351 Reviews liked by Bottle

THIS is the worst Sonic game ever made. 06, Shadow, Secret Rings, Forces, none of those even come close to reaching the level of sheer incompetence that this game has.

The others I listed I find fun to play, this game doesn't not carry that luxury. It removes everything great about what a Sonic game is, instead making a half-assed Mario Galaxy rip-off with some utterly bizarre level design choices.

This is what happens when you pander too much to the Classic Sonic audience, you get atrocities like this. I think the 3DS version is worse than the Wii U one, so I got the shittier end of the stick. Lucky me.

I'll admit, the first world is fine and a few odd levels are decent, but apart from that, everything sucks or is incredibly mediocre, which is worse than sucking.

But as bad as this game is, it reaches new heights for Sonic game writing. I genuinely laughed at the dialogue, though most of my chuckles weren't with the game.

For a positive at least, I don't mind the Deadly Six. If Eggman wasn't involved, they could have been decent one-off villains.

The fact that this is still very reasonably fun with friends or even by yourself despite its near unprecedented bloat of new mechanics/modes is a real testament to both its core gameplay and infectiously joyous art style. Granted, I was over the whole battle royale/arena shooter craze barely even two years after it started - but this one has always been one of the more approachable ones. Playing created maps is still way more limited than it needs to be, not to mention the actual maps being churned out have well past stagnated - you can only play the exact same deathrun variation so many times before it gets stale. And obviously the store is predatory, but what live service store isn't these days? I don't think this really got any better or worse, people are just nostalgic for the times before we all got old, tired, and burned out - same attitude towards the CoD games. Resoundingly okay.

Wow did they ever try so hard with Bubsy. These people wanted Bubsy to be the next big thing so badly they made a pretty sizable series and even a shitty cartoon (or at least tried to)

Too bad the game is just not good. Controls like sonic but doesn’t have design or the same purpose sonic as. Design as a whole is random and confusing. It feels like these giant shitty scrambled platforming stages with hardly any thought gone in.

The personality is certainly there to give it credit but it’s damn annoying and I want to punch Bubsy in his stupid face.

Yet Bubsy came back?? I know it’s a joke and i’ll admit it’s hilarious Bubsy got games in 2017 and 2019 but outside of meme status the games are cat shit.

Playing this was not only a joy but great confirmation that both the Game Gear Sonic games were good and that Sega should really hand more over to the fans.

Triple Trouble 16-Bit for those unaware is not really a remake, more a reimagining, a "what if?".
Rather than being stuck on Game Gear Triple Trouble came to Mega Drive following S3&K.

It takes level themes, gimmicks and characters from the Game Gear game but gives it Sonic 3 style graphics, has brand new level designs, some great narrative and fun extra stages as well as completely unique Special stages AND if that was not enough; to be vague completing this multiple times is very worth while.

It's not completely without flaws, a couple of bits of music (mostly 16-Bit versions of the original) don't hit quite right and some of the, at the worst still fun, transition and unique stages aren't quite as good as the others.

Personally I also got squashed in places I'm sure I shouldn't have and found the Special stages a tad to hard but then again, that's maybe not too different from the "proper" games.

If you like 2D Sonic at all you owe yourself to get this downloaded and big ups to Noah Copeland and everyone who worked on this as it's maybe the most fun I've had with the blue blur in a long time.
All for the best price - free !

Now to wait for them to go back and 16-Bit Sonic Chaos for me.

No rational person should actually finish the arcade game. But I did. Because Hiromi is cute. Also the music is great. And it's pretty visually impressive for the time and hard ware.
Don't play this unless you really don't mind getting your ass kicked by an obscene number of enemies. Otherwise this is a good game technically.

This game was super cute! I think it’s a liiiiiittle underbaked for some of its MegaCD peers, but it’s rad and really stylish!

You’ve got your basic “baddies have invaded and you need to kick their butts” plot, and a ship that can power up into a mech! The levels are really varied, and the difficulty was pretty even, and pretty easy (which for me is saying something!!)

I really liked the weapons; there’s a mechanic where if you don’t shoot, a meter powers up and you can do a super shot. You’ve got your basic bullets, seeking missiles, lasers and a sort of like, rocket kinda thing. They all look neat, but I stuck with those rockets because they leave a damaging like, ball of energy stuff!

Anywho, this game was stylish as heck and really neat—I dug it!

A decent arcade port, but like many nes games the difficulty balancing is really bad and more based on you not having resources to fight over the long tedium that are the stages, really without the 10 lifes cheat code probably this game is nearly impossible unless you grind it a lot.

I played the Arcade version of this game not too long ago and I wasn't too impressed. Maybe if I had 3 other people it could be a lot of fun but I'm not able to do that sadly. I didn't really have any ideas on what to play so I thought why not this game, I'm sure it'll be fun.

I'm sure it'll be fun I said, I wish I could say I had fun but it feels like it has the opposite problem the Arcade game had where now it's too easy. Though I did find out why that's the case. They made the game a lot easier in Japan. That's so weird to me like why make it so much easier? Did konami think it wouldn't be appealing there if they didn't do this? Though I might be okay with this because of one big problem, this game is really repetitive.

