Still the best of the Paper Mario games, I think. This game has a pretty obnoxious fan base, but to be fair there's really only two Paper Mario games with an actually good battle system and this was the last of them.

This game is really charming and has a great battle system that allows for some fun builds via the badges you can equip. The only real issue I have with the game is that there's quite a bit of backtracking at parts.

A nice improvement over Sonic 1 with the addition of the spin-dash and Tails. As a kid I was obsessed with the cut Hidden Palace Zone. I was convinced the full thing was hidden somewhere in the game. If only I could discover the arcane ritual that would reveal its secrets...

This game's legacy is that it is called Ballz 3D.

I didn't own an N64 as a kid, so Wind Waker was my first experience with the 3D Zelda formula. Even though it suffers from its shorter dev time and doesn't have as many dungeons as Ocarina of Time I can't help but love this game. Out of all of the pre-Breath of the Wild 3D Zeldas, this is the one with the greatest sense of exploration. Sailing across what felt like an endless ocean and coming across lonely islands that sometimes appear completely normal, but knowing that there must be some type of puzzle or secret hidden within it... it's a great feeling.

The visuals, story, and music are all great as well. Wind Waker's interpretation of Ganon still hasn't been beat. Having a villain that reincarnates over so many games finally showing signs of being tired of the entire thing is interesting! He's still got a whole evil plan in the end, but there's a certain sadness he has with just wanting Hyrule back that I like.

I know a lot of people revere Mega Man 2 as one of the best. Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty good! I just cannot forgive the Boobeam boss fight.

I really wanted to like this game, but I just can't vibe with it. I do not like the art direction. The whole game's attitude feels a little mean spirited at times when it comes to making fun of people that wanted another platformer. Genuinely feel like this is a game that would have been received better if it was its own IP and not associated with Banjo.

I rented this quite a bit as a kid. The absolute best part is the boss fight where you are looking at the level through the eyes of the boss, so you can only damage it by throwing enemies towards the screen. That's pretty good.

I remember when Katamari first came out and was considered a weird, obscure game. Anyway I'm glad that so many people ended up enjoying the series. It's real good from the get-go.

Big sprites and floaty jump aside, this is a pretty good Mario game. There are some fun level themes in here. Also the first game to feature Wario, I believe.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is the better game, but this was my second Mario game and one I have a huge amount of nostalgia for. The secret exits and Star World were so mysterious to me as a kid, and I think it's one of the things that led to my love of obscure secrets and easter eggs in games.

This game also introduced Yoshi and the various colors of baby Yoshis which I very quickly became obsessed with for a few years. Love those Yoshis.

An incredible platformer. Lots of fun mechanics, unique stages, enemy designs, and boss fights. I've always wanted later mainline Mario games to take after the boss design this game has. I absolutely love the art direction of this game. It's a crime that every Yoshi's Island sequel that has been made has been pretty bad. Nothing has lived up to the legacy of this title.

The only issue I have with this game is getting 100%. There are so many collectibles you have to get in each level!

A near perfect game is perfected with the addition of a controllable camera. The addition of a second disc with a cutscene viewer, Secret Theater cutscenes, boss rush mode, and the inclusion of Metal Gear 1 and 2 makes this the best Metal Gear title around.

I could write a lot about this game... but I have some many little reviews to write still. It's a seminal work that many, many people have tried to copy since. Even the Silent Hill franchise itself is stuck on this game. Everyone wants to hit the same feeling as SH2... but they do it by trying to recreate the exact same plot twist over and over. It's not something you can do twice.

It's a real shame that there is no official way to purchase this game other than the extremely poorly made Silent Hill HD collection. This is a game that should be properly archived and made available with a very faithful port to PC. At least there's the Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition fan patch.

Absolute banger. While it doesn't have some of the improvements of DMC3 and onwards, I do enjoy that the first game still contains a lot of Resident Evil DNA. The vibe of running around that old castle fighting puppets and demons is impeccable. So many DMC sounds are burned into my head for the rest of my life. The WHOOSH of the double jump, the menu sounds, the sound for picking up orbs...