Needed to take a break from Granblue Relink and mashing attack as Narmaya so I went and played this where I will be tapping A a lot instead. Still holds up pretty well after all these years. Last played it maybe 15 years ago and after a quick refresher I figured out how Mario controls again, but for real tho having to constantly tap A with where it's at on the Switch controllers wears thin quick as hell. Also this game is much shorter than I remember it being as a kid. Using the BLJ definitely helped in that too. Still a classic, and probably the best "baby's first video game" with how easily and intuitively it eases you into playing in a 3D space.

Cannot listen to the end credits theme anymore without thinking about Fesh Pince of Blair.

Playing this entire game through tear welled eyes knowing I can never feel the joy Kirby does in just his walk cycle alone.

This game janky as fuck replaying it for the first time in 5 years in a post Resident Evil 2/3 Remake world, but it's janky in a really nice way unlike the first one which was genuinely just a janky mess of glitches and half baked gameplay ideas. A lot of frustrating features put into it as misguided ideas of "challenge" this ditches a lot of that for a more standard action horror fare like Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 and it's all for the better. Instead of the useless light on fire mechanic that does fuck all since there isn't a Crimson Head equivalent, in 2 you just get a good old stomp prompt. Instead of bosses just instantly killing you if they so much as bump into you they now have tells for big attacks or have moves that hurt but don't just send you back to the last checkpoint. Letterboxing being an option is a godsend even if it feels less intrusive here too which is insane to me after how annoying it could be in the first game. It's little changes like this that you think wouldn't matter that end up mattering in the long run. Interchanging the levels from the town of Union that you explore like Silent Hill with more linear levels when you enter a bigger building is so good too. Keeps the game from becoming too much of either and stops it from overstaying its welcome despite. One of my biggest pet-peeves with any kind of horror game is when they go on for too long. This is the rare occasion where one of these goes past the 12 hour mark and I'm still enjoying my time by that point and I really think it's all from the town exploration to linear levels and back way the game is set up. If 3 ever happens hope they keep this up or even go full single big explorable location with shortcuts and backtracking ala RPD or the Arklay mansion. Just give me a third game holy fuck.

Love Sebastian in this too, going from stoic noir man that's boring despite a cool vest to jock Harry Mason was the best thing they could have done to salvage what little charisma he had in the first. Almost feels like how much he talks to himself throughout is kind of parodic of how much video game characters won't shut the fuck up in open world games.

This being a sequel though would I recommend the first game still? Yeah, but only if you want to see the evolution into a better, funner, and more exciting and emotionally investing improvement. Other than that I'll say what I very rarely say and that's to just read the wiki and skip to the sequel.

The best and most likely only remake of Silent Hill 1 (the game that should actually be getting a remake) that we'll ever get.

I won't lie this is definitely me when I make an expansion that is fucking insane. Gotta be real each mission being upwards to an hour long and not getting the Super Shotty until near the end of the second or so mission will make you feel a fear and anxiety the base game could only imagine. Also the enemies are much harder with much nastier placement at points. The new weapons rule too big fan of the Ion Ripper. Any vidya gun whose gimmick is the shots bounce off the walls and go around causing damage is enough to bump anything way the fuck up in terms of dopeness. Phalanx is sick too absolute lifesaver in latter areas. Also it may be Stockholm Syndrome talking but the Railgun felt much better in this than the base game.

All in all sicko mode expansion. Doesn't do anything new for Quake 2, but that's alright cause it instead gives Quake 2 a much more aggressive and violent pacing that feels more in line with the first game and its expansions. Damn solid video game.

Why the fuck did they waste Doomguy's first time speaking on him saying shit like rip and tear when this has the better and less eye rolling wink to the camera way to do it raaaaaahhh!!! Also, this shit is just a Quake game that they called Doom lmfao. It's all right there. The nonsensically fucked up lore and legendary RPG Knight savior Doomslayer shit. The emphasis on movement and jumping, plus a fucking hammer. It's Quake it's goddamn Quake and we didn't even see it this whole time.

