I bought Gris really cheap on steam, it looked really fun sadly I did enjoy some of the game, but it didn't really hold my interest enough to finish it. After looking it up I think I had roughly 1 hour left to finish but I honestly couldn't be bothered with it. The graphics are beautiful, the score is lovely, but the gameplay and story aren't really hitting for me. I feel like I could have been playing something else instead of this.


Abzu was the first game I have played on my steamdeck OLED. The game itself is a fun chill time. I found myself really enjoying the visual design of the underwater world and creatures within the world. The score i found to be really good and quite enjoyable to listen to, this score will be going on my Spotify gaming playlist. The story was very minimal but I understood what it was going for in the restoration of mother nature. Overall it was a fun quick game and well worth playing on the DECK.

Having Just finished SW Jedi Fallen order in prep for Jedi Survivor, I must say this game was made with love from respawn. They nailed the feeling of a SW game, Visuals, Sound design, graphics and gameplay are all top notch. The only thing stopping me from giving this a 5/5 is the hologram map from BD-1, While in theory and lore it makes sense but in terms of practicality it is useless, I really wish games would stop using these styles of maps it just makes things confusing, in saying that this game is amazing from start to finish, and I could not recommend it enough.

I will tell you I now understand why RE4 gets so much hype around it. This game was amazing from start I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I have now played RE2,3,4 & 5 and I can safely say RE4 is the best so far in the series and from my understanding that has not changed as further titles are released.

The remake is a phenomenal achievement. if it wasn't for it, I would never play this game and I am glad I did. In just over 10 hours it so far is the longest in the series. The setting starts off very horror based but then turns into something so over the top and jaw dropping at the same time that I found myself never getting bored of the game or wondering when it was going to rather, I was wondering where it was going next.

The graphics are top tier with stunning set pieces, Audio design is on par. Enemy variety is good, always throwing something new at you so you are never bored.

The story is also quite good with the plot making sense and engaging throughout the play through.

From what I understand Ashley in the original used to be quite annoying, but I think they made some tweaks to her as she was fine through the game.

This game is definitely one of my highlights of the year easy 5/5 for me.

Deep rock really reminds me of Helldiver's it has the same gameplay mechanics with the edition of being a FPS. A friend and I have played a little under 10hrs of it and we quite enjoy the game so far. Picking it up on sale is also an added bonus and brings in more value. If you are looking for a good pve co-op game this is a good one to get

Final fantasy 16 is truly my first real go at a FF game. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the series, I love the whole aesthetic of the series but I just could never get into turn based games. Now saying all that FF16 is a hack and slash RPG and I'm all for it, if this is the route Square are wanting to take the series then I'm in for it because I enjoyed every single moment of this game. I have never had so many OMFG moments in a game the whole feel of this game is epic and massive the ekion fights are phenomenal. The story of this game is great and at the end of the day comes down to a story about two brothers which I find really sweet. The music is 10/10 the orchestra was beautiful and energetic when needed. Graphics are gorgeous and could not find a single ugly looking thing about the game. My only real gripe with the game is the lack of combos in combat, I just wish they had them to make the combat just a little more engaging other wise this would be another 5/5 game for me.
But having finished FF16 less than 10 minutes ago I want to go back in the series and really start trying to play them from 7 onwards. Truly a phenomenal game and I highly recommend it to anyone on the fence about it just play it.

I tell you what, I have never been so happy to finish a game like I am with Diablo 4. What started out like a lot of fun at the beginning turned into the most boring experience I think I have had in my last 10 years of gaming. I remember all the fun memories I had playing D3 with friends running through the campaign for each class leveling them up the hype of getting a legendary item, to finding my first loot goblin, thinking of all the fun I had back then to then playing this steaming, boring slog of a game. The story is quite boring, the combat is good but quickly gets old, the graphics are fantastic can't fault them. IMO the biggest mistake this game makes is making you WALK for over 20 hours of the game to then get a horse right near the end. I was doing all my side quest griding out my Nerco and push through to only find out how long it takes to get faster movement and it kind of burnt me out.

I wish they would of given people the horses earlier that might have saved a bit of the game, But at the end I am quite disappointed in this game, Once I reached the end and rolled credits I didn't even realize I was at the end, I had killed the final boss 30 minutes before and did not even notice that's how of an impact the games story had done for me.

If I hadn't spent $110 AUD on this game, I would of DNF'd this at 15-20 hours I would not recommend this to anyone unless it's super cheap (which ain't going to happen) or you get a party of mates and just run through it.

I wish I hadn't bought this game at full price and waited for a sale. I am quite sad with release and I will defenantly not be buying any expansions to this game.

