love this shit i can tell it's great but it gets boring sometimes just not for me all the time

plays horribly but interesting story and sick soundtrack

ridiculously good story with pretty gruesome twists. made me feel probably every human emotion ever. some of the H scenes are kinda extreme and not my thing but i can understand them as illustrating severity

genuinely one of the most frustrating games i've ever played, story is super convoluted and the emotional beats albeit good are spoiled by the realization that they just could have made the game that good. the cast from xillia 1 seems to be set aside in favor of a lame self insert and i don't like being hit with 18 status ailments every combat. combats feel like they're DESIGNED to be annoying, unfortunately . debt mechanic sucks, though the premise was promising

good story soundtrack and character design, gets repetitive and feels horribly out of date like it should be from 2003 instead of 2013

dunked so many hours into it peak cod

the fact these pc servers are still up in 2023 is proof this game is peak and the combat system is sick

everything is really good, pc port is pretty bad

we have got to kill activision blizzard

fine, pretty chill for a platformer (not my favorite genre by any means) and i didn't do anything crazy like getting all the strawberries or mods but the art soundtrack and story to a degree are pretty good

i'm not the type to enjoy souls-like games, but even i can tell this one has a great deal of polish behind it to the point where i come back to it every now and then just to get rolled by whatever boss. awesome game

not as good as 1 but very good

only reason it's not lower is bc the gameplay is not as clunky as the rest of the series and has some of the characters from 1, no yoko taro = bad world building

crazy good nostalgia game with good story features that still holds up today