To be honest, if each level is only going to give a single item, and that item just so happens to be a useless banana, then that's gonna be the worst banana I ever eat.

I feel like it's almost understated in reviews that this is quite a hard video game. Maybe I'm just a peepee baby but some levels made me want to do heinous things to the destructible objects in my room.

Still a ton of fun but I need to play a walking simulator after this.

Really puts the milk in milquetoast.

I just love these scrumbly little guys.


Bird flaps it's wings, good chemical enters my brain.

This is the only Mario Party game which I believe would truly benefit from more random bullshit.

One of the few games I've played where whenever a gameplay section is presented to me, my first thought is, "When is the next cutscene?"

One of the most beautiful environment simulators I've ever seen, with luscious locations and creatures that all interact with each other.

It's a real shame you actually have to PLAY it though.

I tried, I really did, but the butter-stuck-in-the-buttons controls mixed with random generation that makes creatures act like Garry's Mod rag-dolls and the punishing difficulty filled to the brim with trial-and-error made this more stressful than fun, not even stressful in a fun way either.

Can't wait for the sequel, Jupiter Bomberman.

This game could physically reach out of my computer screen and stab me multiple times yet the only thought in my head would still be "Haha the book said something funny".

Normalize every video game franchise adding their own wacky version of Yoshi.

I can't wait for when they release the Neon White But-Better-In-Every-Way version where it's just the levels and nothing else.

The real funny part of this game is the unfiltered social experiment that is 40 people sharing their completely uncensored, non-moderated thoughts.

That or someone just blasts monkey screaming noises into the mic.

Y'know, in the actual TTRPG's that I've played, anytime I have ever tried disarming an enemy by knocking the gun out of their hand, I would roll a 1, flipping the gun into the air where it would smack into the ceiling, firing a bullet that ricochets off of a conveniently placed metal sheet and hits me in the testicle.

That doesn't happen in Citizen Sleeper, and while at first I was going to complain that this game doesn't have any teeth, I grew to love it the way that it is.