Really cool story with great art, pacing, characters, and atmosphere.

There is as much gameplay as to be expected from what is originally a PS1-era VN and some parts of it are very repetitive (Placebo), but that minor complaint becomes tolerable once I really got into the meat of the story.

Fun game if you don't mind the fact that it's just more of the same outside of some new enemies and new weapon.


A shooter that's as fun as it is lightning quick.

Incredibly fun game outside of V's combat.

Some levels were kinda boring and Dante was super underwhelming to play, but there was still fun to be had with this one.

My favorite combat in any video game ever.

Boring and unmemorable. Music and Lucia were good, but just about everything else was a major step down.

Really fun game in spite of some PS2-era clunk in some aspects.

It was okay. The "metroidvania" aspects of the game are ironically my main issue with this game.

Crazy how they took a title considered to be the black sheep of the franchise and turned it into one of the most beloved ones with a remake that's better in every way.

The presentation and art design are top tier and I even liked the story. They even added new features that help make the core gameplay loop really fun, which really helps mitigates the real problem problem that came from the original game and my only real complaint with the game: the map design, which seems to get progressively more and more annoying to deal with, ultimately falling off HARD by Act 4.

Very mixed. In terms of story (for the most part) and level design, I only enjoyed the last 2 in the campaign and that's not even getting started on how the gameplay just doesn't feel like Halo or how the new enemies in here sucked. A pretty lackluster start to 343's era of Halo.

Incredible game. Amazing send-off to Bungie's era of Halo. Only minor complaint is the lack of dual wielding, but the story and ending really make up for it.

Cool game. Campaign was really short, even for Halo. While some of the gameplay changes caught me a bit off guard, I can understand why they are that way. Still had fun regardless.

A part of me wishes that I grew up with Xbox so I could have experienced this incredible game.

All the little nitpicks I had with the gameplay from the past 2 entries have been ironed out and made this one of, if not, the most unbelievably fun shooter I've ever played. And outside of a few minor nitpicks with some beats, I really enjoyed the story, especially the ending that managed to tie it all up perfectly.

Level design took a noticeable dip compared to the first entry, but the new gameplay changes like dual wielding, and the way the story expanded upon the lore was top notch, even if the ending was abrupt.