Fucking baller. Dare I say it's better than part 1? Honestly? Yeah it is. Everything in Part 1 and the base game has been expanded upon and brought to an even further insane level. Everything about Doom Eternal is cracked the fuck out. From the gameplay, to the music, to the story it's all crackhead shit that has me grinning like a psycho for the entire 30 or so hours I've spent between the campaign and the expansions. It's kind of funny how I feel that Doom 2, a game I used to (and still do!) unabashedly love feels like it overstays its welcome after replaying it yet Doom Eternal which is around twice the length just breezed through for me. Got a massive hard on every time I'd be on some psycho shootout with like 50 goons and then a fucking Cyberdemon joins in cause they're just cannon fodder now too. Disrupting that fucker Marauder's stun state into being even longer with the hammer. And the Sentinel Hammer goddamn it. Never has a game gotten me closer to feeling like Bob the Fucking Builder or Gaogaigar it's a 10/10 on that alone. So much better than The Crucible too since it refills with glory kills.

I could go on and on about how this shit rules and may actually be the best FPS of the past decade (contentious since for everyone else it's Titanfall 2, but I'm dying on this hill damn it!), but the tl;dr is that if you liked Doom Eternal you will like these expansions. Period.

If I was a woman this game would have probably been such a huge jolt to my hormones that I would have transitioned to the opposite gender.

idk why the platforms this version is on isn't just included in the original entry on here, but whatever this shit rules. Future proofed as fuck. Could pass off for day 1 360 launch title visually and it was all hidden behind 6th gen 480p crust.

The definitive classic survival horror experience and may very well just be the definitive horror game.

I don't know kiddies I think I'm all Doom 3'd out after playing it nonstop for almost a week.

Never played this before cause when I last played Doom 3 I was a dumb stupid kid that thought this slow horror shit wasn't Doom. Don't let that fool you, it is Doom and this ain't bad, but it's more of what already came before it. Cool to see some new areas of the UAC facility explored and this basically combines (most) all the monsters and weapons from base Doom 3 and ROE into a single package. It's also only around 90 minutes making it abridged and blitzed Doom 3 which is cool if you got a hankering for Doom 3 but don't feel like going through the 7-8 hour Doom 3 campaign. Probably the most action packed Doom 3 anything too thanks to its short length. Also most likely contradicts everything in the main Doom 3 story, but who cares all Doom canon now according to 2016 and Eternal.

Gonna go ruin all this Doom 3 goodwill with the Doom movie since let's be real it's the final part of this Quadrilogy. The Alien Resurrection of Doom 3 if you will. This was really all an exercise to see how many times I could say Doom 3 in this review of an expansion of Doom 3 that ends the Doom 3 saga.

Don't really want to give full thoughts on this yet since I want to wait until all the updates are done (especially since this was released incomplete) but the base gameplay of this feels way better than world. Wirebug fun as hell and holy fuck I want to cum inside Hinoa and Minoto so bad. Goss Harag best new monster in the game.

Unironically saved Survival Horror and its own series after over a decade of degeneration into generic third person shooters of varying quality.

Unironically paused and went on rule 34 after that Drain Deimos scene the first time I played this.

Wish this wasn't fucked over by the short "clearly meant to be RE2 DLC, but then released as a 60 dollar stand alone game instead" dev cycle. At least it plays like a dream.

Let me say right off the bat with nearly 2 years since it's initial launch and picking it up again only a day ago for the first time in nearly if not a whole ass year that this game is fucking terrible. It's predatory, it's full of artificial extensions to make things take longer and pressure you into spending your hard earned dollary doos (DO NOT IT IS NOT WORTH IT UNLESS YOU ARE ME NOW GIVE ME 200 DOLLARS), the community is one of the shittiest and most annoying people I've had the misfortune to sometimes come across. Characters beyond their physical attractiveness have nothing else going for them. The story is (as of now) hot garbage and presented like hot garbage with paragraphs of text for character dialogue subtitles and they are INSANE if they think I'm reading all that.

