Ambitious and incredibly sad, I thought it mostly achieved what it set out to do. But the Israel-Palestine metaphor was pretty clumsy, and the game feels a bit too long for its own good. But it's so rare for a game to make me feel so conflicted and sad that I have to give it props for that. I'll never play it again.

Picture in your mind the vince mcmahon gif but between all his reactions is each different planet you visit in this game.

What if racing wasn't about being fast but instead about banana peels and other baby shit

Never before has a game made me wish so badly that Konami weren't so fucking stupid

Weirdly failed to meet my expectations from the first game. So much of the story felt rushed or even straight up unfinished. A personal disappointment

Story is worse than the first, while most everything else is the same. I enjoyed exploring New York in the winter this time though.

What if half the game was batman driving around in a tank shooting at shit?

Weirdly one of my favourite games of all time

But too long

Nice and short. Love the strange, tragic vibe

Worse than the original in almost every way. The story sucks

I don't think I'd do well in a submarine

Just long enough for you to realize that actually you could just stare at the monster once, even if you die you'll at least know how goofy it looks now, and after you reload your save you won't be scared anymore, just annoyed at some of the puzzles.