Enjoyable space to turn your brain off with friends and slash your way through a lot of iconic minecraft-themed areas. The diversity of build options is pretty impressive and the game is exceptionally polished.

Main issue is repetition. There aren't enough unique enemies and mechanics to make it feel compelling once you've blazed through most areas.

With that being said, I had a good time with it and do see myself occasionally jumping back in with friends.

Super delightful game from start to end. Cute art, memorable bosses, and a unique premise. I would have loved to see the combat moveset get a little more fleshed out and for the weapons to have been more interesting. Other than that, would highly recommend.

Not an especially long game but paced well. I was never at a wall where I wanted to give up on it, which I can't say for a lot of similar titles.

Initially addicting gameplay loop that gets hugely stale over time. Limited enemy variety, lackluster quest design, and easily manipulated combat systems.

I wanted to love this one but man it is just a mess at times. Still had some fun, but don't think I'll be returning any time soon.


Truly the best game Super Giant has made up to this point. Incredible art and music with an incredible roster of well-written characters. Gameplay is fun and frantic, although I do take a little issue with some of the weapon/boon balancing.

I had a great time with this one and I'm sure it's one I'll be returning to.

A Game Pass title I wanted to like more than I did. The concept is clever and my first hours were delightful, but it didn't keep me hooked all the way through.

Thousands of hours... infinite team compositions... Little dancing penguins with swords...

TFT is a magical game that has no right to be as good as it is. The last remaining big auto-battler, this scuffed little side project from some League of Legends devs became a genuinely polished experience!

Bring back Set 3 and I can die a happy man.

I played this on Game Pass with a friend and... I wish I had not.

Outer Wilds is a devastating game. All at once it makes you feel deeply powerful and infinitely small. A bold explorer set on a grand adventure and a lost child drifting among the stars.

There is little hand holding and little direction. You are expected to figure things out, explore carefully, and study the intricacies of the world around you. It made me laugh out loud and shed tears.

If in the future it is someday possible to wipe specific memories from our brains, I hope I have the chance to play Outer Wilds again with fresh eyes. Savor that first playthrough because it only happens once.

Equal parts delightful and tedious. It looks wonderful and plays like a dream, but below that top coat of paint lies very little substance.

To call Odyssey repetitive would be a great understatement. The overwhelming majority of content here is repeated ad nauseum, with most worlds being as bland and cookie cutter as they come.

Odyssey is a lovely game to play with your brain completely turned off or with kids, but I personally can't see myself ever returning to it.

The saddest example of an unfinished game I've ever seen. When everything is firing on all cylinders, there is pure brilliance here. When it's not? Pain.

Everyone's experience with Cyberpunk will be different, but mine was a bug filled nightmare. I hope that someday it gets the time and care it needs to become what was promised. I'd love to play that game.

It's impossible to judge Among Us purely as a game. No one plays it for the game itself. You play Among Us as an excuse to socialize with friends and engage in the worst memes imaginable.

"I saw red vent. Sussy baka alert!!!"
"Omg no I was in electrical uwu."

You want it to end. You see the silhouette of the crewmate in the corner of your eye. You can hear the distant sound of lasers firing... But it never ends, does it?

In all seriousness, Among Us is fine. It gets the job done, but in no way is it exceptional. It will forever remain one of the greatest gaming oddities of Summer 2020's COVID weirdness.

Undertale is a really special game. It's minimalistic where it needs to be, and it's balls to the wall insanity elsewhere. The soundtrack is genuinely incredible, the combat is engaging, and it's exceptionally self-aware across the board.

The care and detail that went into this game blows my mind every time I play or watch it. Toby Fox deserves a big kiss on the lips for Undertale and that's all I have to say about it.

"An automation game disguised as a colony manager."

RimWorld spits you out into a hostile world that actively wants your colonists dead and tells you to go fuck yourself at every turn. The learning curve is exceptionally steep, but mastering RimWorld is an experience unlike any other.

This game is dangerous. I enter a trance-like state when I open it up and regularly find myself awake at 4:00 AM wondering what just happened.

Without warning, I've just created a thriving cult of bug-worshiping nudists living in a big mountain cave. They're under attack by an army of mechs, half of the colonists have the plague, and they're running dangerously low on smokeleaf. Life is good.

YOU MUST MOD THIS GAME. Be prepared to end up with 50-100 little tweaks running at any given time.

No single video game has been more impactful on the trajectory of my life. League shaped friendships that have lasted a decade, set me on my current career path, and sparked an absurd love of esports.

It's by no means a perfect game... but 10/10. I hate it so much but it's the best game of all time.

An unbelievably promising game with one of my favorite settings I've ever seen.

Ripped straight from the pages of the SCP Wiki, "The Oldest House" in which the game takes place carried the hell out of my entire playthrough. Excellent mysteries and characters held my attention and had me excited for each new development.

That being said, there came a point where this changed from an immersive sci-fi masterpiece and became too much of a video game. Without warning, you will become flooded with forgettable side quests, exhausting radiant quests, and challenge missions. You'll realize you can decimate the combat system by exclusively throwing random junk at enemies. On and on.

This was a huge bummer and I wish I could forget the second half of this game ever happened.