I may sometimes say beat em ups can be repetitive but your moveset is so limited and it just is so boring after a while. This port even adds two more levels but I wish they didn't because it means I want to replay the game less now. Also screw the tiger on that one stage, it's hitbox is garbage. The bosses also suck too as they mostly become jump kick spam fest to see who dies first.

This game at least supports 2 players but again I wasn't able to test it because if you think a loser like me would be able to do that then I think you have too much faith in me. I could see it being a little more fun with a friend but all I can do is hypothesize.

You know writing this, why did I even play this game? I feel like it would have been better to just ignore instead of just writing this possibly too negative review on an old port of an Arcade game. It's not like I think it's bad or anything, I just wish there was more to it that wasn't just two extra stages. I guess it's nice to not be frustrated but I'm still not entertained. I will say this. I do think it's better than the first TMNT game for this console.

The HyperStone Heist is a bit of a weird game to me. It's pretty obviously it's own version of Turtles in Time with distinct changes to try and differentiate it from the game it's based on but feels like a watered down version. It's still a fun game to play through but at the end of the day if you're going to play a Turtles beat 'em up from the 90's, it's going to be Turtles in Time not HyperStone Heist.

The combat is as simple as all the games were then, jump, attack, special. That's pretty much it, no real combos at least knowingly, no AOE attacks etc. It's simple fun to just beat through enemies I recognize from my childhood to great music. The visuals are fine and have deeper vibrant colours but at the same time the Mega Drive can do better. A lot of the backgrounds are a little bland.

On the flipside the game is extremely short, maybe 5 levels? and one of those is essentially an awful boss rush of the last four bosses including the one you only beat 5 minutes prior at the end of the last level. This game just feels rushed in how short it is, the filler, the rough visuals, lack of modes and bland bosses. Not too surprised as it came out only a few months after Turtles in Time and frankly it shows.

To be honest I don't have much to add to this. It's a fun little game but in this day and age where all these retro games are easy to play, then just play the SNES Turtles in Time instead or for a more modern version of Turtles in beat 'em ups play Shredders Revenge.

+ Simple easy to play combat.
+ Some good music.

- Very short.
- The Gauntlet level is just terrible filler.
- Feels rushed.

A game that is the product of that early Xbox 360 push towards everything being co-op. Loads of dull objectives - defend the guy, protect the moving thing, hold the point - which are always more palatable with a friend but so is being held hostage and I don't fancy that as a good way to spend my time either.

There's some cool ideas here that could use further exploration. Lynch's madness sometimes turning NPCs into enemies when playing in two player mode, while Kane sees them as the cowering innocents that they are and a picture-in-picture pop up when a sniper is lining up a shot on your head is a really useful tool for getting into cover but also ramps up the tension and chaos brilliantly.

The shooting feels stiff and unsatisfying and the cover system is basically a fucking coin toss as to whether it works or not and it is fair to say that Kane and Lynch just doesn't really FEEL good to play, which is ultimately is what condemns this one to the trash pile.

It's a real shame though because the characters, setting and atmosphere the game sets in the first half is absolutely fantastic. It's grim, gritty and never paints the protagonists to be anything more than horrible arseholes. They've basically aimed for a Michael Mann-esque hard boiled action thriller and, when it all clicks together during the prison break and sky rise building heist and subsequent shootout through the Tokyo streets, it's absolutely brilliant stuff.

However, some bright spark decided to turn the second half of the game into a fairly by the numbers military shooter and all of the aforementioned problems are suddenly emphasised massively. You're thrust from these excellent thriller movie staples which drip with tension and atmosphere and end up in some generic cover shooter with shite controls, leading to loads of frustrating deaths and tedious shootouts where you're just waiting for lads to pop their heads out from behind walls.

There's about an hour of a good game in Kane & Lynch. Unfortunately the six or so around it mean that hour just isn't worth the hassle.

when you ask your mom for Transformers and she brings back Transmorphers

I'm mad. I'm so mad. People have been Lying about this game for over two decades and I fucking believed them, like a fucking idiot. I'm so dumb.

THIS GAME IS BETTER THAN DMC 1 AND IS BY FAR THE BEST N64 GAME, PROBABLY THE BEST 5TH GEN ACTION GAME, PERIOD. The action has a good range of options that all feel appropriately weighty, The movement and platforming have a nice sense of speed while still being brutal and tight like the OG games, and the quest design is god tier for its time, at least in the console space.

Why did you do this internet. Why. I am LIVID. Holy shit.

playing this game is actual torture which is a shame because it looks gorgeous

At best it's a somewhat fun side-scrolling beat-em-up that has some good music and really good pixel art that does a pretty good job replicating the show (for NES standards).

At worst it's painfully mediocre with how cheap the enemies can feel, how long the stages drag on, the sluggish movement, and the stupidly spongy boss fights (it took me 5 minutes to beat Shredder, 5 FUCKING MINUTES).
I'm not gonna even compare it with its arcade counterpart since it's night and day, I mean this was The NES; if you didn't expect this to be a downgrade well then you're fucking stupid.

Overall it's not the worst Turtles game I've played and is significantly better than the first game on NES, but it's still very mediocre.

With a bigger budget - and grander ideas about humanity - maybe I Am Alive could have been more than an effective proof-of-concept.