2022 Completion Goals

This is subject to a lot of change but these are what I want to finish during 2022
[This one's actually in priority order for once lol]

Completed! :D
Completed! :)
I also completed this one
Consider this game completed
Completed dis one too
Wow, this one has been completed too
Add this to the completed pile
He's only gone and completed this one too!
Well would you look at that? 'Completed'!
To sum this game up in a word: Completed!
Long overdue, but finally completed :D
I remember the time I completed this game. At the time of writing is was 7 mins ago :)
opmetlcde shti gmea oto
Jake completed this game himself
Me and my gf completed together :)
I'm glad this one is completed
Nazi killing: Completed
Yet to start
Yet to start
Replay for different endings, possibly on switch


2 years ago

stret to yart!

2 years ago

hehe ^-^

Last updated: