While the survival aspect of the previous game takes a noticeable step back, it also takes a step forward in every other regard. Incredible game.

Incredibly fun game. The atmosphere and the way it worked the UI into the world was amazing, and the combat is so unique from most other shooters and horror games, that it definitely helps it stand out.

A beautiful return to form for the franchise that comes in and out with a bang. All this followed by a fantastic cast, great story, and a surprising amount of side content that helps make sure there is always something to do. Battle speed is my only complaint, but other than that, a phenomenal game that I cannot recommend enough.

Credit where it's due, this game was willing to experiment with many different ideas to see which ones stuck the landing.

It's a shame almost none of them did.

Some levels drag on a little, but otherwise a neat expansion that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Great game. Easily the most fun and exciting one to play. The ending was also really nice if you are a fan of the main cast.

While it felt like some segments throw way too many enemies for you to handle at once, the levels, set-pieces, and gameplay improvements helped make this a fun experience.

Cool game. Gameplay changes from the base game really help elevate the experience. Only complaint is how the roster of villains was pretty underwhelming.

Good game. Gameplay definitely isn't the most smooth experience, especially with the wonky gunplay and spongy enemies, but the charming cast, puzzle solving, and some pretty fun levels helped me push through.

The janky movement can make platforming in more close-spaced areas very frustrating. Otherwise, it is still an incredible game with a sense of creativity around it that is simply unmatched.

Kirby with a multi-purposed mech. Need I say more?

Really easy, but fun game. Hypernova is kinda underwhelming though.

'What is even happening anymore?' the game.

Even after taking a step back to properly digest the narrative, I am still not sure I fully understand it all, but what I did manage to gleam was really crazy and messed up, which made for a very bizarre experience to say the least.

Gameplay changes were a bit jarring, but that is to be expected for what was originally a mobile game. All 3 scenarios were really interesting in their own ways. The new art styles incorporated looked spectacular. Although, the puzzle can feel messy at times and that's not even mentioning some disturbing moments in the story that might not sit well with other people. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but it was so absurd, it just clicked with me.

Beautiful game and a beautiful end to the story Takahasi has been telling.

It is impossible for me to go into more details without going into heavy spoiler territory for the entire franchise. But man, it was absolutely phenomenal.

Very repetitive gameplay. A massive increase in puzzles and walking around compared to the Silver Case. Bizarre humor that managed to get some laughs out of me, but had me questioning if this game is even taking place in the same world. A story that makes progressively less sense with certain key moments having my jaw on the floor.

All these facets come together to make one of the most unique and charming experiences I've had. Although, some of the design choices for this game can get extremely tedious especially if you don't care for the story.

Overall, a fantastic next step for Kill The Past and a fantastic game all around.