I like Mario and, as it turns out, I like Picross. Maybe I’ll go back for the Wario levels someday.

This game is so good, it feels like I'm dreaming.

5 protagonists, all of them so much fun to play as and their stories and side stories great in their own ways. 5 whole cities with so much content packed into each one, there is always something else to do in this game.

If I had to find a complaint, I guess the info dumps during the Finale did get a little tiring, even if the Finale itself was amazing.

There is so much soul and passion put into this game, it's hard to find any major fault in it. Incredible Yakuza game and just an incredible game overall.

I finally managed to play this game after putting off for so long, and it was so worth it.

The time travel felt a little weird at first, but once I got the hang of it, I had so much fun exploring the dungeons and doing the many side quests and getting all the different masks.

Amazing game.

I booted this up as something to kill time and ended up having way more fun than I thought.

There is something about how simple this game was that sort of helped me keep on playing. Only real complaint was how short it was.

Level design took a noticeable dip compared to the first entry, but the new gameplay changes like dual wielding, and the way the story expanded upon the lore was top notch, even if the ending was abrupt.

Picross but 3D. I had to actually use my brain for some of the later puzzles.

I really wanted to say that I enjoyed this game. I enjoyed all the power-ups and the different stuff you could do with them, and not much else.

Stages are too long, boring at best or obnoxious at worst, and the sparse checkpoints means that one tiny slip-up will require you to redo so much progress, that it begins to feel more frustrating than actually challenging. Bosses aren't that much better with my complaints being mostly the same.

For what it's worth, I'm glad this game exists due to the fact that it serves as proof that there is still interest in this franchise, but unfortunately, this just ain't it.

Absolutely incredible game. Story and characters were the best in Blade. It has one of, if not, my favorite combat system in any JRPG I've played. Honestly has one of my favorite endings out of any piece of media I've ever experienced. Only complaint, if I had to name one, is that the pacing kinda dies in the last 2 chapters. Otherwise a beautiful experience that I do not regret sinking so much time into.

A decent version of Sonic Generations. Modern Sonic basically plays like a Rush game and it does come with it's own unique bosses, so there is merit to at least try out this version.

Fun game, but it kinda falls into the category of just another Mega Man game. Stages and some of the weapons weren't as fun as 9, but being able to play as Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass was a really nice inclusion in a solid entry.

Wow. I've thought about how to rate this game, going from 8, 9, and/or 10 and I feel as though my thoughts being all over the place are also a reflection of how much of a beautiful mess this game ultimately was.

Alright, let's get the obvious out of the way. The combat was indeed a step down, especially coming off of 5 and 0, but it's nowhere as bad as it is made out to be. I even managed to have fun with all the wacky stuff you can do.

The story is especially where the beautiful mess is most prominent. It features Kiryu at his best and while the inclusion of the Hirose family feels like an odd choice for a final outing, especially with how much time is spent messing around with them, I enjoyed how well he clicked with all of them. Admittedly, there is one story beat that felt noticably underwhelming (you know what I mean), but man, that final sequence of events was something I don't have the words for.

Overall, while it is not as well put together as some of the past entries, it ultimately does what it sets out to do. A bittersweet, but beautiful end to the journey of the Dragon of Dojima.

Beautiful game and a beautiful end to the story Takahasi has been telling.

It is impossible for me to go into more details without going into heavy spoiler territory for the entire franchise. But man, it was absolutely phenomenal.

Vastly improves on the first game with upgrades and being able to play as Bentley and Murray. Backtracking all the way back to the safehouse can get mildly annoying though, at least depending on what episode you're on. Other than that, one of the best platformers I've played.

Hands down, one of, if not, the worst game I have ever touched in my life.

Still incredible even if some of the later parts of the game are copied and pasted from 2.