Mainline Mario Series

I plan to beat all of these, which is why I also included rereleases that I felt added enough extra content to replay through the games.

Has a whole new side mode
Port of SMW with a new artstyle and music, plus additional content with the e-Reader
Port of SMB1, SMB2-j, SMB2-u, and SMB3, but the art style and music is different enough to be replayed
Port of SMB3 with a new artstyle and music, plus additional content with the e-Reader (Advance 3: Yoshi's Island was skipped cause it's a little a complicated)
Only playing the story mode or any featured levels
Technical exception, only playing featured levels
Completely different rendition of SM64, many things were changed
Port of SMB1 and SMB2-j but has tons of additional content
Port of SMB2-u with a new artstyle and music, plus additional content with the e-Reader
I wouldn't consider this different enough for this list but it adds a new character which is good enough to play through the game again
USA's Super Mario Bros. 2 [SMB2-u]
Even more technical exception, only here for having unique levels
Japan's Super Mario Bros. 2 [SMB2-j]
This game is part of this series, but it's not the most interesting


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