Somerville isn't as hard as previous games made by this dev team, makers of both Limbo and Inside which I played and finished both late last year and early this year. The puzzles are more straightforward and not as mind puzzling which in my opinion is good sometimes so you can just enjoy the story. This game I believe benefits from being more of a simpler 2d puzzler game as I was able to enjoy the story and art style more.

The story is good simple find your family plot but it works well,

Gameplay is simple enough with only 2 abilities throughout the whole game the mechanic of them is really fun. I honestly only had an issue with 1 or 2 puzzles as I wasn't really thinking hard enough.

Music is quite good simple enough that it blends into the background of the game that you don't even know it is there.

Art is lovely and unique and really pops in the colorful parts.

I would recommend this if you have game pass (I played it like this) , get it on a sale and or a big fan of the developers previous 2 games

Playing RE3 straight after RE2 is the best thing you can do, as this game compliments RE2 so well as the shorter slightly more action focused sequal. I really enjoyed my time playing RE3. The graphics, audio design was all on par with RE2. I much prefer Nemesis to Mr T. The story is not as good as RE2 but does the job well. As I said in my RE2 review for a bundle of $12 for both of these games they are a steal and are well worth the money and time. I now have a new found appreciation for the Resident evil series, now to play the rest of the series.

Jedi survivor improves on everything Jedi fallen order did and then some. This is everything I could ask for in a star wars game. The visuals, story, voice acting and the amazing score and audio. This truly is a game of the year contender. The ONLY reason I am not giving this a 5/5 is the extremely bad performance I had even after waiting a whole month after launch with patches. It is a lot better than day 1 but leave a lot to be desired.

What a surprise from Xbox and Bethesda. This is a game I didn't know I needed, everything from the art style to the combat, music, characters, voicing acting just everything about this game hits the right spot. The music choices in are well done. I could not recommend this enough, easily going to be in my top 10 this year and my 2nd 5/5 this year so far

Miles Morales is a really good middle game; this is not knocking it in anyway, but you can tell this is not meant to be a full release in the series as in it is not numbered if it was it would be Spider-man 1.5.

Miles feels just as good as SP1 in terms of graphics, audio and gameplay the game is incredible in that sense. Where I think the game lacks is once you finish the main story and have done the "proper" side quest there is no real incentive to do any of the smaller thing in the world as where SP1 I 100% it and loved every moment of it where I do not feel like I need to in Miles. In saying that I do feel like that is a positive though because the does not overstay it's welcome and is a short and sweet experience that I really enjoyed and got to explore more of Miles and bond with him and invest in his story. IF anything, Miles only hypes me even further for Spider-man 2 weather I play that on PS5 or wait for the eventual PC release that I am yet decided on.

If anyone reckons, I should play it now let me know.

Oxenfree is my first game from studio nigh school studios and I am looking forward to playing all of there past and future games. Going into Oxenfree I had some sort little idea of what I was in for with the theme and mystery around it but, the story was really gripping with all of the characters of protagonist Alex, Best friend Ren, new step brother Jonas, Ren's crush Nona and Clarissa who is Nona's best friend and has a history with Alex ( I wont spoil anything). All characters are very well written with there own inner issues and are very relatable. Voice acting is very much on point I could not find any flaws with it all voice actors performed very well and you could feel the emotion in them when heavy moments hit. Music really sets the tone for the game it gives of a very heavy strange things 80's synth feel and I am all for that. Art direction is very beautiful with all the water colors it gives the game a very unique feel to it. Gameplay is basic very much a 2d side scroller in a way with a lot of character moments while walking from point a-b and that is where you get the most out of the characters. There is a very cool gameplay mechanic with a radio and they way it is used within the game is very unique and I have never seen something like that before which is very refreshing. Oxenfree is a very good game and not long at all, which would make good for a few playthroughs to get different endings with character choices you make throughout the game.

Hogwarts Legacy is a fantastic game with a rich world with a lot of stuff to see and do.
The story of this game serves it well enough to keep you interested enough to keep wanting to know more.
Side quest are amazing in this game and do not feel like a chore at all.
Music feels like it was ripped straight from Danny Elfmans beautiful score.
Graphics are gorgeous if you can run everything on ultra perfectly, even if you can't the game still looks beautiful.
Performance is 50/50 sometimes it runs perfectly other times it runs pretty average.

In saying that though this is my first 5/5 game for the year and I really enjoyed my time playing.

PS JK Rowling is a CUNT and Trans lives do matter

This game took me 4 restarts to actually get into it, it was more I wasn't in the mood. Once I got into the game properly it is really really good platinum games smashed it out the park with this. The switch performance is so well with this game. The art style combat and story are all top notch. I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it. The idea of this game is presented and executed very well. My only complaint with this game is I change the difficulty on the last boss battle and it reset me back and hour to play the chapter again. So I had to look up the ending. Not a fan of that otherwise well worth a play through