With all that said though? Yes, you should play it cause being an insane chemist mixing up different elemental properties to nuke the countryside and an actual sentient race of goblins that have their own language and culture using little girls and big booba mommies while going on huge nature walks across XI JINPINGS IDEAL EMPIRE, Isekai Germany and YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-era Japan is actually fun as fuck.

Yeah it's a shameless Breath of the Wild clone and it doesn't give a fuck and neither should you cause Breath of the Wild is already good and now you're getting Breath of the Wild with fat anime tits, cunny, and more frenetic combat for insatiable crackheads and that sounds like a win to me.

Yeah there's male characters but don't lie you and I both know we don't give a fuck about them and that what we're really in the market for is big DEEPS mommy pirate and Lisa's JP moans while she's climbing.

tl;dr don't play this game, but do play it.

Breath of the Wild was a special game to me upon release. It was the first console launch I ever participated in (and will ever participate in cause that shit was not worth it!!!). I took time off work just to fully immerse myself in it and it was probably the last time a video game hit me with a specific feeling. The feeling to go outside and touch grass after spending a whole week cooped up at home away from work just traveling through Hyrule doing whatever thing caught my attention and getting distracted from any of the main quests. Sadly not all good things last and eventually I had to finish the game, but to this day it’s probably alongside Xenoblade 2 the most a video game has had a real world impact on me.

To a degree I can probably thank BOTW for partly being the reason I even began to even further appreciate just what we have on this planet we call home. It’s also a big factor as to why I went back and gave James Cameron’s Avatar another shot. Two pieces of media that put their full focus on how alive and real the world is. Both eventually falling victim to the “It’s overrated” or “It was never that good” take. Now what the fuck does this have to do with Tears of the Kingdom? Well for the impatient the analogy is that just like Avatar: The Way of Water which was a fantastic and better sequel to an already fantastic film. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom comes and blows the absolute lid off of BOTW to the point it may as well have been a beta test for this.

It’s no secret there’s a very loud minority out there of people that don’t like the new direction these games are taking and that’s perfectly fine. I didn’t like the direction RE took when it switched to first person initially, but lucky for me RE7 ended up being one of my favorites in the series and saved a franchise that was slowly and surely sinking further and further into just being nonsense and now we have fantastic remakes of RE2 and 4 and a stellar follow up to RE7 in the form of RE8.

Every factor that made BOTW great has been turned up to 11 and this includes adding in fixes to some of the more annoying aspects of the game. Didn’t like the combat shrines? There’s less of them this time with most of them being big puzzles that get really tricky dicky I’m not even kidding some of these are real brain stumpers and I kind of really love finding the most stupid dumbass galaxy brain way to solve them that works anyways instead of what the devs intended. Exploration leading to Zonai items and weapons besides shrines or Koroks now also helps to make the experience less tiring as you’re constantly discovering new shit that’s been added to this revamp of the original map. Weapon degradation, one of the most controversial aspects of the first game (skill issue btw) becomes genuinely fun with the fuse mechanic. Sure while my gamer brain went straight to just eventually always having a Lynel ready to go to get top tier drops for fusion those few times where my weapon got even stronger close to the end from fusing shit was such an elating feeling that the first game never had. TOTK is to BOTW what Doom Eternal is to Doom 2016. A game that takes all of what worked in the previous and shoots it to the next level. I genuinely don’t think as much as I love that game I can ever go back to BOTW or perhaps I am just being a hyperbolic moron and can easily pick it up once I get used to losing some good shit. Yeah sure the combat is still kinda braindead if you aren’t some crazy motherfucker who somehow turns it into DMC, but I also don’t really mind it cause if that’s how versatile the engine and mechanics can be then that’s just another skill issue on our part.

Also while the repeating Sage cutscenes are annoying this probably has the actual best narrative set-pieces in one of these since Wind Waker. The fact it reaches a level of spectacle I wasn’t expecting after how much more restrained BOTW was comparatively has left me completely awestruck. Some of the story beats that happen in this and the last hour or so of the game are going to be not just all timers for the franchise, but all timers for games I’ve played across my time on this Earth.

