eu disse, a dlc é bugada demais, apesar disso ele tem excelentes novas ideias na gameplay que viriam a influenciar depois a gameplay do vergil no dmc original em si, além de ser o unico DMC que tenta sair um pouco da mesmisse e bota uma historia nova com fases novas em forma de dlc, ao inves de seguir o padrao de jogar as mesmas fases só que com outro boneco, por conta disso em si fica com nota ALTA

It takes incredible skill to fuck up a playable Vergil

miserable DLC to cap off a miserable game. against all odds they managed to make Vergil boring in both combat and personality. six missions and one of them is recycled. the only boss fight is recycled from the base game. disheartening that studios like this get bought out by Microsoft

Es trágicomico que un DLC del dmc más odiado por todos tenga lo más cercano a un juego propio de vergil,con una historia propia y ser más que plastar a vergil en las misiones de dante

donde caemos gente ajjaa donde caemos gente jaja chiste joseju 2024 donde caemos gente jaja dojnnde caemos gente jajaj

Fazer uma DLC com um dos personagens mais queridos da franquia sendo que no jogo base já DESTRUIRAM ele por completo não parece uma boa ideia, certo?

Não foi, a DLC é simplesmente uma gigantesca palhaçada, sem cutscene, um enredo excessivamente edgy, e o pior... A gameplay do Vergil, o personagem conhecido pela velocidade na franquia é BIZARRA DE TÃO LENTA E TRAVADA!

É legal poder jogar com o Vergil, mas é tão malfeito e esquisito que incomoda demais, muito devagar para o que os fãs esperam do personagem, as cenas feitas numa animação estranha e o enredo é simplesmente confuso.

Acho que eles esperavam poder fazer uma sequência pro game base e já tentaram adiantar algo aqui (claramente não deu certo), por isso essa confusão e o final meio aberto.

DLC meia boca, o Vergil merecia mais.

Desarrollo del único personaje decente de reboot el cual preparaba el terreno para una secuela que nunca existira.

Este DLC está a la altura de los DMC (quitando al 5) creados por Capcom, o sea, mediocre...

Very nakedly one of those bits of cash-in DLC made on like a shoestring budget - but you know what? Unlike in most other DLCs of this caliber, the boss was at least not half-bad. It also felt like like a nod to Doppleganger, which is fun and cute.

Vergil has always been my favorite character to play as in the classic DMC games, however, he sucks in this game, he sucks really hard

What a forgettable, uninteresting and slow DLC, it wasn't worth my time.

Imagine the main game but slower, clunkier and overall frustrating.

Yeah, that's Vergil's Downfall

This DLC has its problems like no actual cutscenes wtf, and it being overpriced for the amount of game time it actually gives. But from a story stand point and just playing as virgil who plays so differently from dante. its pretty sick. Don't pay full price but this is a must play for fans of the reboot. It sets up for the sequel we may never get and shows virgil getting strong as fuck. Similar to his classic counterpart.

Low rating due to shortness and lack of real cutscenes.

A direção de arte é tão boa quanto o jogo base e o novo estilo de cutscene, animada em 2D, ficaram muito boas, apesar de provavelmente ser fruto de orçamento e tempo de produção reduzidos.

De resto, é complicado. São os piores níveis do jogo, quase todas as lutas tem pontos em que você pode simplesmente cair pra fora da arena tentando fazer combos aéreos. E as seções em plataforma não são tão boas quanto as do jogo base também. Grande parte disso é resultado do Vergil não ser tão intuitivo de se controlar quanto o Dante.

Falando nisso, esse é o pior Vergil de se jogar de todos. As ataques são fracos, não atordoam os inimigos e a baixa variedade de golpes faz com que criar combos não seja algo tão natural quanto o combate do Dante.

A única coisa boa desse combate foi que dele saiu muita ideia boa que foi aperfeiçoada nas versões do Vergil de DMC4 SE e DMC 5.

A DLC também tem muitas ideias boas, mas nenhuma é aproveitada pra tirar o máximo do seu potencial. É meio triste, porque ainda acho que dado o devido tempo e liberdade criativa, isso poderia ter sido muito melhor

i unironically enjoy Vergil's gameplay although it is a bit sluggish compared to Donte

This isn't bad but it definitely isn't good. Like idk wtf is going on throughout most of it. I understand the ending tho.

