This is the NES Mega Man I've played the most. It was the first one I owned as a kid and so it was basically the only thing I played for 6 months. I think I still have some muscle memory for this game despite not playing it for at least 20 years.

An incredible game despite all of the jank. I absolutely love the detailed American mall setting, the game world always marching forward regardless of what the player is doing, the multiple endings, and the non-linearity of how you plan and solve all of the various events happening. It's a really inspired game.

The gameplay is fine. It has some cool ideas it doesn't really cash in on. It's cool to have an open world game in Chicago. Everything that is memorable about this game is focused around the protagonist, the story, and how tonally strange everything is.

It's very clear that Aiden's sister was originally written as his wife and there was very little done to the script to make it feel that way. I love that you can get experience points for non-lethal takedowns as tons of innocent civilians die in a horrible car crash that you caused by hacking the stoplight at an intersection. Technically it's the cars exploding killing them, not you.

This game has a great atmosphere, interesting story, and surprisingly good voice acting with some good mocap. It's a shame that the battle system is pretty ass.

There are a handful of games that permanently molded my brain as a kid, and this is one of the biggest ones. Ambitious, messy, and inspired. It's a game where nearly every insane idea was implemented.

I absolutely love the characters and story of this game and how perfectly it's backed up by the soundtrack. The materia system is also one of my favorite ability systems in RPGs.

I'm so glad this game is getting a truly high effort remake. It's the only way to do it.

My first MGS I ever played was MGS2. So when I heard a remake of the first game was being made for the Gamecube, I was extremely excited. So that's how I ended up playing the remake of MGS before the original PS1 version. It's still a good time and the new cutscene direction is very funny at times, but it really is an inferior version of the original game. The addition of some of MGS2's mechanics break a lot of the level design and the performances of all the voice actors feels lacking compared to the original.

The inception of the Metroidvania, I guess? It's a kickass game with a lot of weird little details and secrets. Absolutely love the weird reverb they put on all of the voice acting. The menu you access all the time is ugly as hell and looks like placeholder developer art.

The NES version of Metal Gear, so... it's the weaker version. MSX all the way. I feel asleep.

An incredible sample of MGSV's gameplay with one of the best designed maps I've ever seen in a game. The side missions are all great with a lot of variety and multiple ways to approach them. I wish The Phantom Pain had side missions of the same quality as this game's.

A game almost certainly made in response to the very negative reaction people had to the reveal of Wind Waker. Here you go, everyone, here's the brown, mature Zelda you were asking for. More Ocarina of Time! A very derivative Zelda game built around the reverence for OoT. It's still a fun game, but it's just not that great either. The spinner is a very cool dungeon item that does not get nearly enough use. Some of the dungeons and boss fights are pretty inventive, though.

For as much complaining there was back then that Wind Waker was a baby game for babies... Twilight Princess's difficulty sure does feel like it was tuned with babies in mind. The final boss only does a half heart of damage with every hit. The only way you are dying in this game is if you are doing a 3 heart challenge run and you happen to be wearing the Zora armor when you get shot by a Bokoblin's fire arrow.

A nice improvement over Sonic 1 with the addition of the spin-dash and Tails. As a kid I was obsessed with the cut Hidden Palace Zone. I was convinced the full thing was hidden somewhere in the game. If only I could discover the arcane ritual that would reveal its secrets...

I could write a lot about this game... but I have some many little reviews to write still. It's a seminal work that many, many people have tried to copy since. Even the Silent Hill franchise itself is stuck on this game. Everyone wants to hit the same feeling as SH2... but they do it by trying to recreate the exact same plot twist over and over. It's not something you can do twice.

It's a real shame that there is no official way to purchase this game other than the extremely poorly made Silent Hill HD collection. This is a game that should be properly archived and made available with a very faithful port to PC. At least there's the Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition fan patch.

I remember when Katamari first came out and was considered a weird, obscure game. Anyway I'm glad that so many people ended up enjoying the series. It's real good from the get-go.

It's really hard to go wrong with Picross.

I know a lot of people revere Mega Man 2 as one of the best. Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty good! I just cannot forgive the Boobeam boss fight.