I'm very cool because I played this game before Pizza Tower was even made.

Incredible atmosphere and scares that hold up today thanks to the wonderful art direction. Love its multiple endings and how quickly you can get to them once you know the routes through the game.

An absolutely wild game. I haven't touched it since I did a let's play of it back in 2009, but I really need to go back to it to see how the plot hits now. There's a lot of interesting themes in there that I really want to chew on again. Also Mask de Smith headbutts a speeding bullet.

The entire soundtrack is incredible, but shoutout especially to the music that plays on the stairs.

My favorite of the modern Persona games. It's still got the same issues as every other Hashino directed Persona title, though. Also why are so many of the dating options adult women when you are playing as a protagonist that is still a minor.

Some of the most impressive art and cutscene direction in a PlayStation title. Still need to beat it. The equipment system in this game was invented by a crazy person.

This game was the first in a planned trilogy of games with a story that was meant to parallel the Christian Gospel. The game ends with the protagonist defeated, chained to a wall and left to die in a cliffhanger that was never resolved. Incredible.

Even as a kid I remember laughing at the quote on the box that claims it's a Mario 64 killer. You can't say that when your protagonists look like that.

I had completely missed out on the Metroid franchise as a kid until this game came out. This is a near perfect game with incredible atmosphere and level design. Metroid works surprisingly well in first person. Honestly, my only real issue with the game is that Magmoor is a pain to navigate because it's mostly a straight line that you frequently end up traveling the entire length of in order to get to another destination.

A game almost certainly made in response to the very negative reaction people had to the reveal of Wind Waker. Here you go, everyone, here's the brown, mature Zelda you were asking for. More Ocarina of Time! A very derivative Zelda game built around the reverence for OoT. It's still a fun game, but it's just not that great either. The spinner is a very cool dungeon item that does not get nearly enough use. Some of the dungeons and boss fights are pretty inventive, though.

For as much complaining there was back then that Wind Waker was a baby game for babies... Twilight Princess's difficulty sure does feel like it was tuned with babies in mind. The final boss only does a half heart of damage with every hit. The only way you are dying in this game is if you are doing a 3 heart challenge run and you happen to be wearing the Zora armor when you get shot by a Bokoblin's fire arrow.

The NES version of Metal Gear, so... it's the weaker version. MSX all the way. I feel asleep.

This game has a great atmosphere, interesting story, and surprisingly good voice acting with some good mocap. It's a shame that the battle system is pretty ass.

Previously I said that I think Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best NES game, but I think Kirby's Adventure comes extremely close. Really late release in the NES' life, but also one of the best designed and best looking. Love the music, the graphics, the Copy Abilities, the little story, everything. I think the only thing that's a little annoying these days is that you drop your Copy Ability every single time you take damage.

The inception of the Metroidvania, I guess? It's a kickass game with a lot of weird little details and secrets. Absolutely love the weird reverb they put on all of the voice acting. The menu you access all the time is ugly as hell and looks like placeholder developer art.

This is the NES Mega Man I've played the most. It was the first one I owned as a kid and so it was basically the only thing I played for 6 months. I think I still have some muscle memory for this game despite not playing it for at least 20 years.

My first MGS I ever played was MGS2. So when I heard a remake of the first game was being made for the Gamecube, I was extremely excited. So that's how I ended up playing the remake of MGS before the original PS1 version. It's still a good time and the new cutscene direction is very funny at times, but it really is an inferior version of the original game. The addition of some of MGS2's mechanics break a lot of the level design and the performances of all the voice actors feels lacking compared to the original.