Gone is the feeling of Point and Click Adventure of the first one. Gone is the uniqueness of each mental world. What remains is a generic 3D platform.

My personal favorite linear collectathon game

"Someday you'll feed on a tree frooog"

This game blew my mind back in the day and I haven't been able to recover since then and my personal favorite game. It will never be beaten


Another Zelda clone with a cute artstyle

The campaign is perfect. It has a nice Half Life 2 feel mixed with a futuristic Cod. To realise that this game runs on the Source Engine is even crazier, because it is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Controlling the Mecha is empowering and the gameplay on foot is phenomenal. Effect and Cause may be the most fun I had in a FPS to date. That brief chapter is worth ten Singularity's campaigns. In short, one of the greatest fps ever made.

This game is what would happen if you put the disc of the og Deus Ex in your PC, and then suddently remove said disc but keep playing. The truest sequel to Super Mario 64 ever made.

It looks pretty and is well optimized. My only gripe with Sekiro is that, very much like Doom Eternal, it forces the player to play the game a certain way that is not fun to me.