Actually, the opening part of the game was not bad at all. It has two very big problems: First, the combat system is flawed. Whenever you perform an attack, your character moves a step or two away, making it difficult to get into position during the fight. The second big problem is that in a game based on patience and timing, enemies come at you in crowds and cause chaos. Other than that, the level designs and dmg feedback are well above average.

Being in early access, there are a few minor bugs and glitches that will hopefully be fixed in the full release. Gameplay-wise, there are some things I personally didn't like (for example, I didn't think the camera angle and playstyle worked well together), but they didn't undermine my experience. Other than that, the map design, mission design and combat feel are where this game excels. It's clear that we will have a much different experience when the full version comes out. I look forward to the full releases of Enshrouded and NRFTW.

I played this for 2 hours but I can already tell that this game is too funny to be Souls-like. Also the map design is not for me.

I didn't even finish this game. It wasn't really for me. But it has a good visual and sound design. I guess stop motion technology is not that good for games.

I haven't played the main game, but from the gameplay videos I've seen on youtube, the graphics look the same to me. And they are incredible. The gameplay is a masterpiece, there are no words. The environments and characters are very well done. I can't say the same for the story itself. I would still describe this game as "play and forget". It doesn't seem to have any replayability unless you fall in love with the game. I didn't plan to finish the game again after I learned everything about the story and plot, but I did replay the first episode to see how the new game+ was.

Mom! I found a game I can play while watching the boring TV series I have to watch.

The game's dynamic and emergent gameplay is very impressive. You might get bored for the first 2 hours until you figure it out but then this game will be crazy. You choose your own path: you can just defeat all the creatures in the world or you can just farm and mine to build your own base for the whole game. The RPG element is very good for a survival game and this game even has a gripping story. You'll be curious about the story behind the shroud and by the end of the game you might be enshrouded.

When you first step into the game's world you have a good feeling about the game: everything is smooth, the atmosphere is charming, pals are... like pals. After 3-5 hours when you complete turning a few gameplay loop, you realize that the game is weak and that the game is worse than Ark. It does exactly the same thing as Ark and Ark is definitely much better than this creepy game. F*cking pokemon carrying a gun! WTF! Man, c'mon!

The atmosphere is good but not as good as everyone is talking about (I think they mean the sequel) so it doesn't impress you as you run from level to level. The levels are fun and well designed. Just when you think the game is boring, the game teaches you a new mechanic and since the game is not long you never get bored. And finally, the combat mechanics are not good enough to wait for the next encounter with foes. Sometimes you just want to walk past them.

It really gives a great feeling of exploring and getting lost while exploring space. I was scared of space in this game as I am in real life: vast and incomprehensible. Either they had help from real astro-physicists or the developer must be interested in astronomy because the physics engine is great and there are nice details and references to physics. The story is also in line with the concept and makes you curious and want to follow along.

"A wonderful game that refers to real life with various metaphors." But I already have a shitty life with its ups and downs. Give me a f***ing game to help me escape from my real life, not a walking simulation! (Still a game with a better atmosphere than my life)

The real sequel to the trilogy should have been God of War: Ragnarok; GoW 2018 shouldn't have even been. Because after Ragnarok I thought the first game was just a demo. The first game is basically the same and Ragnarok continues to build on the first game: boss fights, story, combat mechanics, etc. I had a negative experience with the first game; I didn't even like it. Ragnarok has already become one of my favorite games.

1 star only for the for what they bring to the sector. I barely lasted 2 or 3 hours. It's not for me, but I can understand why people like it so much and why it's a time-stealing machine.

Discovery: relaxed, intriguing, big, risky but rewarding.
Combat: Strategic, competitive, risky but rewarding.
Aesthetics: It has all the elements to make that world feel real.
The peak of what a game can be until Elden Ring 2.