The side content and world was really good but the main content was lame as hell.

Repentance for Kodaka's sins in D2.

The game is relatively fun when the killers actually play the game, and properly... which is 5% of the time.

i really loved this overall, especially on my first playthrough but the gameplay has stuck out like a sore thumb on my replay. it's the perfect sequel in pretty much every other category.

The main story was lackluster but otherwise it's a stellar game.


pretty art and fun characters but gameplay gets stale.

A unique and wonderful game but I feel like my experience of it was diluted by accessing the DLC content before completing the main part of the game as well as not understanding a component of the main story until after completing the game and doing research.

cute lil fun for a bit - nothing more than that.

I played the technical beta and really loved this for a while. I stopped played after Velvet Shell / during Blood Orchid as the game was going in a less realistic and tactical direction. It's a shame.

Feels dated, disjointed, and clunky. The aesthetic is the worst part, featuring a terrible contrast between some of the colors and design combined with the poorly done "realistic" graphics.

The exploration and the things to actually do in this game are actually a lot of fun though but the bland combat and despicable monetization ruins it.

Empty world and poor visuals. Felt very monotonous.