Games I Played in 2021 ranked

The Omoris, the Meat Boy Forevers, and the Florences in between. So I don't get too scorched, I'll only be adding games I played at least till the halfway point, or if it's a special case, like a multiplayer online game or Bubsy. Still a bad list for metroidvania fans, sorry.

Proud of Matthew getting his game on Nintendo hardware. Shame the game is not that interesting.
I wish I grew up on the SNES era...
The meme needs to die. Bubsy should have his paws set on fire for trying to make me play through the same 3 levels as different characters that either barely change from one another or flat out make it a boring space shooter.
Rest easy, childhood self. I finally was able to beat this game.
I think I need to learn more about Japanese etiquette.
Definitely puts the PS Vita to work with all its features.
The fact that a new animated series in in development is amazing.
Nice little park management game with guilt over not being able to fix a ship.
As I kid I would have loved this.
Another blast from the past. Rugrats games shouldn't be this unironically good.
Beat 'em ups beat up my patience. Happy to see new Newgrounds games reaching mainstream, but it's not for me.
Sadly the best use of non-Smash themed amiibos.
There's a zombie, on your gameshow...
Hades at home be like:
Had it been made with better duct tape, it could have been higher.
The love child of Plague Of Shadows and Rhythm Thief.
A worthy and easy title in order to help get your feet wet in the pool of VR.
The absolute worst game that came out of 2021. A greedy cash cow in Bandicoot's clothing that is everything bad with mobile phone games these days.
Never forget the champion known as Pappy Van Poodle
Consider this game, "meh".
I am bored and never going back.
Definitely the worst Katamari game, but it's still a Katamari game. It's like saying that Shovel Knight's campaign is the worst part of the Treasure Trove saga.
A charming little story about the value of knowing when enough is enough and saying no!
I really need to play a better port of this game.
I only managed to beat this by sheer luck thanks to Plague Knight.
The only thing I remember about this game was the indie characters.
Definitely leagues better than the other platforming Fairy Oddparents game.
I'm going to run out of film doing these "SNAP!" memes.
Pochi carried this game, hard.
So this is the true power of the Gangster's paradise.
Now this is a game that deserves a encore!
It was literally for free and a decent game; a good combo.
If a literal walking corpse can get a girlfriend, so can you.
There is disrespecting a classic, and there is spitting on the corpse and complaining about how it was too good. This game was cutting the corpse up and eating it in front of its children.
The worst 3D platformer I played this year. Rest easy Balan Wonderworld.
This is the true neighborhood horror game Hello Neighbor wished it was.
The best demon now cooks apple pies. Her might is limitless.
This is a certified crib classic!
Problems really start to rise when I tried out the 3rd acts. The biggest problem for me was that I actually still had a fun time.
Gamer>Taxi>Shutter>Arrow>Kung Fu>Ashley>>>Ski>Pirates>>>>>>>>Design>Patchwork
I went into this game wanting to just replay the main story. Ended up getting all the cousins, presents, and beat Katamari Drive mode. It’s that addicting.
My brain is too small brain for this.
Ah, now this is the true Toree 3D killer!
Uninstalling this game gave me a confidence boost.
It was fun while it lasted, but I don't see myself paying for it again with NSO unless Nintendo gives up a new expansion pass as free DLC for it.
Oh hey, speaking of which.
Poker Night with the Indies; Sunny, Zagreus, Hat Kid, Peacock, with Crow as the dealer. Make it happen.
The hit-or-miss nature of the gyro controls really hindered it.
Mario Golf Super Rushed out and weaker than the 3DS and Gamecube game.
Medi-actually pretty damn good.
There was a game. Someone had to say it.
Finally, best boy Hop is here!
The most lighthearted and comedic Shovel Knight adventure, with great gameplay and disappointing your mother.
Sonic colors in the coding for this game and ruins a remake.
The very definition of a childhood classic.
A cute game for only $1 and can be beaten in an hour. This was made for speedrunning.
Dodgeball but with more pain and having to rely on teammates actually being decent.
Forget tarot readings; who was your Miitopia team?
This game has that fill in the box game; making it a good game.
Neku’s character is one of the best I ever saw in fiction; if not that, then THE best.
I was having a ball with this game, even if some of the levels did make me go bananas.
Seriously, the camera roll is getting too big.
The peak of Shovel Knight, with fun gameplay moves, a surprisingly engaging love story, and basically being Shovel Knight but betters makes this an absolute blast.
What a colorful world with a heartfelt story.
Definitely the most depressing of the Shovel Knight Treasure Trove stories, but still great fun.
The gold standard of the WarioWare series. One of the best games for the 3DS to go out on.
100% RNG will fuck you over.
This meme game has no right to be this good.
The superior rhythm game; sorry FNF. Maybe when you’re fully out.
One of the better beat 'em up games I played this year.
I think I had to be grown up on old NES games to truly appreciate this game.
Wake me up when Chuckie Chan is added in.
The best of the series, and a great way to promote the series on the switch.
More like punching up to your enemies.
Oh yeah, this title screamed for Multiplayer fun.
What is a gas car, and why is it mad?
Bowser stubs his toe at 3AM and gets angry.
My camera is filled! Stop with the camera games!
Now, this is a COOL 2D Platformer!

...Ok, too obvious.
This pretty much fixed up all the problems of the predecessor and gave us some the best boss fights ever saw.
Thank you for being the best way to earn Platinum Nintendo Points.
Stops just as it picks up.
Smooth moves moves smoothly
When you need to test out a new peripheral, the WarioWare crew is there to help you.
Kind of bug and kind of snack! Your friends are never coming back!
Kind of soaked in too much praise, but it's still a fun platformer.
Yeah, I can see why this series became a cult classic.
I'm just not a Metroid fan, sorry.
The birth of one of the quirkiest series ever.
Are you SURE there wasn't painful fluff that could have been removed?
Congratulations Nephews! Hope you had fun with your first Kirby game, even if I carried the ending finale. Hopefully, Kirby Star Allies is easier for the three of you.
Look, guys! Look! It's the birth of one of history's greatest achievements, Wario!
Week 7 singlehandedly brought this game up to this high up.
Needs a bit more polishing, but I still like it.
A nice shinier coat for a nice and shiny PS2 game that deserved a rerelease. Now we just need the rest of the series.
The peak of the pencil meets the peak of the series.
Not as rich in gameplay as I like, but makes up for it more than enough with great writing.
A short yet fun game from my childhood.
Sonic forces me to keep on writing these notes to tell my opinions on these games. At least it was gone and done in around 3 hours.


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