Game’s been out for a month now so I’m sure everyone ever has said what they want to say about it, but to me personally that much time spent on it? Well that’s just special. An open world game I was able to play for almost a month straight without getting bored? All that time spent on it not because I’d have to put it down from fatigue or getting angry at some bullshit boss, but because I genuinely enjoyed exploring the world and finding new things to do and quests to complete. Oh, and I haven’t even talked about The Depths. Fuck me, I love The Depths.

TOTK is not going to change your mind if you didn’t like BOTW or grew to dislike it over the years of its release, but if you did like it you will love Tears of the Kingdom. Period. That being said I do think BOTW has one advantage against tears. That is that it came first. As good as Tears is, it has in fact fallen into the "it's the sequel" trap to a degree. While there's plenty of new it's also familiar, not as fresh, and while the map has had plenty of changes made to it it's still the Hyrule from 2017 just a bit more alive. For that, no matter how much Tears of the Kingdom improved I don't think it'll ever really surpass Breath of the Wild for me as one of my favorite games of all time and that's perfectly fine. I’m sure sooner or later, just like when Breath of the Wild released and now that I’ve completed Tears of the Kingdom I’ll be finding places to just go out and walk for the day and appreciate life and the world we inhabit and the people I have in my life that can be lost at any moment.

Very clearly a game made with years of hard work and guts. The time spent on the original plus this one equating to basically 10 years of dev time and it shows. It may not have the best story in the world. It can even be called bad or uninspired, but what this is as a video game is probably going to go down in the annals of history. As will many other games released this year. Nintendo may be some real nasty scumfuck motherfuckers, but man when they deliver, they fucking deliver. Now if I can just find a bad bitch like Purah...

Gonna preface this by saying Jill is easily the coolest character in the entire series and this still a huge comeback after the JUSTing she received in RE5 lmao

Presentation of this game downright gorgeous from lighting with heavy emphasis on deep shadows and saturated colors as opposed to RE2 2019's more black and darkness with natural colors. Deffo prefer the look of this game to that one. Both look fantastic tho RE engine wizard tech.

That aside feel really frustrated and conflicted whenever I talk about or play this game. There's so much it does well but also so many things that bring it down. Wouldn't call it terrible or even mediocre but it really does leave you with a bit of an empty bittersweet feeling as opposed to the hype and nostalgic excitement RE2 leaves you with. All the cut areas don't really hurt much on a first playthrough but on repeats you really feel it. Hospital overstays its welcome and easily features the worst section of the game with ANOTHER stupid RE4 cabin sequence.

Shame about Nemesis too. His boss battles are really cool and fun but he is only stalkerman for like the first 90 minutes, in a game that can be around 6 hours on a first run. Even less time if you speed through the game. If you told me 10 years ago I would find Mr. X more of a threat than Nemesis I would have laughed in your face.

Music on point this time around though another thing I definitely prefer over RE2 with its recreation of original RE3 tracks as opposed to the more minimalist approach of its predecessor.

Love how this feels compared to RE2 as well. Jill controls so well and smoothly compared to Claire and Leon that if I went right back to 2 I would probably feel kind of annoyed at the low running speed. My hottest take in regards to this one do be that this is the best feeling RE engine Resident Evil. Even more than Village, so that's definitely its biggest achievement.

Really the thing most going against this game is its super short production schedule. It should have been delayed for a few more months or a year or just been marketed/released as a big DLC add on for 2. The fact RE2 was updated with a section on the menu to take you the PS store so you can buy this should speak volumes haha

Original RE3 wasn't really one of my favorite growing up and I really didn't grow to appreciate it much until my late teens when I replayed all the games leading to 6. So while I can empathize with people's problems with the remake I'm not really as bothered by them to the point of being entitled and calling it absolute dogshit.

tl;dr dope ass game that's problematic due to short dev time and is not as good as its predecessor overall but also has things that it does better

"You want S.T.AR.S. I'll give you S.T.A.R.S." being interruptible by Nemesis punching you and putting it while running away from him instead of turning him into chili con carne at the end is unforgivable though game ruined.