Every JRPG I've Completed - Worst to Best

I'll be using flexible criteria for defining a JRPG. Generally, it will be a game that follows the 'Japanese way' of making RPGs. This means I might exclude some Japanese games that don't fit my view of a JRPG and include some non-Japanese games that do.

About my JRPG journey: I'm really new to JRPG's but I've been playing them non-stop since I started it.

How I rank things:
0 - 4: Dislike
5: Neutral (I don't like it, but I don't dislike it)
6: Good
7: Really good
8: Great
9: Almost perfect
10: Masterpiece

This list was inspired by SwitSwat's list on the same topic.


0 - After 1.3k hours, I can say that this game is awful. Stay away from it.
Light 1 - They shattered my dreams of a Pokémon game set in Spain.
Light 5 - It doesn't click with me.
Decent 5 - Good start but very weak from the middle to the end.
Decent 6 - I don't know, the story is kind of meh.
Decent 6 - Just a fun experience.
Decent 7 - Just solid fun gameplay and characters.
Strong 7 - Didn't play the original, so it was nice.
Strong 7 - Very beautiful and good turn-base combat.
Light 8 - So many good gameplay systems, but the narrative and dialogues are terrible.
Decent 8 - I like what it tries to do, but I don't think it fully accomplishes it.
Strong 8 - Despite a clunky skill/stat upgrade system, it was great.
Strong 8 - I don't know how, but this game is just great and I love it.
Strong 8 - First Atelier game I've ever played; weak characters outside of the main character, but pretty solid gameplay.
Light 9 - Why does Lila have such a large chest???
Light 9 - Perfect gameplay and characters, but a weak campaign.
Light 9 - I just love it.
Light 10 - I love you Vanillaware.
Strong 10 - Best soundtrack of all time
Strong 10 - I just love this game and I cannot get enough.
Strong 10 - The weakest Trails game I've played, but it's still Trails, so I love it.
Strong 10 - It's just not as perfect as the others.
Strong 10 - My favorite game before trails came.
Strong 10 - I really love this game, but I can't differentiate between SC and FC as much.
Strong 10 - This game is sooooooooooo perfect.
Strong 10 - I really love this game; it's my favorite game of all time, and despite having played it only two months ago, it already feels nostalgic for me. Visiting Estelle's home feels like coming home. (Joshua's Harmonica song and Olivier's songs are so perfect.)


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