His gameplay was fun personally (y'all got a skill issue or somethin) there is 6 levels which is fine to me but the level design seemed horrible and boring. there's only one boss and it's not that good of a boss (for obvious reasons) I beat both nephilim and son of sparda again and I got NO rewards/outfits for those modes, I hate the outfits they give you by default. I WANT THE STORY VERSION OF HIM.

Again not entirely bad I found it very enjoyable

The best tactic in this DLC is to throw everyone off cliffs

i just really didnt like the combat encounters in this one. the rest is pretty cool, actually!

That's actually really fucking cool.

He's no DMC5 Vergil, but it can get pretty groovy.

This is the only Devil May Cry game that ever had any DLC levels, and that alone is cool, but I actually love the structure of this.

I wish it had an end boss fight, though. Just Mundus or Dante. Something.

zerei em um dia, o moveset do vergil é uma delícia e muito melhor e mais foda que o do dante, os novos inimigos são meio bosta e o level design é bem medíocre. a narrativa é sem graça mas a gameplay é boa então tá ótimo .

Imported from my Backloggery

It has the same fast and fluid combat that the base game had, but Vergil is just not as fun to control. The story is quite difficult to understand and was very forgettable. It was also wayyy too easy to 100%. I finished everything in a day or two.

yep that was a DLC campaign alright. sorry i remember nothing from this one.

This makes me realize just how much Vergil needs Beowulf and Force Edge to be a more powerful and fleshed-out character to play.

What if more of DmC, but worse in every way?

Vergil's Downfall follows on immediately from the events of the base game, which is nice and all. Still, its plot is horribly cliche and only serves to colour in a blank that would be pretty easy to figure out on your own. It suffers from all the contrivances and selling itself as deeper than it actually is that the original story did. However, it lacks the absurdity and unique world of that story, leaving it feeling hollow and pointless.

The whole experience is like, a little over 2 hours at most, and encompasses 6 levels. One of those is just a boss, and another one is the first level but slightly different. There's really not a lot to chew on here, content wise. There aren't any hidden levels either, only hidden health bonuses.

The main draw of the DLC is, of course, playing as Vergil, who if you remember from DmC, was a useless sack of shit. And while he's got a passable moveset here, going from Dante to Vergil is a massive downgrade that never ends up reaching that level of complexity that Dante's large weapon pool had. Vergil only has one weapon, the Yamato - sorry, the "Yuh-mad-oh" - and its initial combos are lacking. Even when you finally unlock the Angel and Demon movepools, you're left with some unimpressive combos for the Demon side, and better but more situational attacks for the Angel side. Vergil also can't double jump either, which is bound to lead you to screw up the platforming until you get the hang of it. He can also shoot swords with X instead of using guns, and it also works the same way as Dante's grapple in combat.

Graphics and visuals are mostly the same, with Vergil's design changing over the course of the DLC into something decent, if angsty, but still very much on-brand for this game. Levels go for a similar vibe, but due to the settings being almost entirely floating rocks, it lacks variety, like how the base game mixes in levels with more familiar urban environments being twisted by Limbo. As such, it's way less impressive.

Cutscenes are a huge departure, however, opting for an inFamous-esque comic-book style. They're ok, but I didn't particularly care for how minimalist the animation style was. I'm sure it'll scratch some people's itches, but not mine. I can understand the need for going in a different direction, because flying back everyone for a handful of new motion capture scenes would likely blow the budget of the entire DLC alone. That said, this ain't it.

Altogether, Vergil's Downfall is just a mundane rehash of things you already did in the base game, but a little bit worse in basically every way. All in the name of sequel bait for something I think we can all agree is not happening. You might as well not bother unless, for some reason, you really liked Vergil in this game.

How the fuck do you make Vergil a chore to play as? He’s clunky and slow. The art style for the cutscenes were actually pretty cool, though. The idea of an Angel and Demon Yamato is really dumb. It makes him even more frustrating to play as.

chato pra caralho vai tomar no cu

Vergil usually has some of the best combat mechanics in the series, but his gameplay here is so much worse than Dante that you can literally sleepwalk the entire thing.