10/10. An improvement in every way from the first game. Art style and music stand out again, but everything is incredible in this game. This game is a must play...

Very good shooter. The quality of the game steps up from the first. The remastered graphics are good in this as well.

The sandbox was improved from the first game. The weapons are much more balanced and useable.

The downside is legendary. Halo 2 is regarded as one of the harder games to play on the hardest difficulty. Much of it is extremely unbalanced and completely limits the sandbox's potential.

Quite literally just lethal company but a bit more shallow...

The gimmick of "recording" dies out after about an hour. Still, it is very entertaining with a group of friends.

This game is worth the play for free... no comment on the eight dollar price tag.

This game is underrated. The story is very overhated, but not at the same quality as the rest.

The classic shooter that pretty much launched the genre.

It still holds up well today as the entry to the series. While I love the game it has some flaws. The weapon sandbox is large, but two weapons stand out above everything else. The map design is good... until the fourth mission where everything is recycled from then on.

Open world Halo game was a mistake. The story was great, but the replayability is ruined by a mostly empty world. Felt like a watered-down Ubisoft open world (which is already terrible.)

Multiplayer has made a comeback and is now the best entry in the series.

One of the most incredible, beautiful stories I have ever played. Truly a one of a kind game that will never be replicated. Everything about this game is a 10/10.

One of my very first games. Everything about this game is incredible. I come back to this yearly.

Blowing up buildings scratched an itch in my 12 year old brain that literally no other game could match.

Replayed it recently and it still holds up. The open world is very vacant, but it is not terrible. Story is also alright.

Extremely hot take.

This dlc is trash. The story is mediocre and bland. The enemies and design are annoying and vacant. The quest design is awful. Everything about this DLC sucked the fun from New Vegas

Very good game. The story is very good.

I have replayed this game many times and each time it has felt the same. The role playing elements of this game are extremely overblown. No matter your choices, the game will always turn out the same. You will go through extremely narrow quest trees that funnel you to the exact same place. The slideshow at the end changes.

This game is fun, but it is nothing exceptional. The biggest praise for this game is the intelligent AI. The AI is smart, but that rarely matters when you're as tanky as you are. The story is good, but not mindblowing.

The scare factor might be there for someone who doesn't play many video games, but most fps fans picking up a 20 year old game will not get scared. Good themes though.

Boring map design with a good sandbox.

Extremely underrated game. While not on par with Reach or three, I think it matches up with the other games.

The story is great. It expands on the world and its characters. It brought us an incredible villain (that surely will stick around right?) that has great dynamic with the story and characters.

Sandbox is good. Arguably one of the better sandboxes. Level design is unique as well. Each feels different.

My favorite of the Halo games.

Atmospherically it is one of the greatest games of all time. From the beginning, you know the end.

Improvement in every way from the other Halo games. The combat feels incredible with a great sandbox to match it.